We perform a thorough comparison of MRF with reference relaxometry approaches on a NIST/ISMRM phantom and a healthy volunteer. In the NIST phantom, relative bias from -4.7% to 27.7% for the NiCl2 vials and from 5.01% to 28% for the MnCl2 vials within a biological relevant T1 and T2 range. In-vivo, MRF has good repeatability (variations <2%) but substantial bias in WM and GM against the reference approach.
We acknowledge
grant support from the National Science Foundation (#1828736) and research
support from Siemens Healthnieers. We thank Sophia Cui, Yongwan Lim and Bilal Tasdelen for helpful discussions.
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Table 1. Detailed parameters of the sequences. a. FoV was reduced to 300 mm x187.5 mm for human scan to reduce scan time. b. TI’s = [50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1600] ms. c. TE’s = [25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200] ms.
Figure 1. Selection of B1+ scale factor. Plot show linear regression of MRF T1 and T2 in the ISMRM/NIST phantom, to select an optimal B1+ scale factor (0.92). The thin magenta, thick red, and thin green lines correspond to the fitted model for constant B1+ scale factors of [0.88, 0.92, 0.96], respectively. The dashed black line is identity. Note that the green and magenta lines are not visible on the T1 linear regression plot, because MRF T1 is insensitive to the B1+ scale. The scale factor (0.92) was chosen based on the largest R2 and the slope closest to 1.
Figure 2. Human Validation and Test-Retest Repeatability. In-vivo T1 and T2 maps from a reference approach and MRF with 3 repetitions (~1.5 hours apart). (A) IRSE T1 and MRF T1 maps. (B) SE T2 and MRF T2 maps. MRF T1 values in WM and GM are within 15% of the reference values. MRF T2 values are roughly 50% lower than the reference values. We suspect this discrepancy is largely due to MT effects due to on-resonance excitation, that were not modeled in the MRF dictionary generation. Note, there is also a small 2.5mm S-I discrepancy in slice location causing the features to be slightly different.
Figure 3. Inter-Subject Variability of WM and GM T1 and T2 maps. T1 and T2 histograms from 0.55T MRF in the four healthy volunteers (panel A-D). All histograms have approximated Gaussian shape. The mean±SD values are shown above each histogram. Each volunteer’s WM and GM T1 has a coefficient of variation <10% and T2 has a coefficient of variation ~10%. Mean values matched Ref (3), but coefficients of variation were higher.
Figure 4. Volumetric T1 and T2 maps from MRF, from four subjects (animated GIF). Shown are axial slices from the (1st row) T1 and (2nd row) T2 maps from each of the volunteers (column 1-4). The maps are relatively homogenous within each tissue (e.g., WM, GM), and have clearly tissue boundaries. No obvious spatial artifacts were observed. Image are windowed to showcase WM and GM (not CSF).