Adan Jafet Garcia1, Shao Ying Huang2,3, Nevrez Imamoglu4, and Wenwei Yu1,5
1Medical systems, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan, 2Department of Surgery, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 3Engineering Product Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, Singapore, 4Digital Architecture Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 5Center for Frontier Medical Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Magnetic Resonance Electrical Property Tomography (MREPT) could
provide important contrast for non-calcified tumors. However,
MREPT relies on numerical differentiation, which is noise sensitive and prone
to artifacts near boundaries.
this work, physics-informed neural networks (PINN), NN empowered automatic
differentiation is proposed to improve MREPT by mitigating
artifacts and reducing noise sensitivity. Instead of calculating partial derivatives
numerically, is obtained by backpropagation through PINNs.
For clinical MREPT, reduction of ground-truth information to guide PINNs was investigated. Results show that above 25%
collocation points, reconstruction can be made at 100 SNR. PINNs enable noise-robust and artifact-free MREPT from less ground-truth information.
properties are quantitative biomarkers for non-calcified tumorous tissues1,2.
Magnetic resonance electrical properties tomography (MREPT) is a technique to
reconstruct the electrical properties of tissues from MRI measurements3.
The reconstruction formulation is based on Maxwell’s equations. Various methods
to reconstruct the conductivity4,5 require the numerical calculation
of spatial partial derivatives. Commonly phase-based std-EPT4 calculates
numerical derivatives of $$$\phi^{tr}$$$ by parabola fitting6 to reconstruct
the conductivity ($$$\sigma$$$). The formulation is shown
$$\hat\sigma=\frac{\omega\mu_{0}}{\nabla^{2}\phi^{tr}} (1)$$
The numerical calculation of partial derivatives generates
boundary artifacts due to numerical errors and is noise sensitive. On the other
hand, solvers of partial differential equations by Physics-informed neural
networks (PINNs) have been proposed recently7. In [7], the partial differential equation (PDE) to be solved
is added to the loss function. Through automatic differentiation frameworks realized
by neural networks (NNs),
spatial partial derivatives ($$$\nabla^{2}\phi^{tr}$$$) for solving the PDE can be
calculated accurately. This method can remove numerical artifacts, and thereby improve the reconstruction
accuracy even at high noise levels. However, this method requires collocation
points to guide PINNs, which might
be difficult for clinical MREPT.
In this work, we propose to apply NNs empowered
automatic differentiation to phase-based MREPT $$$\sigma$$$ reconstruction and investigate the effect of noise, the percentage
of collocation points to be used, and different sources of collocation
points: ground
truth and estimated conductivity maps using analytic MREPT4,5. Methods
Fig. 1 shows a diagram for the proposed reconstruction method. A set of 2-D spatial kernels are input to
the NN, and the NN output are values of $$$\phi^{tr}$$$. The NN is fitted to approximate
the $$$\phi^{tr}$$$ simulated values according to the data loss function
$$Loss \phi^{tr} =
MSE(\phi^{tr},\hat{\phi^{tr}}) (2)$$
Next, through automatic differentiation (backpropagation),
the partial derivatives concerning the spatial kernels are calculated according
to predicted $$$\hat{\phi^{tr}}$$$. As second-order
derivatives are needed to solve Eq. 1, the summed results of the first
backpropagation are backpropagated once more to produce a second-order
derivative kernel and the median value is taken as the derivative value. With
the second-order derivative values, $$$\hat\sigma$$$ values can be constructed based on Eq.
1. A second loss function is introduced
to match collocation points in ground-truth $$$\sigma$$$, and Eq.1 estimated $$$\hat\sigma$$$.
$$Loss \sigma =
MSE(\sigma,\hat\sigma) (3)
Both loss functions are summed and minimized by modifying the NN’s
parameters according to Adam algorithm8. Two sets of numerical
simulations are generated by Sim4Life© as test cases. Test
case 1, a binary-value cylinder phantom, and Test case 2, a digital
human head phantom “Ella”9. These phantoms were placed in a
high-pass 16 rung birdcage-coil excited in quadrature mode at 3T of 14 cm
radius and 28 cm length. Region of interest (ROI) $$$\phi^{tr}$$$ is extracted and noise is added according to formulations in the literature10.
truth $$$\sigma$$$ collocation points, and estimated $$$\sigma$$$ by std-EPT or by phase-based stab-EPT11
collocation points are tested.Results
Fig. 2 (a) and (b) show reconstruction results from Test cases 1 and 2,
respectively. The percentages of collocation points were tested for
reconstructions at 100 SNR. As shown, the reconstruction accuracy increases
with the percentage of collocation points. The artifacts
contained in std-EPT $$$\sigma$$$ could not provide information to guide the
learning of the NN. While stab-EPT $$$\sigma$$$ is a
feasible source of collocation points because of
its diffusion term11.
Fig. 3 shows NRMSE/SSIM (Structural similarity index) values of reconstructed $$$\hat\sigma$$$ w.r.t. the number of collocation points given.
The lines indicate various noise levels (SNR = Infinite, 100, 50, 10). The
source of collocation points by ground truth $$$\sigma$$$, estimated $$$\sigma$$$ by std-EPT, and stab-EPT, and the number of epochs and
size of the input 2-D spatial kernels are investigated. The
results match the previous figure results and indicate that with 25% collocation points, reconstructions with above 0.5 SSIM can be made.
Fig. 4 shows the accuracy when collocation points are
provided from either high or low $$$\sigma$$$ from test case 1,
the binary-value phantom. Reconstructions of both cases are accurate. Though,
small artifacts appeared in loci without collocation points.
1 shows mean NRMSE values for both test cases at all SNR values of the
reconstructed ROI and loci without collocation points. The NRMSE is similar for
both conditions. This indicates the method’s robustness to
the number of collocation points.Discussion and conclusion
In this work, PINNs are used to address the noise
sensitivity of MREPT’s numerical differentiation. The results
indicate that PINNs could accurately calculate partial derivatives for MREPT even in
high noise conditions.
The fact that 25% of ground truth conductivity
as collocation points resulted in reconstruction with high SSIM denotes that
MREPT could benefit from the generality of NNs. Using estimated conductivity
by stab-EPT as collocation points lead to reconstruction sufficient for anatomical
structure, but insufficient for detecting small tissues.
Future work will focus on integrating further physical constraints to increase its
accuracy while
decreasing the percentage of ground truth conductivity. Finally,
due to the interpolation nature of NNs, PINNs may be used to increase the
resolution of the imaging by modifying the resolution of the 2-D spatial
kernel, which will be further investigated.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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