When analyzing multi-site diffusion MRI (dMRI) data, metrics should be harmonized to remove the site effect. In this study, we applied the combined association test (ComBat), which uses regression of covariates with an empirical Bayes framework, for diffusion metrics based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI). The results showed that ComBat can harmonize site-related effects in DTI and NODDI metrics based on multi-site dMRI while preserving subject biological information, such as sex differences and correlation with age. Thus, ComBat could be applied in large multi-site studies to identify subtle white matter changes.
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Table 1. Demographic characteristics of study participants.
The dMRI data of 69 participants (13 sites, 7 scanners, a total of 390 scans) was acquired followed by a “hub-and-spoke” design in which participant traveled to 5–6 sites, but not all sites7. dMRI data were assigned into five datasets of scan–rescan and four site effect factors (site, scanner, protocol, and site × scanner × protocol) to evaluate the harmonization performance of ComBat.Table 2. Diffusion MRI acquisition parameters.
Each dMRI examination was performed using a Siemens 3T scanner with a 32-channel head coil and the presented acquisition parameters. All dMRI data were corrected for susceptibility, eddy-current induced geometric distortions8, and intervolume subject motion9. NODDI metrics were estimated based on the NODDI model using corrected dMRI data10. DTI metrics were calculated after fitting the diffusion tensor model to the corrected dMRI data with b-values of 0 and 700 ((Procedure 1) or 1500 (Procedure 2) s/mm2 11.Figure 1. ICBM-DTI-81 WM labels atlas.
The average diffusion metrics of each regional white matter (WM) tract were measured using the ICBM-DTI-81 WM labels atlas15,16, which comprises 25 structures. registered to each participant’s diffusion space.
Figure 2. Site effect and retention of biological information before and after applying ComBat.
(a) The site effect of diffusion metrics summarizing each WM tract. Although Cohen’s d of MD with “Protocol” the site effect was notably high (5.0 ≲ d ≲ 12.0), ComBat harmonization greatly decreased Cohen’s d (d ≲ 0.2, blue dotted line) up to Cohen’ d in scan–rescan for all site effect factors and diffusion metrics. (b) Cohen’s d between females and males and correlation with age were almost unchanged before and after applying ComBat (|∆d| ≲ 0.15, |∆rs| ≲ 0.15, blue dotted line).
Figure 3. The site effect of diffusion metrics for each WM tract
The rows show Cohen’s d of each diffusion metric in the WM tracts, while the columns show the site effect factor before and after ComBat. The color indicates the effect size of the site effect in the regional WM tracts with blue indicating a low effect size (Cohen’s d of 0), changing to yellow for a moderate effect size (Cohen’s d of 1), and deepening to red for a large effect size (Cohen’s d > 2). Abbreviation: Intracellular volume fraction, ICVF, isotropic volume fraction, ISOVF, and orientation dispersion index, ODI.