Quantifying & Visualizing Brain Morphology
Da Ma1
1Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, United States


This talk will present several different approaches and best practice to achieve effective quantify and visualize brain morphology. First, we will demonstrate qualitative and quantitative methods to perform, visualize, and evaluate the effect of multi-site neuroimage data harmonization for removing unwanted confounding factors. Second, we will illustrate visualization methods for various brain morphology metrics, such as structural volume, cortical thickness, that can reveal individualized brain morphology patterns. Lastly, we will introduce the parametric statistical analysis and visualization approach for presenting the groupwise brain morphology variation across large population.

Neuroimage data harmonization

When processing and analyzing large multicenter databases, the effects of multiple confounding covariates may increase the heterogeneity within the data. Such uncontrolled variation may hinder the capability of big data analysis to detect changes due to the actual effect of interest, for example, changes due to disease. Data harmonization is therefore important to control the effect of confounding covariates and improve the effectiveness of the downstream tasks such as statistical analysis and machine learning methods. In addition, efficient ways of evaluation and assessment methods are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the data harmonization methods. Visualization and computational methods will be introduced to evaluate the goodness of harmonization, both quantitative and qualitative (1).

Brain morphology metrics visualization

Furthermore, when performing computational analysis of big neuroimage data, various brain morphologies metrics are often derived such as brain volume, cortical thickness, cortical surface area, curvature, etc. It is therefore important to visualize and project these brain morphology metrics onto the individual brain space. Effective projection of harmonized data onto the brain space might provide powerful visualizations about the individualized disease patterns.

Parametric statistical analysis of groupwise brain morphology variation

Finally, voxel-wise or cortical-vertex-wise statistical analyses are powerful tools to reveal groupwise brain morphology differences across distinctive populational groups. For example, different subtypes of neurodegenerative diseases might reveal distinctive atrophy patterns. Therefore, it is also important to perform effective quantification and visualization of the voxel-/vertex-wise statistical analysis to reflect morphological variations in the localized brain regions in the populational groupwise space (2).


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1. Ma D, Popuri K, Bhalla M, Sangha O, Lu D, Cao J, et al. Quantitative assessment of field strength, total intracranial volume, sex, and age effects on the goodness of harmonization for volumetric analysis on the ADNI database. Hum Brain Mapp. 2019 Apr 1;40(5):1507–27.

2. Ma D, Cardoso MJ, Zuluaga MA, Modat M, Powell NM, Wiseman FK, et al. Substantially thinner internal granular layer and reduced molecular layer surface in the cerebellar cortex of the Tc1 mouse model of down syndrome – a comprehensive morphometric analysis with active staining contrast-enhanced MRI. NeuroImage. 2020 Dec;223:117271.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)