Hu Cheng1, Jian Wang2, Sophia Vinci-Booher1, Qiuting Wen3, and Sharlene Newman4
1Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United States, 2Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China, 3Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 4University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States
Rectified noise floor is a challenging problem for high-resolution diffusion MRI, which cannot be tackled by current denoising methods. We propose a simple deep learning method for correcting noise floor in diffusion MRI. The method is based on 1D CNN model and works on voxel-wise time courses. Therefore, even one dataset of the brain has sufficient number of samples for training, which is a big advantage for practical application. Both simulation and in vivo results show that the method is robust in mitigating the noise floor artifact and restore the true values of diffusion metrics.
High resolution diffusion MRI (dMRI) with high b-values is critical
for extracting tissue microstructure information. One of the challenges of high-resolution
or high b-value dMRI is rectified noise floor. The noise floor can bias the quantification
of diffusion metrics from microstructure modeling. Although several advanced dMRI
donoising techniques have been proposed 1,2, they are not good at correcting for
this type of noise. Recently we showed that a deep learning based denoising
method can reduce noise amplification from Sum-of-Square coil combine mode if
using the SENSE1 image as a ground truth 3. Here we show that this method can be
used for general denoising, and is very effective in mitigating the noise floor
in dMRI. Methods
Deep learning network: Inspired by the 1D
convolutional neural network for denoising speeches 4,5, we constructed a simple 1D
CNN model that has five layers, including two convolutional layers, each
followed by a max-pooling layer, and a dense layer (Fig. 1). The first
convolutional layer was fed the low-SNR image and consisted of 16
one-dimensional filtering kernels of size 16. The second convolutional layer
consisted of 32 one-dimensional filtering kernels of size 8. The ReLu
activation function was used in both convolutional layers. There was 1
max-pooling layer that had a kernel size of 2 with stride 2. In the dense
layer, the extracted features of the low-SNR images were mapped to those of the high-SNR
images (Fig. 1). The model was implemented
in Tensorflow v1.14 and python 3.7.3.
The CNN model uses a stochastic gradient descent algorithm for
optimization. This model includes several parameters that, in practice, should be optimized for any specific DWI dataset. We used 20000 epochs, learning rate of 0.001, and batch size of 6000 in this study.
Data: We evaluated this method on both simulated data and in
vivo data.
Simulation: Four slices of noise-free DWI images were
simulated based on the DW-POSSUM framework 6, with 4 b0 images, 90 diffusion
directions at b-value=1000 s/mm2 (b1000) and 90 directions at b-value=2000
s/mm2 (b2000). An eight-channel coil model was used to add Gaussian
noise to the real and imaginary channel of the data followed by adaptive coil combine, producing two datasets
with SNR = 10 and 30, respectively. Two additional datasets with SNR 10 and 30 were generated for testing.
In vivo data: The
DWI data of three subjects were acquired on a Prisma scanner using the HCP
lifespan protocol: TR/TE = 3470/87 ms, 1.5 mm isotropic resolution, 37 gradient
directions with b-value = 1000, 2500 s/mm2 plus 6 b0 images,
resulting a total of 80 images. We generated
two datasets by tweaking the simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) option, one with
SMS acceleration factor of 4 (low-SNR) and one without SMS (high-SNR).
Data processing: MPPCA denoising 1 was applied to simulated dMRI images only, with extent 9×9×3. 1D-CNN were applied to both simulated and in vivo data. For simulated data, the training was between the noisy images and the ground truth. The model obtained from training was applied to the testing datasets. For In vivo data, all images were processed in FSL first for Eddy current/motion correction as well as nonlinear alignment between high-SNR and low-SNR datasets. The training was between the high-SNR and low-SNR images of subject 2 and the model was applied to the other two subjects. Then tensor fitting was
performed for all available dMRI datasets to compute fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) using weighted least square option in FSL. The neurite orientation
dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) 7 analysis was performed using the NODDI
Matlab toolbox ( The intra-cellular volume fraction (ICVF)
and orientation dispersion index (ODI) were obtained.Results
Fig. 2 shows the difference between denoised image and the
noisy image as well as the difference between denoised image and the ground truth of a representative slice with b-value 2000 s/mm2 from the SNR-10 dataset. MPPCA removed some
noise but was unable to restore the signal to the ground truth, as manifested
in the CSF region. In contrast, 1D-CNN mapped the noisy image to the ground
truth, although the remove noise has some structure.
Fig. 3 compares the resultant diffusion metrics of FA, MD,
and ICVF for noisy images with SNR 10 and 30, the corresponding denoised images using MPPCA and 1D-CNN, and the ground truth. It shows that the noise floor led to underestimation of FA and MD and overestimation of ICVF substantially as SNR decreases. MPPCA denoising alleviated that effect on FA and MD but not on ICVF. In contrast, 1D-CNN significantly improved the accuracy of MD and ICVF.
Similarly, for in vivo data, underestimation of MD and
ceiling effect of ICVF were observed for low-SNR data (Fig. 4). 1D-CNN
denoising not only revealed more details of the high b-value images but also made MD and ICVF closer to those derived from high-SNR dataset. Discussion
Both simulation and real data show that the proposed denoising method is robust against noise floor. Since it works on the voxel-wise time course of the dMRI data. even one dMRI dataset will have sufficient samples for training, which is a big advantage in real application. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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