Disrupted structural-functional coupling in children with prenatal alcohol exposure
Xiaoyun Liang1,2, Chun-Hung Yeh3,4, and Peter J. Anderson1,5
1Victorian Infant Brain Study (VIBeS), Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2Florey Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 3Institute for Radiological Research, Chang Gung University and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4Department of Psychiatry, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 5Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Clayton, Australia


In this study, we investigated whether prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) disrupts the coupling strength between SC and static FC or dynamic FC using multimodal connectomes. Greater coupling strengths were identified in the PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups within males, indicative of brain structural and functional changes in children with PAE. Distinct age effects on coupling strength were also revealed. Further, the reduction of assortative coefficients indicated that PAE could compromise the robustness of brain networks. These findings suggest that multimodal connectomes, especially integrating network dynamics, could be advantageous to revealing brain structural and functional changes.


Accumulating evidence has shown that children with prenatal alcohol exposures (PAE) face high risks of brain abnormalities1. During the last decade, structural and functional connectivity (SC-FC) coupling has emerged as a powerful noninvasive approach for quantifying brain networks2, providing a quantitative method for simultaneously characterizing brain organization disruptions both functionally and structurally. Previous studies have investigated the PAE effects on children’s brain organization using either FC or SC independently. The integration of SC and FC for capturing potential unique and complementary information such as via SC-FC coupling has not yet been explored within this area. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether PAE disrupts the coupling strength between SC and static FC (SC-SFC) or dynamic FC3 (SC-DFC).


Subjects: Ninety subjects participated this study, including 24 children with no PAE (nPAE) (M/F: 15/9, age: 7.30±0.41), 27 subjects with PAE only in trimester 1 (PAE T1) (M/F: 8/19, age:7.30±0.34), and 39 subjects with PAE throughout pregnancy (PAE T1-3) (M/F: 22/17, age: 7.27±0.21).
Data acquisition: Diffusion-weighted images (DWIs) were collected on 3T Siemens Prisma with 4 b-value (b=0/750/2000/2800 s/mm2 at 22/25/45/60 directions, respectively), TR/TE=3500/67ms, flip-angle=90°,voxel size: 2.02×2.02×2mm3, partial Fourier factor = 0.75, multiband factor=2. Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI): TR/TE = 1500/33ms, flip-angle=85°, voxel size=2.45×2.45×2.5 mm3 , multiband factor=3, total time points = 206. Anatomical T1-weighted images were acquired using the 3D MPRAGE sequence (TR/TE/TI: 2550/7.5/1550ms).
Data analysis: DWIs were preprocessed with denoising, distortion and motion correction4, and B1 bias field correction. FODs were estimated with multi-shell multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution5. Quantitative tractography was performed using MRtrix3’s6 ACT7 and SIFT28. Structural connectomes were constructed based on the AAL atlas with 116 brain regions.Rs-fMRI data were preprocessed as follows: motion correction, confound regression, brain extract and normalization, band filtering, and volume censoring9. AAL parcellation was employed to extract region-wise time series. Functional connectivity was estimated using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Coupling strength between SC and FC: Coupling strengths of SC-SFC/DFC were calculated at individual level. For DFC, 5 fMRI data segments were employed, with each segment being composed of 20 time points. One-hundred time points were employed to compute static FC for each subject. Whole-brain coupling strength was defined as the Pearson correlation coefficient between log-transformed whole-brain SC and corresponding SFC/DFC.
Assortative coefficients calculation: The edge weights of structural network were normalized to the range of [0,1], which was then employed to generate the supra-adjacency matrix along with the static functional network.Assortative coefficient was defined as the Pearson correlation coefficient of weights between linked nodes. Subsequently, the assortative coefficient was computed from the generated supra-adjacency matrix at individual level.
Statistical analyses
(1) ANCOVA analysis: SC-SFC coupling strengths, as well as the assortative coefficients, were compared between the PAE groups using ANCOVA, controlling for age and gender.
(2) Linear mixed-effects (LME) model analysis: Five DFC networks, representing 5 repeated measures for each subject, were employed for computing the repeated measures of coupling strength for SC-DFC. Subsequently, the repeated measures of coupling strength of SC-DFC were analyzed using the LME model. Specifically, the analyses were performed by considering the effects of gender and age separately.


No significant differences were detected between the PAE groups (nPAE, PAE T1, PAE T1-T3) with the LME analysis after controlling for age and gender.
Figure 1 reveals that significant differences were only observed among the male groups. Specifically, within the males, the PAE T1 group had significantly greater coupling strengths than the nPAE group, whereas only marginally significant difference was detected from the PAE T1-T3 group.
Figure 2 shows the results of whole-brain SC-DFC coupling across the three age ranges using the LME model. Within the younger ages, significantly greater coupling strengths were identified in the PAE T1and tPAE T1-T3 groups compared with the nPAE group. No significant PAE group differences were observed for the median or higher ages.
Figure 3 demonstrates that significant decreases in age slopes were identified in the PAE T1 and the PAE T1-T3 groups compared to the nPAE group.
Figure 4a shows that the PAE T1-T3group has lower assortative coefficients than the nPAE group, but this was only marginally significant. No significant differences were detected between any other groups. A combined PAE T1 and T1-T3 group yielded significantly lower assortative coefficients than the nPAE group (Figure 4b).


Greater coupling strengths were identified in the PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups within males, indicative of brain structural and functional changes. Consistent with literature10, the present findings suggest that PAE may have differential effects according to gender. Greater coupling strengths were also identified in the PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups in the younger age group, suggesting that the PAE effect may be modulated by age. The slope differences between the PAE and the nPAE groups suggest significant interaction effects (PAE×Age). Further, the reduction of assortative coefficients indicated that PAE could compromise the robustness of brain networks. These findings suggest that multimodal connectomes, especially integrating network dynamics, could be advantageous to revealing brain structural and functional changes.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1: Statistical analysis of whole-brain coupling strength of SC-DFC using the LME model. These analyses were conducted for male and female groups separately, with pink color representing the female category and blue color representing the male category. Note: M*: marginally significant with .05< p < .1, *: significant with p < .05.

Figure 2: Statistical analysis of whole-brain coupling strength of SC-DFC using the LME model. These statistical analyses were conducted for three age ranges (younger, median, and higher). Significantly greater coupling strength of SC-DFC were identified from PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups than nPAE at younger category only. Furthermore, while the coupling strength showed decreasing trends with increasing ages for both the PAE T1 and the PAE T1-T3 groups, a distinct trend was observed from the nPAE group, i.e. increasing coupling strength following an increase in age. Note: *: p < .05.

Figure 3: Statistical analysis of whole-brain coupling strength of SC-DFC using the LME model. Age slopes were estimated for each group. Significantly lower age slopes were detected from PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups compared to the nPAE group. Note: *: p < .05.

Figure 4: ANCOVA analysis of assortative coefficients from the multiplex networks. These statistical analyses were performed by controlling for age and gender among: (a) three groups; and (b) two groups by combining PAE T1 and PAE T1-T3 groups into one group. Note: *: p < .05, M*: marginally significant with .05 < p < .1.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/4026