CEST MRI Using Golden-Angle Cartesian Acquisition with Sparse Reconstruction
Ding Xia1, Li Feng1, and Xiang Xu1
1Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Institute and Department of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States


In this work, we proposed a novel dynamic CEST MRI framework, which employs golden-angle rotated variable-density Cartesian acquisition with multicoil compressed sensing reconstruction. It enables continuous data acquisition and retrospective reconstruction with desired temporal resolution. We have demonstrated the performance of this new framework for accelerated CEST MRI both in phantom and in human brain at 7T.


Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging enables indirect detection of molecules that contain labile protons through their exchange with water. In addition to studying the CEST properties of many endogenous metabolites, injectable CEST contrast agents have been investigated recently, such as glucose and its derivatives.1-5 Injectable CEST agents offer a window into tracer dynamics. For example, the temporal change of dynamic glucose CEST (DGE) signal has been shown to reflect tissue perfusion and metabolism.3,6-8 However, to capture these dynamic changes, imaging speed and quality needs to be optimized. Very often, spatial resolution and coverage have to be reduced in order to achieve high temporal resolution. Besides, motion-related artifacts can also degrade image quality and obscure contrast changes.8-10 As a result, fast 3D CEST acquisition is highly desired for these studies. A few fast CEST methods have been proposed to acquire a 3D volume either with single-shot11,12 or multi-shot.13,14 In this study, we proposed a new 3D CEST MRI framework that combines golden-angle rotated variable-density Cartesian acquisition15 and multicoil compressed sensing reconstruction.


As illustrated in Figure.1, our approach employs variable density golden-angle spiral acquisition that is sampled directly on a Cartesian grid. Following the CEST preparation, one “shot”, which include a number of phase-encoding steps predefined by the user in the ky-kz plane, is acquired. Consecutive shots are rotated by the golden angle to allow for a uniform and continuous coverage of k-space. This feature enables dynamic imaging with retrospective reconstruction of arbitrary temporal resolution by grouping different numbers of consecutive shots into temporal frames, which would be particularly useful for dynamic CEST studies.

The experiments were carried out at a Siemens Magnetom 7T scanner. Saturation was achieved by 20 gauss pulses, 50ms each and 0.5ms in between, B1rms powers of 0.7μT and 2.0μT. For image readout, 400 k-space lines were acquired per shot after the saturation, TE/TR/FA were set as 2.1ms/4.5ms/8°. In phantom study, 30 slices were acquired with thickness of 2mm within a field of view of 200mm2 and an in-plane resolution of 1.6mm2. 43 frequency offsets including 2 references at -167ppm and 41 offsets between -5 to 5ppm were acquired. For each frequency offset, 12 shots were acquired for retrospective down sampling evaluation. The inter-shot delay was set as 5s to allow sufficient relaxation recovery. The sampling trajectory was rotated by 137.5° between different shots, including those between each frequency offset. For human study, the sequence parameters are same as the phantom except for a larger slice thickness of 3mm. The B1rms power for saturation was 0.7μT. 23 frequency offsets (2 references, 21 between -5 to 5 ppm) were acquired, and 10 shots were acquired for each frequency offset. The inter-shot delay was set as 2s. The total scan time for brain imaging was 18min.

Multicoil compressed sensing16 was performed to reconstruct CEST images. Two reconstruction strategies were implemented. First, images were reconstructed using all the acquired shots with a sptatial constraint only. Second, images were reconstructed using only 3 shots for each measurement with a spatiotemporal constraint, which resulted in highly accelerated images.

Results and Discussion

Figure.2 shows the Z-spectra from the 4 vials in the phantom at saturation power of 0.7μT and 2μT. Compared to the Z-spectra acquired at high power, the low power (0.7μT) Z-spectra showed more distinct resonances corresponding to the chemical exchange or Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE). These resonances are best observed in the egg white and the glycogen samples. We tested if reducing the number of shots used in image reconstruction can preserve these spectral features. Figure.3 shows the comparison of Z-spectra generated from images reconstructed with 12 and 3 shots. It can be seen that the spectra from images with 3 shots showed negligible differences compared to those from images with 10 shots. Figure.4 compares the brain images at -3.5ppm reconstructed using 10 shots and 3 shots. No notable image artifacts or visible differences were observed. For human brain study, we calculated NOE maps using the Lorentzian fitting method previous reported.11,17 Figure.5 shows the NOE maps from one slice and the corresponding Z-spectra from the same ROI in the frontal white matter. One can appreciate that by using 3 shots with multicoil compressed sensing reconstruction with a spatiotemporal constraint, the resulting NOE map is comparable to that generated using 10 shots using a spatial constraint only, and potentially less noisy. Both maps present some inhomogeneities in the posterior of the brain, possibly resulting from using customer-made work-in-progress dielectric pads. The acceleration can bring the acquisition time down to approximately 5.5min for 23 frequency offsets with full brain coverage, which allows CEST imaging to be integrated to clinical exams. Further work is needed to optimize the imaging acquisition and reconstruction method to improve the robustness against B0 and B1 inhomogeneities at ultra-high field and to test the method in dynamic CEST imaging studies, such as DGE MRI.


We proposed a 3D CEST imaging using a golden-angle rotated variable-density Cartesian acquisition in combination with multicoil compressed sensing reconstruction. We have demonstrated that it is possible to obtain whole brain NOE maps within approximately 5.5min with this method, making it applicable to clinical applications.


This work was supported by NIH R00 EB026312.


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Figure.1 Illustration of the acquisition scheme. 400 k-space lines are acquired in each shot. Consecutive shots are rotated by the golden angle, including shots between frequency steps. Only 3 shots per frequency step are shown here for illustration purpose.

Figure.2 The phantom assembly and the corresponding Z spectra with B1rms at 0.7μT and 2μT for (A) 45 mM glucose in PBS; (B) consumer grade egg white; (C) 20 mM glucose in PBS; and (D) 250 mM glycogen in water.

Figure.3 Z-spectra generated from images reconstructed using 12 shots and 3 shots for the egg white (A) and the glycogen (B) phantoms.

Figure.4 7T Human brain images at -3.5 ppm (magnetization transfer weighted). 30 slices were acquired to cover the whole cerebrum but 16 slices are shown here. Images are reconstructed with (A) 20 shots and (B) 3 shots.

Figure.5 NOE maps (left column), Z-spectra from the same ROI in the frontal white matter (right column) with Lorentzian fitted curve and the five corresponding Lorentzian components for 10 shots shown as (A) and (B); for 3 shots shown as (C) and (D).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/4418