Functional and structural connectomes of the lateral and medial geniculate nuclei in living humans using 7 Tesla MRI
Kavita Singh1, Maria Guadalupe Garcia Gomar1,2, Simone Cauzzo1,3,4, and Marta Bianciardi1,5
1Brainstem Imaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, United States, 2National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, 3Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Institute of Life Sciences, Pisa, Italy, 4Research Center E. Piaggio, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 5Division of Sleep Medicine, Harvard University, Division of Sleep Medicine, Boston, MA, United States


The connectivity of lateral and medial geniculate nuclei with cortical and sub-cortical areas involved in visual and auditory functions is known in humans, yet their recently postulated connectivity with neuromodulatory, visceral and sensory brainstem nuclei is understudied. This is due to limited resolution of clinical scanners and lack of brainstem atlas in living humans. To this end, we applied our recently developed in-vivo atlas of brainstem and diencephalic nuclei to 7 Tesla HARDI and resting-state fMRI, and mapped structural and functional connectomes of lateral and medial geniculate nuclei with brainstem nuclei along with cortical and sub-cortical regions.


The lateral (LG) and medial (MG) geniculate nuclei are relay centers for visual and auditory signal transmission through their connectivity to the respective cortices (Figure 1). However, recent research suggests more complex function of LG, which receives varying degree of modulatory activity from serotonergic raphe nuclei1, cholinergic pedunculotegmental and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei2, and noradrenergic locus coeruleus3. MG has also been found to be involved in processing of tactile, thermal, nociceptive, vestibular and visceral stimulation4–6. Based on this evidence, a comprehensive connectome of these nuclei is warranted to study their widespread role. The connectivity of these nuclei with cortical and sub-cortical regions is described in living humans, yet its study lags in brainstem area due to limited resolution of clinical scanners and lack of brainstem atlas in living humans.


To apply our recently developed in-vivo brainstem and diencephalic nuclei atlas7–12 to 7 Tesla high spatial resolution fMRI and high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), and map the functional and structural connectivity of LG9 and MG9 with brainstem nuclei along with cortical and other sub-cortical regions.

Materials and Methods

Data acquisition: Twenty-healthy subjects (10m/10f, age:29.5±1.1years) underwent 7 Tesla and 3 Tesla MRI under IRB-approval. T1-weighted multi-echo MPRAGE (3 Tesla): isotropic voxel size/TR/TEs/inversion-time/FA/field-of-view/bandwidth/GRAPPA-factor/slice orientation/slice acquisition-order/acquisition-time: 1mm/2.53s/[1.69,3.5,5.3,7.2] ms/1.5s/7°/256×256×176mm3/“650Hz/pixel”/3/ sagittal/anterior-posterior/4′28′′. HARDI (7 Tesla): common single-shot 2D spin-echo EPI unipolar diffusion encoding with parameters: n. slices/TE/TR/phase-encoding direction /bandwidth/partial-Fourier/n. diffusion-directions/b-value: 82 /66.8ms/7.4s/ “anterior/posterior”/ “1456Hz/pixel”/“6/8”/60/2500 s/mm2, seven interspersed “b0” images (b-value=0 s/mm2), acquisition-time: 8ʹ53ʹʹ. fMRI (7 Tesla): three runs of functional gradient-echo EPIs were acquired with the subjects at rest with their eyes closed (isotropic-voxel-size/matrix size/ GRAPPA factor/nominal echo-spacing/readout bandwidth/N.slices/slice orientation/slice acquisition order/echo-time(TE)/repetition-time(TR)/flip angle(FA)/simultaneous-multi-slice factor/N.repetitions/phase encoding direction/acquisition time per run=1.1mm/180×240/3/0.82ms/“1488Hz/ Px”/123/sagittal/interleaved/32ms/2.5s/75°/3/210/anterior-posterior/10’07”). Field-map (7 Tesla): was acquired to perform distortion-correction with: isotropic voxel size/matrix size/readout bandwidth/N. slices/slice orientation/slice acquisition order/TE1/TE2/TR/FA/simultaneous-multi-slice factor/ phase encoding direction=2.0mm/116x132/“1515 Hz/Px”/80/sagittal/interleaved/3.00ms/4.02ms/570.0ms/36°/2’15’’/anterior-posterior.Data analysis: a) Preprocessing: MEMPRAGE image was rotated to standard-orientation, bias-field corrected and parcellated with Freesurfer. HARDIs were de-noised13, motion and distortion-corrected. b) DTI connectivity analysis: We used as seeds the probabilistic labels of left/right LG and MG9 thresholded at 35% (Figure 2), and as targets 148-Freesurfer parcellations14, 21-subcortical regions4, four-seed nuclei labels, and 58 brainstem nuclei7-12. We performed probabilistic tractography using MRtrix3-iFOD2 15 algorithm. We propagated 100,000 streamlines (90-degree maximum angle between successive steps, 0.07 cut-off, 1-mm minimum streamline-length) from each seed-mask, and computed a “structural-connectivity-index” (range:[0 1]) for each pair of seed-target masks (= fraction of streamlines propagated from the seed reaching the target mask). Wilcoxon test was performed on the connectivity-index values, and significant values were displayed with a 2D-circular diagram. c) fMRIs were corrected for physiological noise (RETROICOR16), slice-timing corrected, reoriented, distortion- (FSL, using the field-map) and motion-corrected (Freesurfer). The time-averaged image of the first run was bias-field corrected (SPM) and coregistered to the MEMPRAGE using affine and nonlinear (AFNI17) transformations, which were then applied to the whole time-series. Further, a set of nuisance regressors (including motion, respiration-volume-per-unit-time, cardiac-rate, and time-courses in the cerebro-spinal-fluid surrounding the brainstem) were computed and regressed out (Matlab2019b). Time-courses were then scaled. No spatial smoothing was done. Band-pass filtering was applied between 0.01 Hz and 0.1 Hz (AFNI). Any residual temporal mean was removed, and three runs concatenated. c-i)Region-based connectivity analysis: For each subject, we computed the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the average time-courses within seeds and the average time-courses within targets. We then averaged the correlation coefficient (Fischer-transformed) after Bonferroni-correction (p = 0.0005) across subjects to yield a 2D-circular plot (‘connectome’). c-ii)Voxel-based analysis: Average time-course within seeds (regressors) were used for single-subject regression analysis (AFNI) on smoothed fMRI data (MNI-space) (Gaussian kernel with 1.25mm standard deviation). Group-level statistics (two-sided one sample t-test, AFNI) was computed on the first level beta coefficients. The false-discovery rate at cluster level was controlled using a corrected p-value between 0.01 and 0.05 obtained by imposing a minimum cluster-size as computed using AFNI program 3dClustsim from the estimated autocorrelation function of the residuals (subcortical activation maps). For cortical activations, the thresholded data was projected on the pial surface using FreeSurfer. For display purposes, a per-voxel p-value between 10-5 and 10-4 was chosen to threshold the activation maps.


LG showed expected connectivity with SC (structural and functional), serotonergic raphe nuclei-DR (functional only), cholinergic pedunculopontine-PTg (structural) and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei-LDTg-CGPn (functional), and primary visual cortex-S-calcarine (structural). MG showed expected connectivity with bilateral IC18 (structural), primary auditory cortex -G-temp Sup Transverse region (structural and functional), SC19 (structural), VSM -including dorsal motor nucleus of vagus and solitary nucleus (structural)20, vestibular nuclei-Ve (structural and functional)21 and cerebellum (structural and functional)22 (Figures 3-4). The association between structural and functional connectomes was r=0.13 (p=0.04) for left-LG, r=0.08 (p=0.2) for left-MG, r=0.13 (p=0.03) for right-LG, r=0.14 (p=0.02) for right-MG.

Discussion and Conclusion

LG and MG showed connectivity to visual and auditory areas, as well as to neuromodulatory/visceral/sensory brainstem nuclei, in line with a more widespread functional role of these nuclei postulated in recent studies1-6. The association between the functional and structural network was good, yet future studies adopting alternative processing methods might help elucidating their differences.


NIH NIA-R01AG063982. Dr. Thorsten Feiweier for providing the diffusion sequence used in this study.


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Figure 1: (A) Schematic diagram (top) showing the location of the human lateral geniculate nucleus (LG) in relationship to the rest of the brain, with a magnified view (bottom) of the LG (modified from 23). (B) Schematic diagram showing the location of the human medial geniculate nucleus (MG) and its role in auditory signal processing.

Figure 2: Atlas labels9 of (A) lateral geniculate nucleus (LG) and (B) medial geniculate nucleus (MG) –top row– overlaid on underlying fractional anisotropy (FA) map (sagittal, coronal and axial views; probabilistic atlas labels thresholded at 35 %). The latter is also shown without the atlas labels in the bottom row. The right-side nucleus is shown in yellow, and the left-side nucleus in cyan.

Figure 3: A) Region-based 2D structural connectome and B) Voxel-based streamline density map of left lateral geniculate nucleus – LG (top) and left medial geniculate nucleus – MG (bottom). Specifically, in A) we show the -log10(p-value) of the Wilcoxon test, thresholded at p < 0.0005 false-discovery-rate (FDR) corrected for multiple comparisons. In B) we show the -log10(p-value) of the Wilcoxon test thresholded, for display purposes, at p < 0.05; seeds are shown in red and streamlines are shown in blue-light blue.

Figure 4: Functional connectivity results of left lateral geniculate nucleus – LG (top) and left medial geniculate nucleus – MG (bottom). (A) Region-based functional connectome; (B) Voxel-based cortical connectivity maps displayed on two lateral and two medial surface views; (C) Voxel-based subcortical connectivity maps, three views and MNI coordinates. The seed contour is shown in green. Refer to Figure 3 for list of abbreviations.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/4762