Tissue-level probabilistic mapping of treatment-induced effects in recurrent glioblastoma
Jacob Ellison1,2,3, Nate Tran1,2,3, Julia Cluceru1,2, Joanna Phillips4,5, Anny Shai5, Devika Nair1, Annette Molinaro5, Valentina Pedoia1,2,3, Yan Li1,2,3, Javier Villanueva-Meyer1, Mitchel Berger5, Shawn Hervey-Jumper5, Manish Aghi5, Susan Chang5, and Janine Lupo1,2,3
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Center for Intelligent Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Graduate Group in Bioengineering, UCSF - UC Berkeley, San Francisco, CA, United States, 4Brain Tumor Research Center, UCSF, San Fransisco, CA, United States, 5Neurological Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States


Treatment-induced effects can mimic tumor recurrence and pose a challenge to accurately assessing treatment response. We aim to provide a machine learning framework and identify important imaging features for discriminating treatment-induced injury from recurrent glioblastoma at biopsy level resolution. Our best model performs with a mean AUC of .77+/-0.11 across 4 fold cross-validation of 108 tissue samples. rCBV, choline-to-NAA index (CNI), and normalized lipid levels were the top three most import features in distinguishing treatment effects from recurrent tumor.


Discrimination of treatment-induced injury from true recurrent tumor in patients who received prior radiation therapy and temozolomide for a high-grade glioma is an ongoing challenge [1,2] and critical task in determining subsequent treatment. Despite the success of previous studies in applying machine learning (ML) algorithms to solve this problem on a patient level basis [3,4,5], the majority of these tumors are heterogeneous, containing a mixture of true recurrence and treatment-induced injury within the same lesion. This prevents an accurate spatial characterization of recurrent tumor and treatment effects, limiting its utility in the clinic. In order to address these issues, we aim to develop a tool for regional probabilistic mapping of treatment effect and tumor recurrence using biopsied tissue samples with known coordinates on imaging as our ground truth training data. Formulated as a spatial classification task, we compare different individual and ensembled ML classifiers to assess their predictive power and determine the most influential metrics for predicting treatment effect on a tissue level.


Data acquisition: Pre-surgical multi-parametric MR images from anatomical, diffusion-weighted, perfusion-weighted, and MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) from 55 patients with high grade glioma were collected on a 3T scanner (GE Healthcare Technologies) at the time of suspected recurrence. Pre- and post- gadolinium enhanced 3D T1-weighted images, T2 FSE, T2 FLAIR, diffusion (6 or 24 directions, b=1000s/mm2), Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast perfusion (TR/TE/flip-angle=1250-1500/35-54 ms/30°-35°), and lactate-edited 3D PRESS 1H-MRSI were acquired. During surgery, 108 tissue samples were removed from these patients and their spatial coordinates on imaging were recorded before evaluated by a board-certified pathologist. Of these samples, 87 were confirmed to be recurrent glioma, while 21 exhibited treatment-induced effects.

Image Processing: Following alignment to the post-contrast T1-weighted image, spherical 5mm ROIs were extracted from each image surrounding the biopsy location. Anatomical (T1c, T1, T2, and T2 FLAIR) and diffusion images (FA, ADC, radial diffusivity, and primary eigenvalues) were normalized to the mode of normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) and mean values of each parameter were extracted from tissue sample ROIs. From perfusion, rCBV values were calculated from a weighted average of the dynamic curves proportional to their overlap with the ROI [6]. To generate a single spectrum centered at the location of each tissue sample, 3D spectral arrays were first shifted in k-space to reconstruct a spectral voxel on the center coordinates of each tissue sample location [7]. Peak-heights of lactate, lipid, choline, creatine, and NAA values were normalized to the median of NAWM and the choline-to-NAA index (CNI) was calculated. 15 multi-parametric anatomical, physiological, and metabolic imaging features were extracted in total (Figure 1) and used as input to our ML models.

Modeling: The data was split into four folds, stratifying by patient, to prevent data leakage of samples from a single patient being in both the training and validation cohorts. Each fold was additionally stratified by outcome to ensure even proportions of samples reflecting treatment effect across all folds. The training data in each fold was resampled using ADASYN with five nearest neighbors (Figure 2). A grid search was performed for each of the models to determine the best hyper-parameter configuration optimizing for ROC AUC. Individual gaussian process, support vector, and random forest classifiers and ensembled approaches employing either soft voting or stacking with a final layer of logistic regression were compared. The most frequent top three imaging features of the best performing model were computed by permutation feature importance with 100 repeats at each fold. Decision boundaries of models fit on pairs of these features were compared to examine model confidence and separability based on further stratification by whether the tissue sample came from the contrast-enhancing or nonenhancing lesion, which have previously been reported to contain different imaging signatures [7].

Results and Discussion

Figure 3 shows different imaging features for a representative treatment effect and recurrent tumor tissue sample. The ROC curves and AUC values for each fold and mean across folds for each model is shown in Figure 4. The best performing model was the gaussian process classifier with a radial basis function kernel that achieved a mean AUC of .77+/-.11. The variance of all of our predictors remained relatively high due to the low performance of a single fold (average AUC excluding this fold was .83). We expect that adding our remaining samples with all imaging parameters once we obtain pathological confirmation will help improve this problem. The top three most important features were determined to be rCBV, lipid, and CNI, which are consistent with previous findings [7,8,9]. Although increased lipid concentration usually indicates necrosis, it can be indicative of proliferation [10] in areas of elevated choline or CNI. Figure 5 shows the decision boundaries of our model stratified by whether or not the tissue sample was contrast enhancing. It appears that the model finds a better fit for the samples outside of the CEL than within, where a single separable cluster along rCBV and CNI was observed. Future analysis will address this by incorporating more samples into training and additionally utilizing data driven deep learning approaches using the entire ROI surrounding the biopsy location as input instead of single values.


NIH-NCI grant P01CA118816


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Image processing pipeline to extract multi-modal imaging features used as input to ML models.

Training and Validation splits for treatment effect (TxE) and recurrent tumor (rHGG) at each fold of cross-validation. ADASYN oversampling of treatment effect class is shown.

mpMRI images illustrating different imaging features for treatment effect (1) and tumor recurrence (2). (A) T1 weighted post-contrast image, (B) Spectra corresponding to biopsy location, (C) rCBV maps, and (D) ADC images for each are shown. Corresponding biopsy location is highlighted in green.

Receiver operating characteristic curves for each of the 5 models. Curves are shown for all 4 folds of cross-validation as well as averages. Gaussian process classifier performed highest.

Decision boundaries of best performing model fit to pairs of the top three most important features computed by permutation feature importance. Treatment effect (TxE) and recurrent tumor (rHGG) samples are shown. Models are fit to samples inside and outside of the CEL separately. It appears that samples containing treatment effect inside of the CEL are most separable by rCBV and Lipid peak-heights, while samples outside of the CEL are most separable by CNI and rCBV. Based on these features, samples outside the CEL appear more easily separable than those inside.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2743