Abhilasha Indoria1, Sachin Patalasingh1, subhas Konar1, and Jitender Saini1
1NIMHANS, Bengaluru, India
This study assessed the impact of normalization scale and intensity
discretization on first order radiomics features. Features were extracted from
T2W images by varying the normalization parameter and bin width parameter of
Pyradiomics library; Un-normalized (Without_normalization), normalized to
scale1, normalized to scale 100 while keeping the bin width constant; and Bin
width set to 20, bin width set to 40, bin width set to 60 while keeping the
normalization scale set to 1. We found that the radiomics features were highly
dependent on normalization scale and independent of bin width parameter.
Radiomics is dependent on the extraction of a variety of quantitative
image-based features to provide decision support1. The premise of
radiomics is that these features can serve as biomarkers characterizing lesions.
These features extracted from magnetic resonance images or computed tomography
images suffer from being highly dependent on acquisition, reconstruction as
well as pre-processing and feature extraction configurations2. There
are no guidelines for the feature extraction configuration and pre-processing
of MR images before extracting the radiomics features, which is important for
the generalization of image-based unique signatures. So, for such biomarkers to
be useful, repeatability is a basic requirement which implies that its value
must remain stable between two scans, if the conditions remain stable. This
study aims to assess the impact of different feature extraction configurations
such as intensity normalization scales, intensity discretization on first order
radiomics features extracted from T2 weighted (T2W) images of meningioma
subjects and hemangiopericytoma (HPC) subjects.METHODS
This retrospective study
included 14 HPC and 17 Meningioma subjects, classified with tumor
histopathological characterization done using WHO 2016 classification. MRI data
included T2W MRI performed on 3T MR scanner (Philips Achieva) using a
15-channel head coil. Nifti Images were subjected to voxel
reshaping to 1X1X1 followed by brain extraction using FSL BET. Segmentation
wizard extension of 3D slicer was used for lesion segmentation. Semi-automatic
method of intensity thresholding was applied to generate the binary label for
region of interest (ROI). All ROIs were cross-validated by an experienced
neuroradiologist. 18 first order features were extracted from all ROIs using pyradiomics
library. features were recursively extracted by; 1. varying the normalization scale parameter
(values=1, 60, 100, no normalization) while keeping the bin width parameter
constant, and, 2. By varying the bin width parameter (values=20, 40, 60) while
keeping the normalization scale parameter constant. Since the features are
highly correlated, feature weight (importance score to differentiate between
HPC and meningioma) was calculated using random forest estimator from the
scikit learn library. Random forest algorithm naturally ranks the features
based on gini impurity. Change in feature importance score was assessed by
varying normalization and bin width parameters. Kolmogorov Smirnov test was
applied to the features to test the distribution of features. Repeated measures
ANOVA (rm-anova) was applied to compare means across the normally distributed
features to assess the effect of above-mentioned feature extraction
configurations. Friedman test was applied for the features which were not
normally distributed. Boxplots of were also calculated for certain features which
were common in top 5 feature rankings (based on importance score) between normal
to 100 and unnormalized groups.RESULTS
All subjects were age and gender matched. There was no effect of
changing bin width variable on any first order statistical feature as well as
on the feature importance score. Whereas it was found that the feature
importance score/ weight changes when the normalization parameter is varied
figure2. Normalization parameter had significant effect on first order
statistical features. However, there were 6 features-MeanAbsoluteDeviation,
Range, InterquartileRange, kurtosis and variance which were not statistically significantly
different between unnormalized and normalized to scale 100 group. Rest 10
features found to be statistically significantly different between the two
normalized and not normalized group. Similarly, for comparison between
normalization to scale1 and normalization to scale 100 we found 14 features to
be statistically significantly different. While 4 features- kurtosis,
MeanAbsoluteDeviation, variance and minimum were found to have no effect of
normalization scale. P values for statistical comparisons are reported in
Table1 and Table2. Boxplots generated for four unnormalized and normalized
group is shown in figure3.DISCUSSION
We investigated the effect of feature configuration parameters on first
order statistical features extracted from T2W images of HPC subjects and
Meningioma subjects. Along with machine learning techniques, radiomics is
becoming an increasingly popular computer-aided diagnostic tool in the field of
medical research3,4. We found that there is very little to no effect
of changing bin width parameters on radiomics features. This finding is in line
with previously published literature5. This outcome was expected because changing
the bin width parameter should only change the appearance of intensity
histogram and not the intensity values. Whereas changing the normalization
parameter had a big impact on the extracted features. Feature weightage also
changed as the scale of normalization was changed. This implies that normalization
scale will affect the classification accuracies of different machine learning
algorithms. However, we also found certain features that don’t change by
changing the normalization scale. Using the features that remain stable for
different normalization scales may increase the accuracy and reproducibility of
various methods/algorithms used for lesion characterization. For future studies
effect of normalization can also be assessed on quantitative maps such as
diffusion maps or fractional anisotropy maps.CONCLUSION
First order radiomics features are dependent on normalization scale and
independent of bin width parameter. Radiomics quantifies imaging features that
can help in lesion characterization. Identifying features that remain stable
after normalization and the features that are affected majorly by the
normalization scale will help in increasing the radiomics feature
reproducibility, thereby helping in the standardization of radiomics pipeline. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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