Janis Stiegeler1,2 and Sina Straub1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
In this work noise is assumed to be a random vector and the
method of unbiased predictive risk estimator (UPRE) is used to select suitable data/regularization parameters to solve the local phase to susceptibility deconvolution problem of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). The proposed algorithm is tested on the simulated multi-echo data
provided at the 2019 QSM Reconstruction Challenge. This work is a further development of the
algorithm presented at the ISMRM Meeting 2021 and its purpose is to show that the method of UPRE
can be applied advantageously to a shearlet /TGV based susceptibility
The choice of the optimal parameters is a major problem of optimization based approaches to solve
inverse problems such as the local phase to susceptibility deconvolution for QSM. However, in real clinical scenarios these parameters have always to
be selected automatically to avoid time consuming and unfended trials. In this work noise is assumed to be a random vector and the method of unbiased predictive risk estimator (UPRE) is used to select suitable parameters. The proposed algorithm is tested on the simulated multi-echo data provided at the
2019 QSM Reconstruction Challenge (RC2)1. This work is a further development of the algorithm presented at the ISMRM Meeting 20212 and its purpose is to show that the method of UPRE can be applied advantageously to a shearlet /TGV based susceptibility reconstruction. Theory
The inverse problem, typically solved to obtain the
susceptibility map χ from the local phase ψ, can be
formulated in Fourier space as : F(ψ)(k)=D(k)F(χ)(k),k=(kx,ky,kz)∈R3. Here F denotes the Fourier
transform, and D the dipole kernel: D(k):=13−k2z|k|2. To achieve a unique solution without artifacts, the shearlet transform3 of the to be determined χ and a TGV-term are
used as regularizers2.
The method of alternating direction of multipliers (ADMM) is
applied to solve the resulting optimization problem containing two data-fit
terms and the two regularization terms2,4. Therefore, auxillary
variables w,d,t,bw,bd,bt and three new parameters μ=(μ1,μ2,μ3)>0 are introduced and the problem is split into multiple subproblems which are easier to solve2,5,6,7 : \begin{split}
\chi_{k+1} &= \text{arg}\min_ {\chi}\:\frac{\beta_1}{2} ||E\chi-\psi||_2^2
+ \frac{\beta_2}{2} || \chi_{well}- Mx||_2^2 + \frac{\mu_1}{2} ||w_k -
\Psi \chi – b^w_k||_2^2 + \frac{\mu_2}{2} ||d_k – (\nabla^f \chi – v) –
b^d_k||_2^ +\frac{\mu_3}{2} ||t_k -\zeta^bv – b^t_k||_2^2 2, \quad (1) \\
w_{k+1} + &= \text{arg}\min_w \: ||w||_1 + \frac{\mu_1}{2}
||w - \Psi \chi_{k+1} – b^w_k||_2^2,\\ d_{k+1} + &=
\text{arg}\min_d \: ||d||_1 + \frac{\mu_2}{2} ||d – (\nabla^f \chi_{k+1}
– v_{k+1}) – b^d_k) – b^d_k||_2^2,\\ t_{k+1} + &=\text{arg}\min_t: ||t||_1 + \frac{\mu_3}{2} ||t – \zeta^bv_{k+1}
– b^t_k ||_2^2 ,\\ b^w_{k+1} &= b^w_k + \Psi
\chi_{k+1} - w_{k+1}, \\ b^d_{k+1} &= b^d_k + (\nabla^f \chi_{k+1} -
v_{k+1} )- d_{k+1}, \\ b^t_{k+1} &= b^t_k + \zeta v_{k+1} - t_{k+1},
To determine suitable parameters \alpha = \beta_{1,2},\mu_{2,3}
one by one (whereby the other unknown parameters are set to zero and \mu_1
is set as an upper limit of the shearlet coefficients of a LSQR solution
\chi_{LSQR}), the predictive risk \frac{1}{n}||p_\alpha||_2^2 = \frac{1}{n}||K\chi_{\alpha}-K \chi_{true})||_2^2 with the true susceptibility map \chi_{true} and the regularized solution
\chi_{\alpha} is estimated8 and paramters were chosen to minimize the unbiased predictive
risk estimator U.
Here K = \mathcal{F}^*\tilde{D}(\textbf{k}) \mathcal{F}
and \tilde{D} is the pointspread function of the respective data term,
e.g. \tilde{D} = D for the determination of \beta_1.Methods
The RC2 provided simulated local phase data related to two different susceptibility
ground truths (Sim1/2) and different error metrics1. Phase data from different echoes were combined after weighting with
the inverse standard deviation of the noise of the phase data and a laplacian based suppression of phase errors for each echo. Noise was assumed to be
a random vector such that related quantities like \psi and
\chi_{\alpha} and the predictive risk were also random vectors or variables. As equation (1) can be solved by diagonalization in
Fourier space the regularized solution \chi_{\alpha} = R_{\alpha} d,
where R_{\alpha} is a linear regularization operator and d = \psi
for all but the determination of \beta_2 - in that case d =
\chi_{well}2,4. With A_{\alpha}=KR_{\alpha} the
predictive error can be split into a deterministic and a stochastic term:
p_{\alpha}=(A_\alpha-I)K\chi_{true} + A_{\alpha}\eta. Here \eta is the noise vector. Since A_{\alpha}
is selfadjoint and noise is approximately Gaussian
distributed (for high SNR in the magnitude image), neglecting covariance terms
in the case of determining \beta_2 and by approximating the voxelwise variance \sigma^2 by the mean of the VOI, the UPRE U can be expressed via the
regularized residuum r_{\alpha}8: U(\alpha) = \frac{1}{n}||r_{\alpha}||_2^2 + \frac{2
The suitable regularization parameter is then obtained by
finding the roots of the derivative of U with the Matlab function fzero. To determine \mu_{2,3} only the data term with the local phase \psi was considered. Finally, by solving \tilde{s} = \text{arg}\min_s U_1(s \beta_1 )+U_2((1-s)\beta_2) the scale factor \tilde{s} was determined and parameters were updated to:
\begin{align} \tilde{\beta}_1 &= \tilde{s} \beta_1,\\ \tilde{\beta}_2 &= (1-\tilde{s}) \beta_2\\ \tilde{\mu}_{2,3} &= \tilde{s} \mu_{2,3}. \end{align}. Results and Discussion
Table 1 shows the achieved image quality measures (IQM) for the susceptibility maps of the
proposed algorithm (PA) and the winner algorithms of RC2 in the Robustness/RMSE category (mcTFI9 /wL1L2TV10).The PA achieves a top ranking except for the streaking error. The just mentioned susceptibility maps (related to the susceptibility model Sim2) are shown in Figure 1. The good IQM achieved by the PA and the visual appearance of the obtained QSM verify that the UPRE method is suitable for automatic parameter selection. The purpose of this work is to show that the UPRE method can be applied within a susceptibility
map reconstruction algorithm, using the benefits of shearlets and TGV, to find
suitable regularization parameters. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by a grant from Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant number: DFG STR 1480/2-1). The use of the data
from the 2019 Reconstruction Challenge is kindly acknowledged. The use of code
for the shearlet reweighing provided by Dr. Jackie Ma is kindly acknowledged as
well as the use of the code for the shearlet transform from ShearLab3D.References
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