Quantitative imaging has been very useful in neuroscientific and clinical applications, including glioma, tumor diagnosis and prognosis, brain maturation, and Alzheimer's disease. EPI is a powerful tool for quantitative imaging owing to its extremely fast acquisition. This work aims to develop a distortion-free, blip-up/down acquisition (BUDA) 3D-EPI with controlled aliasing in parallel imaging (CAIPI) sampling and joint Hankel low-rank image reconstruction for fast and robust multi-contrast high-resolution whole-brain imaging. The developed technique could generate distortion-free high-resolution whole-brain T2* mapping and quantitative susceptibility mapping in 47s at 1.1×1.1×1 mm3 resolution.
This work was supported by:
NSFC grant (61801205), CPSF grant (2018M633073), the Guangdong Medical Scientific Research Foundation (A2019041) and OCPC fellowship;
NIBIB grants: R01 EB019437, R03 EB031175, R01 EB028797, P41 EB030006, U01 EB026996 and U01 EB025162;
NIMH grants: R01 MH116173;
Shared instrumentation grants S10-RR023401 and S10- RR023043; and NVIDIA GPU grants.
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FIG.1. 3D-BUDA multi-shot multi-echo sequence schematic. 3D slab-selective EPI data were acquired using a complementary blip-up /down acquisitions multi-shot EPI with frequency-selective fat suppression. Blip up/down were implemented for each echo (see yellow and green blips in phase encoding gradient), respectively. Subsequently, followed by a rewinder gradient before the next echo.
FIG.2. The proposed 3D-joint-BUDA image reconstruction framework for multi-shot multi-echo GRE-EPI data. For joint image reconstruction, the new Hankel matrix is constructed using the neighborhood along both echo and shot dimensions of the GRE-EPI dataset.
FIG.3. Comparison of different approaches with different sampling patterns (upper right corner of each subpart) on image quality for 3D-BUDA dataset with the same sampling amount (TA: 47s). First column: conventional 8-shot without and with CAIPIRINHA sampling. Second column: conventional 4-shot Rz = 1 without and with joint structured low-rank reconstruction. Three columns in each part are the three echoes of 3D-BUDA imaging, respectively.
FIG.4. Comparison of the Bland-Altman plots displaying the mean and difference of T2* mapping generated by 3D-joint-CAIPI-BUDA image reconstruction and standard multi-echo GRE. (a) T2* mapping generated by 3D-joint-CAIPI-BUDA (8-shot, RinplanexRz=8x2). (b) Selected regions of interest. (c) 3D-joint-CAIPI-BUDA (Rinplane=8, Rz=2, 8-shot) vs. standard multi-echo GRE (mean: GRE-51.58 vs. 3D-joint-CAIPI-BUDA-52.88).
FIG.5. Tissue phase (first row) and quantitative susceptibility mapping (second row) results estimated using 3D-joint-CAIPI-BUDA image reconstruction (Reduction factor: Rinplane=8, Rz=2, TA=47s). The local tissue phase was obtained by Laplacian unwrapping and V-SHARP filtering (10 mm largest kernel size).