Despite achieving compelling performance, many deep learning automated brain tissue segmentation solutions struggle to generalize to new datasets due to properties inherent to MRI scans. We propose TABS, a new transformer-based deep learning architecture that achieves state-of-the-art-performance, generalization, and consistency. We tested TABS on three datasets of differing field strands and acquisition parameters. TABS outperformed RAUnet on our performance testing and remained consistent across test-retest repeated scans from a separate dataset. Moreover, TABS achieved impressive generality performance and even improved in performance across datasets. We believe TABS represents a generalized and accurate brain tissue segmentation alternative.
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A. Acquisition and scanner parameters for each of the three primary datasets evaluated and the test-retest COBRE dataset. Each of the three primary datasets were collected using different scanners, with DLBS/SALD collected using 3T field strands while IXI was collected using 1.5T field strands. B. Visualized age distributions for the train/val/test splits for each of the datasets. Data was split to ensure homogenous age distributions.
A. Performance results for models trained and tested on the same dataset. Metrics were evaluated for each tissue type and compared across TABS and RAUnet as indicated by the boldings. Arrow signs indicate metric directionality. B. Qualitative evaluation of TABS versus RAUnet outputs. The top row consists of the medial axial MRI slide. The following rows display the overlaid WM segmentation output for TABS and RAUnet respectively. Arrows indicate areas where TABS succeeded as opposed to RAUnet.
Performance results for models trained on one dataset and tested on another. The first two rows indicate performance for models trained on 3T DLBS/SALD and tested on 1.5T IXI. The last two columns display performance for the models trained on 3T DLBS/SALD tested on one another. Metrics were evaluated for each tissue type and compared across TABS and RAUnet as indicated by the boldings. Arrow signs indicate metric directionality.
Test-retest results for FAST, TABS, and RAUnet tested on repeated scans from the COBRE dataset. We expected the more consistent models to display greater similarity between segmentation outputs for the repeated scans. Metrics were evaluated for each tissue type and compared across TABS, RAUnet, and FAST as indicated by the boldings. Arrow signs indicate metric directionality.