Low-rank matrix completion has emerged as a potent reconstruction approach for calibrationless parallel imaging. However, in all existing low-rank reconstruction methods, the rank threshold must be carefully chosen slice by slice in a manual and trial-and-error manner, severely hindering the adoption of low-rank reconstruction in routine clinical applications. To tackle the problem, we proposed a fast and automatic rank determination via deep learning. It directly determines optimal rank from undersampled k-space data by exploiting coil sensitivity and finite image support. Our proposed method enables fast, automatic and robust rank determination for all existing calibrationless reconstruction using low-rank matrix completion.
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Figure 1. (A) Views of singular values and singular vectors for low-rank matrix structured from full sampled or undersampled k-space data. The optimal rank (green line) divides the structured low-rank matrix (along with its singular values and singular vectors) into span and null subspace. (B) Images obtained from span subspace and null subspace using the optimal rank. Note that only with an optimal rank can the low-rank reconstruction obtain satisfactory results. (C) Coil sensitivity and finite image support transformed from span and null subspace bases.
Figure 2. Coil sensitivity and finite image support dependent optimal rank determination. Coil sensitivity and finite image support from original data were replaced to simulate their influences on optimal rank determination. The results show the optimal rank increased by around 35% when a larger image support was applied, or reduced by around 15% when coil sensitivity from another slice was applied, indicating the optimal rank could vary among different slices or subjects, thus leading conventional manual rank determination to be burdensome and computationally demanding.
Figure 3. (A) Conventional low-rank reconstruction pipeline using rank manually determined in a trial-and-error manner. (B) The framework of integrating ARD with low-rank reconstruction, where rank was automatically determined from multi-channel zero-padded reconstruction images. (C) Two-stage ResNet-based model for automatic rank estimation by exploring finite image support and coil sensitivity information specific to the same MR coil array system.
Figure 4. LORAKS reconstruction results using the rank automatically determined by the proposed ARD. The reconstruction showed improved results, in terms of effectively suppressed artifacts, when compared to those using manually determined rank (i.e., ranks = 50, 70 and 90 for four slices with different finite spatial support and sensitivity). The proposed ARD directly estimated optimal rank (estimation errors within 3), yielding reconstruction results comparable to those using the manually chosen optimal ranks.
Figure 5. SAKE reconstruction results using the rank automatically determined by the proposed ARD. The reconstruction showed more significant artifact suppression when compared to those using manually determined rank (i.e., ranks = 50, 70 and 90 for four slices with different finite spatial support and sensitivity). Using the proposed ARD integrated with SAKE, the reconstruction results were also comparable to those using the manually chosen optimal ranks, demonstrating the robustness of our method.