Sources of MRI phase contrast include magnetic susceptibility, chemical exchange, and tissue microstructure. The novel DEEPOLE QUASAR method disentangles frequency sources and yields separate maps for magnetic susceptibility and non-susceptibility frequency shifts.
In this work, we validated the method in vivo and performed the first quantitative study of non-susceptibility frequency in the human brain. We found substantial non-susceptibility contributions in WM and GM. The quantification of non-susceptibility in the human brain provides new ground for theories on the origins of frequency contrast.
We thank Xu Li (Johns Hopkins University, USA) for granting access to the 12-orientation human dataset, and Hwihun Jeong and Jongho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) for providing the corresponding ChEST solutions.
Research reported in this publication was partially supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01NS114227 (F.S.) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number UL1TR001412 (F.S.). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Furthermore, the research was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant TeleBrain (01DS19009A), the Free State of Thuringia within the ThiMEDOP project (2018 IZN 0004) with funds of the European Union (EFRE), and the Free State of Thuringia within the thurAI project (2021 FGI 0008).
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Fig. 1. (A) DEEPOLE QUASAR uses model-based training data synthesis for training two independent neural networks to map total frequency contrast f to the two source distributions χ and fρ, respectively. (B) The in silico validation shows that DEEPOLE QUASAR accurately disentangled and reconstructed the two sources (left; representative example). The QSM estimate of the magnetic susceptibility was much stronger affected by the fρ contributions (right), as illustrated by the error map for the QSM solution (red) in comparison with DEEPOLE QUASAR (green).
Fig. 2. Comparison between DEEPOLE QUASAR and ChEST. Depending on the region, fρ (C) shared similarities with fCE (F) and fMSA (E). While the WM-CSF contrast in fρ was similar to fCE, WM-GM and the highly anisotropic corpus callosum (arrow) required the addition of fCE and fMSA (G). Compared with ChEST’s mean magnetic susceptibility (D) from 12 orientations, DEEPOLE QUASAR’s estimate of the apparent isotropic susceptibility (B) under a single orientation is markedly lower in the white matter.
Fig. 3. DEEPOLE QUASAR and QSM solutions from a volunteer (f, 33y.). fρ shows non-susceptibility frequency to be higher in GM than in WM, and lowest in CSF. DEEPOLE QUASAR’s estimate of χ within the WM was more homogenous than the estimation from QSM (mean per-subject standard deviation in the WM across all 12 subjects: DEEPOLE QUASAR: 14.45±1.17 ppb, QSM: 22.06±2.23 ppb, p<0.001). [Data from this subject was previously presented at ISMRM.16]
Table 1. Mean region-of-interest values of f, χDEEPOLE and fρ estimated with DEEPOLE QUASAR, and χQSM estimated with conventional QSM from volunteers (N=12, 3 T).