Are topographically segregated excitatory neurons in visual thalamus functionally diverse? An optogenetic fMRI study
Linshan Xie1,2, Xunda Wang1,2, Teng Ma1,2,3, Pit Shan Chong4, Lee Wei Lim4, Peng Cao3, Pek-Lan Khong3, Ed X. Wu1,2, and Alex T. L. Leong1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 4School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China


The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) plays an essential role in visual processing. There are two types of topographically segregated excitatory neurons in dLGN with different outputs to visual cortex, suggesting functional differences when processing visual inputs at the subcortical thalamic level. However, their long-range functional pathways have yet to be reported. Here, we employed optogenetics in combination with fMRI to precisely target the two subdivisions of dLGN and examine whether these two types of neurons are truly functionally diverse at the systems level to facilitate various known complex visual processing functions.


Vision is the sense humans rely on most to navigate the world and perform complex tasks1. Understanding how humans see represents one of the most fundamental goals of neuroscience. Rodent models are presently the preeminent model for studying the visual system2. The dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) is traditionally regarded as the principal conduit for visual information from the retina to visual cortex3. Although dLGN is known traditionally as a relay station, studies have shown that dLGN plays a vital role in complex multimodal information processing4 and spatial cognition5. The complexity of dLGN functions in vision is clearly visible in its neuronal cytoarchitecture3,4,6,7. The core of dLGN consists of two distinct morphological classes of excitatory relay neurons that are topographically segregated, namely X- and Y-cells8-10. Specifically, Y-cells are dispersed throughout the whole central core of dLGN (c-dLGN), while X-cells are almost exclusively located in the ventral region of core dLGN (v-dLGN)9. Both cells are known to project differently to the visual cortex6,8,11, suggesting functional diversity in visual processing at the thalamic level, not just the cortex. However, these works only focused on the geniculo-cortical pathway to visual cortex. Consequently, whether, where and how neural activity from topographically segregated dLGN neurons propagates beyond the primary visual cortex to subserve similar/different functions remains unresolved.

In this study, we separately and precisely stimulated the two subdivisions of core dLGN (i.e., c-dLGN and v-dLGN) using optogenetics. We then utilized functional MRI (fMRI) to examine their respective functional pathways and spatiotemporal characteristics at the whole-brain level.


Animal preparation and optogenetic stimulation: 3μl AAV5-CaMKIIα::ChR2(H134R)-mCherry was injected to the center of dLGN (-4.6 mm posterior to Bregma, +3.8 mm medial-lateral right hemisphere, -5.2mm from surface of dura) of adult SD rats (200-250g, male, 6-7 weeks old, n=10). Four weeks after injection, five rats were implanted with an opaque optical fiber cannula (d=250μm) at the c-dLGN, while the remaining five were implanted at v-dLGN (Figure 1A). Blue (473nm) light was presented to animals expressing ChR2 at 1Hz (10% duty cycle, 40mW/mm2), 5, 10, 20 and 40Hz (30% duty cycle, 40mW/mm2) in a block-design paradigm (Figure 1B). Stimulation frequencies were sequentially interleaved across fMRI trials.

fMRI acquisition and analysis: fMRI data was acquired on 7T Bruker scanner using GE-EPI (FOV=32×32mm2, matrix=64×64, α=56°, TE/TR=20/1000ms, and 16 contiguous slices with 1mm thickness). Standard fMRI preprocessing was performed before the coherence analysis12 was applied to identify significant BOLD responses (p<0.001). BOLD signal profiles were extracted from atlas-defined ROIs.


Optogenetic stimulation of both ipsilateral c-dLGN and v-dLGN groups at all frequencies evoked ipsilateral positive BOLD responses in stimulated region (i.e., LGN) and numerous sensorimotor cortices and higher order cortices associated with cognition, including primary and secondary visual (V1 & V2), primary auditory (A1), temporal association (TeA) and retrosplenial (RS) cortices (Figures 2 and 3). No obvious BOLD response differences were found in ipsilateral V1, V2, A1, TeA, and RS regions at low frequency stimulations below 10Hz in both groups (Figure 2B, C). Further, bilateral V1 and V2 responses were detected at 1Hz in both animal groups, albeit the contralateral responses were weak.

Optogenetic excitation of v-dLGN evoked BOLD activations at somatosensory cortex, while c-dLGN evoked ventral hippocampal activations: Notably, the ipsilateral primary barrel field somatosensory (S1BF) cortex was activated only in the v-dLGN group. 1Hz stimulation evoked weaker BOLD responses within S1BF than 5 and 10Hz stimulation in v-dLGN group (Figure 2B, C). Ipsilateral S1BF responses in v-dLGN were no longer apparent at high frequency stimulation (Figure 3B, C). Interestingly, we observed strong negative BOLD responses in bilateral ventral hippocampus (vHP) and contralateral dorsal hippocampus (dHP) in c-dLGN group under high-frequency stimulation (10-40Hz), while negative BOLD responses were only found at bilateral vHP in v-dLGN group, which were significantly weaker than c-dLGN stimulation.

Optogenetic stimulation of c-dLGN and v-dLGN evoked different auditory cortex BOLD activations and responses: We further found that the BOLD responses in A1 and TeA in v-dLGN group were approximately twice as high as that in c-dLGN group during 40Hz stimulation (Figure 3B, C).

Discussion and Conclusion

We revealed that optogenetically stimulating the two distinct subdivisions of dLGN evoked brain-wide functional pathways within and beyond the primary output target (i.e., V1 and V2). Numerous studies have shown that cross-modal sensory communication is facilitated by the direct and reciprocal connections between primary sensory cortices, including V1, A1, and S1BF13-16. Our findings indicate that X-cells in the v-dLGN, not Y-cells in c-dLGN, are likely dominant in the visual-somatosensory interactions, particularly at low to mid frequencies (1-10Hz). Meanwhile, the more robust bilateral negative BOLD responses in vHP evoked at high-frequency stimulation (10-40Hz) of c-dLGN indicate a direct functional pathway with hippocampus at the thalamic level, especially from c-dLGN. Further, the more robust A1 activation induced by X-cells during high-frequency stimulation (40Hz) suggests that v-dLGN can significantly influence communication between V1 and A1 during multisensory processing.

In conclusion, our optogenetic fMRI study reveals for the first time the differences in long-range functional pathways between two topographically segregated dLGN neurons at the systems level. The findings from this study will expand upon our current understanding of the complex role played by dLGN beyond simple relay of visual information.


This work was supported in part by Hong Kong Research Grant Council (HKU17103819, HKU17104020 and HKU17127021 to A.T.L.L., and R7003-19F, HKU17112120 and HKU17127121 to E.X.W.), Lam Woo Foundation, Guangdong Key Technologies for Treatment of Brain Disorders (2018B030332001) and Guangdong Key Technologies for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Treatment (2018B030336001) to E.X.W.


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Figure 1. Illustration of experiment setup and histological characterization of ChR2 viral expression in excitatory neurons of c-dLGN and v-dLGN, respectively. (A) Illustration of the injection and the implantation sites in dLGN (left), T2-weighted images showing optical fiber location in c-dLGN or v-dLGN (middle), and histological confirmation of ChR2 expression in excitatory neurons of c-dLGN and v-dLGN. Note that no viral expression was found in the neighboring dorsal hippocampus. (B) Optogenetic stimulation was presented in a block-design paradigm of 20s-on and 60s-off.

Figure 2. V-dLGN evoked BOLD activations at somatosensory cortex, while c-dLGN evoked ventral hippocampal responses. (A) Illustration of atlas-defined region of interests (ROIs). (B) Averaged BOLD activation maps at 1, 5 and 10Hz stimulations (c-dLGN, n=5; v-dLGN, n=5; 0.231<c<0.9, corresponding to Bonferroni-corrected p<0.001). (C) BOLD signal profiles extracted from ROIs (error bars indicate ± SEM). Note that LGN BOLD activation in both groups during 1Hz stimulation was weaker than other higher frequency stimulation likely owing to the lower duty cycle.

Figure 3. V-dLGN stimulation evoked larger auditory cortex BOLD activations and stronger responses. (A) Atlas-defined ROIs. (B) Averaged BOLD activation maps at 20- and 40-Hz optogenetic stimulation (c-dLGN, n=5; v-dLGN, n=5; 0.231<c<0.9, corresponding to Bonferroni-corrected p<0.001). (C) BOLD profiles extracted from ROIs defined in A (error bars indicate ± SEM).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/3618