Exercise Cardiac MR Techniques
Oliver Wieben1
1University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States


Exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is an emerging technique with great clinical potential. Advances in device design and availability and image acquisition and reconstruction and MR methodology continue to improve the image quality and robustness and enable novel research approaches such as realtime MRI or complex quantitative hemodynamic analysis with 4D Flow MRI under exercise conditions.

Motivation and Background

Exercise stress tests are a useful tool for discerning differences in cardiac physiology and function that may not be apparent at rest. The current clinical standard for such stress tests is echocardiography which is highly efficient but has some notable limitations, including (1) Echo is less reliable for RV imaging than LV imaging, (2) Echo cannot accurately quantify complex flow, (3) Echo is not acquired during exercise. Exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is an emerging technique with great clinical potential. CMR is uniquely positioned to assess cardiac health through various measuring techniques that can quantify global and local cardiac function, wall motion, hemodynamics, valve function, and more. Challenges for CMR studies in connection with exercise include added complexity for device setup, imaging at higher temporal resolution because of increased heart rates, and more challenging cardiac gating. When imaging during exercise, the space constraints of the bore and increased chest motion pose additional problems. For these reasons, clinical MRI stress tests are conducted with pharmacological agents such as adenosine, dobutamine instead of exercise stress.

Exercise CMR as a Research Tool

Previous studies have used exercise either adjacent to or inside the bore of the MRI scanner to measure ventricular volumes [1,2], myocardial perfusion [3], and cardiac output [4–6] immediately after or during exercise. Exercise-induced wall motion abnormalities and changes to myocardial perfusion with exercise CMR have shown similar diagnostic capabilities to the clinical standards of stress echocardiography [7] and stress nuclear imaging [8]. Several setups have been used in such studies, including MR compatible treadmills placed adjacent to the scanner as well as custom built and commercially available devices that enable exercising in the bore with MR data acquisition either quickly after exercise completion or for imaging under exercise conditions [9]. These devices typically use stepper or recumbent bike setups and allow for high exercise loads of up to 400W and more. Realtime cardiac imaging has compelling properties for exercise studies [10] which have less reliable cardiac gating due to motion and compromised electrode contact from sweat as well as increased short term variability in the RR intervals [11]. However, spatial and temporal resolution are typically compromised compared to standard clinical cine imaging that stretches the acquisition over multiple heart beats. Recent advances in data acquisition and reconstruction have improved realtime cardiac imaging in these regards [12] . The interrogation of hemodynamic changes in response to exercise can be explored with 4D Flow MRI in an unprecedented fashion [12, 13]. Of note, 4D Flow MRI [13] and realtime cardiac imaging [14] were able to unravel differences between patients and controls not observed under resting conditions.


Exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is an emerging technique with great clinical potential. Advances in device design and image acquisition and reconstruction continue to improve the image quality and robustness but widespread application continues to be hampered by the challenge of introducing additional equipment to the scanner setup.


We thank GE Healthcare for Research Support.


[1] Roest AAW, Kunz P, Lamb HJ, Helbing WA, Wall EE Van Der, Roos A De. Biventricular Response to Supine Physical Exercise in Young Adults Assessed With Ultrafast Magnetic Resonance Imaging n.d.;9149:601–5.

[2] La Gerche A, Claessen G, Van de Bruaene A, Pattyn N, Van Cleemput J, Gewillig M, Bogaert J, Dymarkowski S, Claus P, Heidbuchel H. Cardiac MRI: a new gold standard for ventricular volume quantification during high-intensity exercise. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Mar 1;6(2):329-38.

[3] Foster EL, Arnold JW, Jekic M, Bender JA, Balasubramanian V, Thavendiranathan P, Dickerson JA, Raman SV, Simonetti OP. MR-compatible treadmill for exercise stress cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2012 Mar;67(3):880-9.

[4] Frederik T, Tengg-kobligk H Von, Kopp-schneider A, Ley-zaporozhan J, Kauczor H, Ley S. High-resolution phase-contrast MRI of aortic and pulmonary blood flow during rest and physical exercise using a MRI compatible bicycle ergometer. Eur J Radiol 2011;80:103–8.

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[6] Habert P, Bentatou Z, Aldebert P, Finas M, Bartoli A, Bal L, Lalande A, Rapacchi S, Guye M, Kober F, Bernard M, Jacquier A. Exercise stress CMR reveals reduced aortic distensibility and impaired right-ventricular adaptation to exercise in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. PLoS One. 2018 Dec 31;13(12):e0208749.

[7] Thavendiranathan P, Dickerson JA, Scandling D, Balasubramanian V, Pennell ML, Hinton A, Raman SV, Simonetti OP. Comparison of treadmill exercise stress cardiac MRI to stress echocardiography in healthy volunteers for adequacy of left ventricular endocardial wall visualization: A pilot study. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 May;39(5):1146-52.

[8] Raman SV, Dickerson JA, Mazur W, Wong TC, Schelbert EB, Min JK, Scandling D, Bartone C, Craft JT, Thavendiranathan P, Mazzaferri EL Jr, Arnold JW, Gilkeson R, Simonetti OP. Diagnostic Performance of Treadmill Exercise Cardiac Magnetic Resonance: The Prospective, Multicenter Exercise CMR's Accuracy for Cardiovascular Stress Testing (EXACT) Trial. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 Aug 19;5(8):e003811

[9] Beaudry RI, Samuel TJ, Wang J, Tucker WJ, Haykowsky MJ, Nelson MD. Exercise cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: a feasibility study and meta-analysis. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2018 Oct 1;315(4):R638-R645.

[10] Roberts PA, Cowan BR, Liu Y, Lin AC, Nielsen PM, Taberner AJ, Stewart RA, Lam HI, Young AA. Real-time aortic pulse wave velocity measurement during exercise stress testing.J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2015 17:86.

[11] Li YY, Zhang P, Rashid S, Cheng YJ, Li W, Schapiro W, Gliganic K, Yamashita AM, Grgas M, Haag E, Cao JJ. Real-time exercise stress cardiac MRI with Fourier-series reconstruction from golden-angle radial data. Magn Reson Imaging. 2021 Jan;75:89-99.

[12] Macdonald JA, Roberts GS, Corrado PA, Beshish AG, Haraldsdottir K, Barton GP, Goss KN, Eldridge MW, Francois CJ, Wieben O. Exercise-induced irregular right heart flow dynamics in adolescents and young adults born preterm. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2021 Oct 21;23(1):116.

[13] Macdonald JA, Beshish AG, Corrado PA, Barton GP, Goss KN, Eldridge MW, François CJ, Wieben O. Feasibility of Cardiovascular Four-dimensional Flow MRI during Exercise in Healthy Participants. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. 2020 Jun 18;2(3):e190033.

[14] Backhaus SJ, Lange T, George EF, Hellenkamp K, Gertz RJ, Billing M, Wachter R, Steinmetz M, Kutty S, Raaz U, Lotz J, Friede T, Uecker M, Hasenfuß G, Seidler T, Schuster A. Exercise Stress Real-Time Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Noninvasive Characterization of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: The HFpEF-Stress Trial. Circulation. 2021 Apr 13;143(15):1484-1498.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)