Significant RF power deposition in the body causing local specific absorption rate (SAR) in the form of hotspots is an important safety concern at 3T (128 MHz) and, even more so, at 7T (298 MHz). In this work, we expand the proof-of-concept of artificial intelligence based real-time MRI safety prediction software (MRSaiFE) to 10 body models. We show that SAR patterns can be predicted with a mean squared error (MSE) of less than 1% and a structural similarity index of above 90% for 7T brain and above 85% for 3T body MRI.
This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Health (NIH) through R00EB024341. The authors are also grateful to General Electric Healthcare for their support.
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Table 1. Dataset generated in this study. Total number of images for each body model is given different lines along with the number of images used in training, validation, and testing.
FIGURE 1. Performance comparison of three U-Nets due to different hyperparameters and time budget for Adam. All structures were trained and tested by using Ella at 3T. SSIM of (A) 2-stage, (B) 4-stage, and (C) 6-stage U-Nets are depicted. (D) Total time to train each image (for forward and backward pass) showed an exponential increase among different U-Nets. Using a 4-stage network with 64 feature maps (n) at the initial stage showed the best compromise in terms of SSIM and training times. The complexity of the structure is kept at this level for inter-subject variation and visual analysis.
FIGURE 2. Inter-subject performance analysis of the optimal U-Net. Adam optimizer worked better than SGD. (Top Row) For 3T body coil SAR prediction, an average SSIM of 85.1±6.2% and an average MSE of 0.4±0.4 (Adam), and an SSIM of 69.3±4.5% and an MSE of 0.5±0.4% (SGD) were achieved. (Bottom Row) In the 7T, we observed an average SSIM of 90.5±3.6% and an average MSE of 0.7±0.6% (Adam), compared to an SSIM of 81.4±2.6% and an MSE of 0.5±0.5% (SGD). The higher spatial resolution of the 7T data (isotropic pixel size of ~1.33 mm compared to 2.67 mm at 3T) resulted in improved SSIM and MSE.
FIGURE 3. A selection of slices for Ella, Duke, and three Pregnant Women of different gestational stages for 3T body imaging. Despite very high variations in the SAR maps and input images, the proposed 4-stage U-Net architecture successfully recovered the distribution with >80% average SSIM and <0.5% average MSE for all body models. Hot spot analysis showed that the proposed architecture may estimate the hot-spot locations and values with a mean SSIM of 97.3%±2.5% depicting good agreement for the hotspot locations, as well as a relative mean error of 1.5%±1.1% for the maximum SAR values.
FIGURE 4. A selection of slices for different body models at 7T (Duke is replaced with Charlie in second row). 4-stage U-Net architecture successfully recovers the SAR distribution for all body models (SSIM >91%, MSE<0.5%). It is seen that the spatial information provided by the input images also carried to estimation results without any memorization. Since Ella and the Pregnant Women models provided higher spatial resolution compared to Charlie (second row), estimation performances differ slightly due to encoded spatial information in the input images.