Yuxuan Liu1, Yongsheng Pan1, Mancheng Meng1, and Haikun Qi1
1School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China
A cascaded hybrid domain generative
adversarial network is proposed for accelerated MRI reconstruction. A novel
multi-scale feature fusion sampling layer is proposed to replace the pooling
layers and upsampling layers in the U-Net k-space generator to better recover
the missing samplings. The proposed method is extensively validated with low and high acceleration factors against several
state-of-the-art reconstruction methods, and achieves competitive
reconstruction performance.
MRI is known to have low acquisition speed,
and acceleration is essential to reduce acquisition times. Parallel imaging1 and compressed sensing2 have achieved significant progress in fast MRI, but the achievable
acceleration is still limited. Deep learning-based MRI reconstruction methods
have been proposed to further increase the acceleration factors and improve the
reconstruction quality, including the standalone denoising network and the unrolled
cascade networks4-11. More
recently, a powerful generative adversarial neural network (GAN) is proposed to
use both k-space and image generators to recover undersampling k-space, and
has achieved superior performance compared with existing state-of-the-art deep
learning reconstruction methods3. However, this method used the same U-Net
architecture for the k-space and image generators, while the simple pooling and
upsampling layers in the k-space U-Net may be suboptimal for k-space recovery.
Moreover, the existing hybrid-domain GAN method works like a denoising network
without data consistency5 (DC) enforcement.
In this work, we propose a novel unrolled
hybrid-domain GAN reconstruction network, where the k-space generator
architecture is specifically optimized to better recover the missing samples
and the DC is enforced during unrolling optimization. Methods
Reconstruction framework
The proposed Cascaded Hybrid Domain Generative
Adversarial Network (CHD-GAN) is shown in Fig. 1,
which consists of k-space generator (G-K), image generator (G-I), data
consistency layers and
discriminator. The G-K takes input of the undersampled k-space, where noise is
added to the zero entries and outputs the reconstructed k-space. The
reconstructed missing points are merged with the input samples and inputted to G-K after inverse Fourier transform for further image refinement.
The k-space and image generators use the
U-Net architecture as the backbone. However, considering that the G-K plays an
import role in recovering the missing information, we propose to replace the
pooling and up-sampling layers in the G-K U-Net with a novel multi-scale
feature fusion sampling layer (MSFS, detailed in Fig. 2 ), which extracts multi-scale k-space information to better
recover the missing samplings. The cascaded k-space and image generators are
then put into an unrolled optimization framework, where the generative networks
perform denoising and recover the missing information followed by DC
enforcement. We adopt similar discriminator
to the previous GAN-based reconstruction network3,
the input to which is the fully sampled grund truth image or the reconstructed
image, and the output of which forms adversarial loss.
Loss function
The loss function to train the CHD-GAN includes the k-space loss ($$$Loss_k^n$$$), the image space loss ($$$Loss_I^n$$$) and the adversarial discriminator loss ($$$Loss_D$$$). We define $$$y$$$ as fully-sampled k-space, $$$y_z$$$ as noise-filled k-space, $$$F_u$$$ as Fourier transform, ε as the complex noise, $$$M$$$ as the sampling mask, and $$$N=1−M$$$ as mask for points not sampled. n(n= 1,2) is the number of the unrolled iteration. $$$y_I^n$$$ is the input of the nth G-K, and $$$x_I^n$$$ is the input data of the nth G-I:
$$y_I^0 = y_z =M⊗y + N⊗ε$$
$$x_I^n = F_u^H(G_K^n(y^n_I)⊗ M+M⊗y)$$
$$y_I^n = (F_u G_I^{n-1} x_I^{n-1}) ⊗ M + M ⊗ y$$
The k-space loss calculates the mean-squared-error between the G-K output and the fully sampled k-space: $$Loss_k^n = ||G_K^n(y_I^n) - y||_2^2$$
image space loss consists of L1 loss, L2 loss and the gradient difference loss between
the G-I output and the fully sampled image: $$Loss_I^n =||G_I^n(x_I^n) - F_u^H y||_2^2 + ||G_I^n(x_I^n) - F_u^H y||_1^2 +||\nabla(F_u^H y)-\nabla(G_I^n(x_I^n))||_2^2$$ The total geneator loss is the weighted combinaiton of loss at each iteration: $$Loss_G^n = Loss_k^n + Loss_I^n$$ $$Loss_{G_{all}} = \sum_{n=0}^m e^{n-m} ⊗ Loss_G^n$$
used cross entropy loss is adopted for $$$Loss_D$$$. Therefore, the total network loss can be defined as: $$Loss_{total} = Loss_{G_{all}} + Loss_D$$
and evaluation
The human brain dataset contains 78 volumetric brain MR
images. A total of 3120 T1-weighted images with matrix size of 256x256 are used
to evaluate the reconstruction performance, with randomly selected 2400 slices
for training and 720 slices for testing.
Increasing the number of unrolling
iterations of CHD-GAN will increase the computational cost, while our initial
experiments indicate that the reconstruction improvement is not obvious when
the iteration number exceeds 2. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index
(SSIM) and Normalized Mean Square Error (NMSE) are calculated to evaluate the
reconstruction performance in comparsion with several state-of-the-art deep-learning reconstructions for 3x and 5x variable density undersampling.
Example reconstruction results of the 6 reconstruction methods for 3x and 5x variable
density undersampling as well as the fully sampled reference is shown in Fig. 3. The proposed the CHD-GAN performs
the best by recovering fine structures. Table 1
provides the PSNR, SSIM and NMSE of all investigative reconstruction methods,
and CHD-GAN consistently performs the best for all undersampling factors. Especially, CHD-GAN without unrolling still outperforms the previous
hybrid-domain GAN, indicating the proposed MSFS layer contributes to the
reconstruction performance improvement. Discussion & Conclusion
We develop a cascaded hybrid domain
generative adversarial network for accelerated MRI reconstruction. A novel
multi-scale feature fusion sampling layer is proposed to replace the pooling
layers and upsampling layers in the k-space generator to better recover the
missing samplings. The proposed method is extensively validated with different acceleration factors against several state-of-the-art
reconstruction methods, and achieves competitive reconstruction performance.
The proposed method will be validated in real acquired undersampled data.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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