Neural Basis of Functional Connectomics: Insights from Animal Models & Human Brains
Zhifeng Liang1, China


Resting-state fMRI and resting-state functional connectivity have been widely utilized for more than two decades. However, the neural basis of functional connectivity remains an open question. In this talk, we will first review techniques that can be utilized to address this issue, such multimodal fMRI and optical imaging methods. Next we will review the neural basis of spontaneous hemodynamic signals at the local level, and then the neural basis of long-range functional connectivity. Importantly, we will further discuss how arousal states and the neuromodulatory system further complicates our understanding of the neural basis of functional connectivity.


Resting-state fMRI and resting-state functional connectivity have been widely utilized for more than two decades. However, the neural basis of functional connectivity remains an open question. In this talk, we will first review techniques that can be utilized to address this issue, such multimodal fMRI and optical imaging methods. Next we will review the neural basis of spontaneous hemodynamic signals at the local level, and then the neural basis of long-range functional connectivity. Importantly, we will further discuss how arousal states and the neuromodulatory system further complicates our understanding of the neural basis of functional connectivity.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)