To detect distinctive structural abnormalities of schizophrenia early in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, we propose a 3D Medical Image Global-Regional (3D-MIGR) Transformer with a VGG11BN backbone followed by a global-regional transformer encoder, which outperforms state-of-the-art models. We trained and tested our model on 887 pre-processed structural whole-head (WH) T1W 3D images from 3 datasets with similar acquisition parameters. 3D-MIGR Transformer improves AUROC to 0.990 and demonstrates strong generality. We found that combining volume-level contextual information with patch-level features enhances performance and allows us to identify ventricle areas as the most informative regions in regional schizophrenia likelihood visualization.
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Figure 1c. Data preprocessing pipeline to generate the input of different schizophrenia classification deep learning models. The preprocessing of structural T1W MR data is necessary to remove unwanted artifacts and transform the data into a standard format before training the 3D-MIGR Transformer model.
Figure 2. Study design and the 3D-MIGR-Transformer framework. A 3D-VGG11BN backbone extracts the feature vectors from the sequence of global volume, and local patches cropped from the input image and feed them into a Transformer Encoder for schizophrenia classification. The VGG encoder has five blocks containing convolution, batch normalization, and ReLU activation layers. The global-regional attention has the “query” from the local pathway and the pair of “key” and “value” from the global path.
Figure 3. The performance comparison between 3D-MIGR Transformer and CNN benchmark. a.Table quantitatively summarizing the performance of different models. The p-value of the ROC test (DeLong’s test) indicated our proposed transformer-based model is significantly better than the baseline model at the level of 0.01.
Figure 4. Results of the generalization test. When trained on COBRE, NMorphCH datasets and tested on BrainGluSchi dataset, 3D-MIGR Transformer outperforms the baseline CNN model in AUROC, Accuracy (at threshold=0.5), Sensitivity and Specificity. The evaluation validates the generalizability and robustness of our proposed model.
Figure 5. The visualization of the most vulnerable regions in developing schizophrenia. The schizophrenia likelihood map is averaged from all schizophrenia patients’ scans in the testing dataset using the patch-level predictions. The color bar ranges from 0.85 to 1. Ventricles and the surrounding brain regions are most affected in schizophrenia.