Daniel Güllmar1, Wei-Chan Hsu1,2, Stefan Ropele3, and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1,2
1Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Medical Physics Group, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany, 2Michael Stifel Center Jena for Data-Driven and Simulation Science, Jena, Germany, 3Division of General Neurology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
medical images can be generated with a StyleGAN and are indistinguishable from
real data even by experts. However, the projection of real data via latent
space onto a synthetic image shows clear deviations from the original (at least
on the second image). This plays a major role especially when using GANs to
perform tasks such as image correction (e.g. noise reduction), image
interpolation or image interpretation by analyzing the latent space. Based on
the results shown, it is highly recommended to perform an analysis of the projection accuracy before applying any of these applications.
The implementation of StyleGAN (Stylegan2-with-ADA) shows what is currently
state-of-the-art in the field of generative neural networks. This technique has already enabled to generate
artificial medical imaging data that even experts cannot distinguish from real data. Very
interesting and promising seems to be GAN inversion, where the objective is
to generate a synthetic data set that resembles a real data set.
Besides the fact that the projection into the latent-space offers the
possibility to manipulate the data by a controlled change of attributes, it can
be assumed that a direct inversion leads to a discrepancy between the real data
set and the projected data set, which might has hidden features. Therefore, the
aim of our study was to explore projection of data by comparing real images
with their corresponding projected version including artificial modification
and data showing pathological patterns. For this aim maps of
fractional anisotropy were used.Material and Methods
Diffusion-weighted MR data were acquired using two diffusion-weighted
echo planar imaging (EPI DWI) scans with reversed phase-encoding polarities. The DWI
data were preprocessed using FSL [1,2]. Fractional
anisotropy (FA) were obtained by fitting the data to the diffusion tensor model
(Mrtrix3 [3]). FA maps of 408 DWI-datasets were rigidly aligned with an FA
template in MNI space using Aladin from NiftyReg [4]. 79 (out of 408) datasets
were taken from healthy subjects and the remaining data were acquired on MS
The model training was
performed using 21 axial slices from
each of the individual data sets summing up to 8568 training data samples. A
StyleGAN2-ADA software implementation [5] was used to train the model with the
following parameters: learning rate of 0.002 and 0.0023 for the generator and
discriminator respectively, non-saturating logistic loss with R1 regularization
and Adam optimizer with β1= 0, β2= 0.99, and ϵ= 10−8. The dataset was augmented by
horizontal mirroring and geometric transformations dynamically during
the training process. Training was carried out on a NVIDIA GPU for approximately 13 days. After training of 18.600 kimg a minimal FID of
3.87 was achieved. For the projection of real image data (axial FA maps), we used the following strategy. The goal of projection is to
find an intermediate latent code w that can generate a target image. Thus,
the projection is an optimizing process by minimizing the perceptual similarity
distance using a pre-trained VGG16. A
latent code z is randomly initialized and passed to the trained
StyleGAN2 model to generate an image based on that latent code. The VGG16 embeddings
from the generated and target image are used to calculate the perceptual
distance, which is minimized to obtain the optimal intermediate latent code w.
We used 1000 iterations for the estimation of the latent code for each
individual dataset. The projection was estimated for regular unmodified samples
taken from the training dataset, as well as from modified version of it (e.g.
by adding gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, inpainting, blurring). We also
took a closer look at samples of patient with severe MS related lesion
Figure 1 shows exemplary
results for the projection of target (real) images and their corresponding
projection in combination with a color coded difference map. The difference
maps are accompanied with the corresponding difference measures structural
similarity index measure (SSIM) and mean squared error (MSE). Although the
projected images appear very real and very similar to the corresponding
original images, clear topological differences can be found especially in
cortical areas by the difference images. However, the high values for SSIM
(approx. 0.85) and the low values for MSE (on average < 0.0045) indicate a
consistent quality when projecting real data with the trained GAN.
Figure 2 shows the projection
of a real data set in a similar setup as Figure 1. In addition, modifications
were made to this data set and then the projection was repeated for the
modified data set. The differences and associated distance measures shown were
calculated between the projected and unmodified data sets. While the projection
of the noisy data show a significantly greater distance from the original, the
projections of the inpaintings and the blurred version show a numerically
higher similarity to the original.
3 shows two examples for the projection of real FA images of patients showing severe
MS related lesions. Although the model was largely trained on patient data, the
area containing lesions in the projection appears to have been reconstructed
normally. In the difference images, there is a clear correspondence to the
lesions present in the flair contrast. The calculated distance measures appear
here as less informative to indicate a strong deviation between original and
In this study, we investigated the projection of
real data (2D axial FA layers) using a StyleGAN. Despite apparent strong
similarity of the projections to the originals, discrepancies were evident. Of
particular interest seems to be the fact that pathological patterns could not
be correctly mapped in the data. While this opens up the potential of using
this technique to detect pathologies, it raises the question of whether
pathological patterns are represented in the GAN and whether
it can really be used to perform image interpretation and analysis.Acknowledgements
This work
was supported in parts by the German Research Foundation (RE1123/21-1,
TI239/17-1, DE2616/1-1), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF3001-B27) and the
Carl-Zeiss-Foundation (CZ-Project: Virtual Workshop).References
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