Gunther Helms1,2, Lenka Vaculčiaková2, Kerrin J Pine2, Harald E Möller3, and Nikolaus Weiskopf2,4
1Clinical Sciences, Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 3NMR Methods & Development Group, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 4Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
Magnetization Transfer (ihMT),
the differential response to irradiation at single and dual frequency offsets, is
more complex than MT approaches. Expressing ihMT in terms of MT-saturation
(ihMTsat) is a first step to quantification as it corrects for underlying T1 and
B1+. Larger ihMTsat was observed for smaller frequency offsets, which is
explained using MTsat as proxy for bound pool saturation. For longer TR, ihMTsat
increased faster than MTsat indicating recovery of dipolar order as ihMTsat
increased super-linearly to 1.1pu in WM and 0.2pu in GM at TR=52ms. ihMTsat mapping in vivo was performed at 1.3mm isotropic resolution.
Transfer (MT)
is induced by saturation of “bound “magnetization of macromolecules by off-resonance
RF. Interaction with dipolar spin order D can reduce net saturation, which has been
dubbed inhomogeneous MT (ihMT)
and is observed as differential response to irradiation at single and dual
frequency offsets (±Δ)1. ihMT in brain is promising
because of its presumed sensitivity to myelin2 but its measurement offers
more degrees-of-freedom than MT.
We implemented ihMT into
multi-parameter mapping (MPM)
at 3T to calculate MT-saturation
(MTsat) and its
dipolar analog (ihMTsat),3 which describe the bound pool saturation as indirectly observed
by free water, corrected for underlying variations in flip angle, B1 and T1 relaxation4.
Sequence parameters
were varied to maximize ihMTsat and achieve an isotropic resolution of 1.3mm. ihMT measurements can be interpreted by using MTsat as proxy for the
saturation of the bound pool, which is not directly observable.Theory
coupling to dipolar spin order D occurs
solely within the bound pool M0b
(characterized by lineshape gb(2πΔ)
of second moment ωd) (Fig. 1). RF irradiation with ω1=γB1
at a single Δ saturates the bound pool:
[1] dMzb/dt = –πω12 gb(2πΔ) [Mzb – 2π|Δ|D/ωd]
dipolar “damping” disappears when RF is irradiated at positive and negative Δ simultaneously,
mimicked by trains of MT-pulses with alternating offsets. The fractional reduction
of Mzb is transferred to free
water and observed as MTsat (Fig. 1). Obviously, the proportion of Mzb and D strongly influences ihMT. Though D is small compared to M0b,
its relaxation time T1d is
in the millisecond range, whereas the exchanging pools can be strongly
saturated due to T1≈1s.
MT-FLASH signal is approximated by4
[2] S±± = S0 α R1TR / (R1TR + α2/2 + δ±±)
S++ and S-- denote positive and negative offsets and S+– and S–+ alternating signs with corresponding MT-saturations (δ++/δ--/δ+–/δ–+ in percent units [p.u.]) .
δ+– and δ–+ are larger than δ++ and δ--. The latter differ slightly due to shifted gb(2πΔ) . This is eliminated by averaging:
[3a] MTsatdual = (
δ+–+ δ–+)/2
[3b] MTsatmono = (
δ++ + δ--)/2
ihMTsat is defined as their difference3:
[4] ihMTsat = MTsatdual – MTsatmono Methods
Informed and consenting
healthy adults were scanned at 3T (Siemens SkyraFit) using a 32-channel receive
coil. In an MT-FLASH sequence for MPM, the Gaussian MT-pulse was replaced with 8
Gaussian pulses of 1ms duration and 0.12ms spacing allowing to alternate the sign of Δ to
mimic dual frequency irradiation.
study the impact of sequence parameter variation, sagittal 3D volumes were
acquired at 2mm resolution, 128x112x80 matrix, 7/8 partial-Fourier in phase
and slice. After 10° readout, six bipolar gradient echoes with 500Hz/pixel readout
bandwidth were acquired at TE=2.3/4.54/6.78/9.02/11.26/13.5ms.
were obtained using the hMRI toolbox ( FSL was used for
registration to a T1-weighted reference, brain extraction, and whole-brain
histogram analysis of MTsat and ihMTsat maps.
1: To study the transfer of saturation from the bound pool, TR was increased
through 28,34,40,46 to 52ms. The MT pulses were applied with 63° at the previously
recommended offset of ±8kHz6.
2: The MT pulse duration was varied through 4, 2, 1ms at TR=52ms offset to
study effects of T1d on ihMTsat.
3: To study the dependence of ihMTsat on frequency offset, Δ was varied across ±4kHz, ±5kHz, ±6kHz, ±8kHz, and ±11kHz at TR=28ms with MT-pulses of 63°.
4: Experiment 1 was repeated with 3kHz offset and TR =27.8, 36, 46, 52ms; all at
highest SAR level (99%) by adjusting the flip angle of the MT-pulse (63°,70°,72°,85°).
final protocol featured TR=52ms with GRAPPA in phase and slice direction,
and 24°, 6° and 6° readout for T1-, PD- and ihMT-preparation by MT-pulses of 85° at ±3kHz – the lowest
offset without “direct” saturation. SAR levels were between 97% and 100% in
different subjects. Acquisition at 1.3mm isotropic resolution
took 2x2:21+4x6:08=29 minutes.Results and Discussion
1(no figure): MTsatdual and MTsatmono increased roughly
linearly with TR indicating transfer of saturation to free water. ihMTsat
increased more strongly than MTsat, indicating restoration of D during TR.
2/Figure 2: ihMTsat decreased strongly
with pulse duration, but MTsatdual was largely unaffected. Assuming restoration of D during free
relaxation intervals between the MT-pulse trains, the observed ihMTsat values
were consistent with experiment 1, as free relaxation intervals for TR=28/36/52
ms corresponded to those for 4/2/1 ms pulse
3/Figure 3: ihMTsat increased when decreasing Δ, without exhibiting a maximum
at about 8kHz as reported for CW saturation. The concomitant increase in MTsatdual
indicated increasing saturation of Mzb.
4/Figure 4: At 3kHz offset and ~100%
SAR, ihMT increased super-linearly with TR, due to restoring D but keeping Mzb
saturated This suggests that T1d may be considerably longer than 15ms in brain, motivating the use of interleaved trains of
repeated MT and readout pulses for ihMT measurements7.
5: The ihMTsat map at 1.3mm resolution was of reasonable SNR with values of 0.2/1.1
pu in GM/WM emphasizing ihMT in subcortical WM.Conclusion
The simple structure
of MT-FLASH allows for an intuitive understanding for optimizing ihMT. Estimating the physical
properties of the dipolar reservoir will require quantitative modeling of the exchanging
Zeeman pools.Acknowledgements
The research leading to these results has
received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 616905.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 681094, and is
supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
(SERI) under contract number 15.0137. This project has received funding from
the BMBF (01EW1711A & B) in the framework of ERA-NET NEURON.
The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
has an institutional research agreement with Siemens Healthcare. NW was a speaker at an event organized by Siemens
Healthcare and was reimbursed for the travel expenses.
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