The Bloch equations form the basis of MR contrast mechanisms. They provide a classical description of the evolution of the magnetization during any MRI experiment and thus allow to understand how the magnetization evolves under different conditions and influences. This lecture will introduce the Bloch equations and give an overview of different sets of conditions affecting MR experiments. The main types of relaxation are introduced and examples shown.
-Bloch F, Nuclear Induction, Phys. Rev. 70, 460 (1946)
-Haacke EM, Brown RW, Thompson MR, Venkatesan R, Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Wiley-Liss (1999)
-Liang Z and Lauterner PC, Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A signal processing perspective, IEEE Press (2000)
-Bernstein MA, King KF and Zhou XJ, Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences, Elsevier (2004)