Dinu Iuga1
1University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom


The UK High Field Solid State NMR National Research Facility provides access to 20 T (850 MHz) and 23 T (1 GHz) spectrometers and probes capable of spinning samples at the Magic Angle at very high spinning frequencies (100 kHz). Under very fast MAS, the 1H spin echo life time becomes considerably longer opening up the possibility to investigate 1H-1H proximities or to detect other atoms in vicinity to 1H. Enhanced sensitivity and enhanced resolution provided by the high magnetic fields allows for structural insights not possible at lower magnetic fields, like understanding cell wall architecture.

The UK High Field Solid State NMR National Research Facility provides access to 20 T (850 MHz) and 23 T (1 GHz) spectrometers and probes capable of spinning samples at the Magic Angle at very high spinning frequencies (100 kHz). Under very fast MAS, the 1H spin echo life time becomes considerably longer opening up the possibility to investigate 1H-1H proximities or to detect other atoms in vicinity to 1H. For biological solids, the Facility has E-free (low-electric field, loop-gap loaded) coil MAS probes that allow efficient 1H decoupling with minimal heating for the sample. The presentation showcases examples of enhanced resolution and sensitivity enabled by the 1 GHz NMR spectrometer and provides a basic description of some selected Solid-State NMR experiments performed at very fast Magic Angle spinning: for example, how sensitivity is enhanced for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei, and how 1H resolution is enhanced using Lee-Goldburg homonuclear decoupling.


The UK High-Field Solid-State NMR Facility used in this research was funded by EPSRC and BBSRC (EP/T015063/1)


Solid-State NMR of a Protein in a Precipitated Complex with a Full-Length AntibodyJonathan M. Lamley, Dinu Iuga, Carl Öster, Hans-Juergen Sass, Marco Rogowski, Andres Oss, Jaan Past, Andres Reinhold, Stephan Grzesiek, Ago Samoson, and Józef R. Lewandowski; J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, (2014), 16800–16806
Ionothermal 17O Enrichment of Oxides using Microlitre Quantities of Labelled WaterJohn M. Griffin, Lucy Clark, Valerie R. Seymour, David W. Aldous, Daniel M. Dawson, Dinu Iuga, Russell E. Morris, and Sharon E. Ashbrook; Chemical Science, 3 (7), 2293, (2012)
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1H Line Width Dependence on MAS Speed in Solid State NMR - Comparison of Experiment and Simulation; U. Sternberg, R. Witter, I. Kuprov, J.M. Lamley, A. Oss, J.R. Lewandowski and A. Samoson; J. Magn. Reson. 2018, 219, 32-39
An even pattern of xylan substitution is critical for interaction with cellulose in plant cell walls; Nicholas J. Grantham, Joel Wurman-Rodrich, Oliver M. Terrett, Jan J. Lyczakowski, Katherine Stott, Dinu Iuga, Thomas J. Simmons, Mylene Durand-Tardif, Steven. P. Brown, Ray Dupree, Marta Busse-Wicher, Paul Dupree; Nature Plants, 3, (2017), 859–865









Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)