Siyuan Hu1, Debra McGivney1, Mark Griswold2, and Dan Ma1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Radiology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
MRF framework has been recently investigated to estimate T1, T2 and apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) from a single scan with b-tensor encoding schemes. However, the current human-designed experiment
protocol for multi-dimensional MRF is still subject to limited measurement accuracy. Here we propose to adapt the Cramer-Rao Bounds to
optimize multi-dimensional MRF scan for simultaneous quantification of
relaxation and diffusion. The optimization framework explores all possible combinations of MRF sequence parameters,
including flip angles, TRs, b-values, and preparation modules to seek the
optimal tissue parameter encoding scheme. The optimized sequence simultaneously improves the measurement precision of T1, T2 and ADC.
The MR Fingerprinting (MRF) technique enables simultaneous quantification of multiple tissue properties1. The MRF framework has been recently investigated to estimate T1, T2 and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) from a single scan with b-tensor encoding schemes2. However, the current human-designed experiment protocol for multi-dimensional MRF is still subject to long acquisition time and limited measurement accuracy. Previous studies have investigated the optimal experimental designs using Cramer-Rao Bounds criterion for T1 and T2 quantification3,4. Here we propose to adapt the criterion to optimize multi-dimensional MRF scans for simultaneous quantification of relaxation and diffusion. The optimization framework seeks the optimal combinations of MRF sequence parameters, including flip angles, TRs, b-values, and preparation modules, and significantly improves the precision of T1, T2 and ADC measurements.Methods
Cramer-Rao Lower bound (CRB)
CRB gives a lower bound on the variance of an unbiased estimator for the parameters of interest $$$θ$$$. Based
upon a previous study that has adapted CRB to the basic MRF framework
for T1 and T2 quantification3, the bounds on the tissue properties of tissue
type $$$k$$$ to
be minimized are the diagonal entries of its CRB matrix:$$V(θ_k)=I^{-1}(θ_k)$$, where $$$I(θ)$$$ is
the Fisher information matrix. Assuming the MRF signals are contaminated with
normally distributed Gaussian noise σ:$$I(θ)=\frac{1}{σ^2}Σ_{n = 1}^NJ_n'(θ)J_n(θ)$$ and $$$J_n(θ)=[\frac{\partial{m_n}}{\partial{T1}},\frac{\partial{m_n}}{\partial{T2}},\frac{\partial{m_n}}{\partial{ADC}}]$$$ Where $$$m_n$$$ is the n-th acquired magnetization signal governed by the Bloch
Signal Model of multi-dimensional MRF
A multi-dimensional MRF scan for simultaneous quantification of T1,T2 and ADC2 was based on the MRF-FISP scan with a series of psudo-randomized flip angles and TRs. In addition, the sequence contains multiple preparation modules, including T1 preparation with various TI times, T2 preparation with various TE times, and diffusion preparation with various b-values. The modules were implemented for each of 48 readout periods. The signal model of magnetization of the r-th spin at n-th readout is: $$ M_r[n]=G(β_r)R(T1,T2,TR_n)W(ADC,b_n)Q(α_n)M_r[n-1]+M_0b(T1,TR_n)$$ where $$$G(β_r)$$$, $$$R(T1,T2,TR_n)$$$, $$$W(ADC,b_n)$$$, $$$Q(α_n)$$$, and $$$b(T1,TR_n)$$$ model
phase twist of $$$β_r$$$ by spoiler gradients, spin
relaxation in $$$TR_n$$$, diffusion weighting by b-value $$$b_n$$$, RF excitation with flip angle $$$α_n$$$, and longitudinal relaxation in $$$TR_n$$$, respectively. The signal acquired at the n-th time point is: $$m_n=∑_rPR(T1,T2,TE_n)Q(α_n)M_r[n-1]$$ where $$$P$$$ is
a projection matrix that extracts the transverse magnetization. Magnetization
depends upon tissue properties $$$θ=[T1,T2,ADC]$$$ and sequence parameters $$$TR_n$$$, $$$α_n$$$, $$$b_n$$$ to be optimized.
The preparation parameters to be
optimized includes the TI, TE, b-value, and location and type of preparation
modules. Simultaneously optimizing module ordering with other preparation
parameters is challenging, since changing the location and type of preparation
modules changes the overall signal model structure. Thus, we integrated the
preparation signal models into the MRF-FISP signal model. Specifically, the
preparation modules were divided into multiple segments, with each treated as a
single MRF-FISP time point. Indeed, the preparation parameters can be
represented in terms of $$$TR_n$$$, $$$α_n$$$, $$$b_n$$$ (Figure 1).
a strategy enables any non-T1 preparation module to interchange between T2
preparation, diffusion preparation, or “no preparation” (Figure 1). Therefore,
we can optimize the module ordering along with other preparation parameters on
a semi-continuous optimization landscape.
We optimized for a sequence of 576
TRs (12 preparation modules) using the sequential quadratic programming algorithm
to minimize the CRB matrix. The algorithm is initialized using a human-designed
multi-dimensional MRF sequence (Figure 2) to optimize for
of three
representative tissues: $$$θ_{GM}=[1400,60,700e-6]$$$, $$$θ_{WM}=[800,40,850e-6]$$$, $$$θ_{CSF}=[3000,2000,3000e-6]$$$. Optimization
constraints for sequence parameters are shown in Table 1.
The optimized sequence obtained from
the proposed optimization framework was evaluated using simulations. A 3-tissue
digital brain phantom5 containing segmented WM, GM,
CSF masks was used to simulate a series of MRF images, which were obtained
using ground truth tissue properties in the previous section following Bloch
equations. Various levels of Gaussian white noise were added in k-space of each
image. The images were then reconstructed into MRF maps via dictionary
matching. Results
As Figure 2 shows, the human-designed sequence
consists of low flip angles in sinusoidal patterns and constant TRs with a long
TR at the end of each acquisition segments, resulting in a scan time of 9.9 sec; in the optimized sequence,
flip angles and TRs are often saturated to the maximum or minimum alternately,
similar to the pattern observed in Zhao et al3, achieving a duration of 8.6 sec. Such a strategy enables higher overall
magnetization level as compared to the human-design.
3 shows the percentage RMSE of white matter and gray matter regions
in the MRF maps simulated with different levels of Gaussian noise at a fixed
sequence length (576 images), Figure 4 shows simulation with sequences concatenated to different length at SNR=2.2. SNR is defined as $$$SNR=\frac{rms(m_{WM})}{σ}$$$, where mWM denotes the WM signal simulated
using the human-designed sequence. In both simulations, the optimized sequence shows improved T1 and T2
performance, and significantly higher precision in ADC in similar scan times.Conclusion
We proposed a CRB-based optimization
framework for sequence design of multi-dimensional MRF to achieve increased
precision. This optimization paradigm enables flexible searching of optimal
sequence parameters on a semi-continuous landscape. It could be extended for
sequence designs with higher degrees of freedom and incorporated with other
error source models besides Gaussian noise.Acknowledgements
The authors would like to acknowledge funding from Siemens Healthineers and NIH grant EB026764-01 and NS109439-01.
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Accessed April 8, 2020.