DeepRF1 is a recently proposed RF pulse design method using deep reinforcement learning and optimization, generating RF defined by a reward (e.g., slice profile and energy constraint) from self-learning. Here, we proposed an accelerated algorithm for DeepRF that utilizes a modified optimal control, replacing the computationally complex gradient ascent-based optimizer. The new algorithm is tested for slice-selective inversion and slice-selective excitation and compared with original DeepRF and SLR RF pulses, reporting improved computation efficiency while preserving performances. Additionally, a short-duration B1-insensitive inversion pulse, which was difficult to produce in conventional RF algorithms, is designed to demonstrate the usefulness of DeepRF.
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Figure 2. Comparison of the slice-selective inversion pulses using (a) proposed DeepRF (DRL with mOC) vs. SLR and (b) original DeepRF (DRL with GA) vs. SLR. The RF shapes of the proposed DeepRF and the original DeepRF are not the same but show comparable slice profiles (mean Mz in BW: -0.81, stopband ripple: 0.3%) to those of SLR and also have similar energy reduction (both 11.9% reduction). (c) Summary of the results. The computation time of modified optimal control (mOC) is reduced by 66% when compared to that of gradient ascent (GA).
Figure 3. Comparison of the slice-selective excitation pulses (a) proposed DeepRF (DRL with mOC) vs. SLR and (b) original DeepRF (DRL with GA) vs. SLR. Both of the DeepRF methods show comparable slice profiles (both mean Mxy in BW: 0.94; stopband ripple: 1.4%) and energy reduction (Proposed: 11.4% reduction; Original: 11.0% reduction). (c) Summary of the results. The computation time of modified optimal control (mOC) is reduced by 80% when compared to that of gradient ascent (GA).
Figure 4. Comparison of the short-duration B1-insensitive volume inversion pulses using (a) proposed DeepRF (DRL with mOC), (b) original DeepRF (DRL with GA), and (c) hyperbolic secant (HS) design. The simulated mean Mz over target inversion range (B1: 0.5 - 2.0, off-resonance frequency: -1000 Hz - 1000Hz) is -0.90 in both DeepRF pulses whereas it is only -0.76 in the HS pulse, demonstrating a substantial improvement in the DeepRF pulses. (d) Summary of the results. The computation time of mOC is reduced by 66% when compared to that of GA.