X-Nuclei Acquisition
Jeanine Prompers1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Metabolic perturbations are a key driving factor in many diseases and measuring metabolic responses is therefore promising to provide early treatment efficacy markers. MRS measurements of X-nuclei, such as 31P, 13C and 2H, yield unique information on in vivo metabolism. However, X-nuclei have a low intrinsic sensitivity and commonly used surface coils for X-nuclei have a low penetration depth. Ultra/super-high field greatly enhances the sensitivity for X-nuclei and, together with innovative coil designs, boosts the potential of X-nuclei metabolic imaging. In this educational, we highlight major applications, and discuss recent methodological advancements and challenges of X-nuclei acquisition at ultra/super-high field.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)