Rafael Neto Henriques1, Sune Nørhøj Jespersen2,3, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and MINDLab, Clinical Institute, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
PCA denoising based on the Marchenko-Pastur
(MP) distribution has become the state-of-the-art procedure to suppress thermal
noise in multi-dimensional MRI. Here we developed a Hybrid-PCA strategy that
combines a-priori noise variance estimation and the random matrix theory for
PCA eigenvalue classification, to overcome shortcomings of contemporary MP-PCA
denoising. Our results show that, while the MP-PCA denoising fails to classify
the noise PCA components in data with spatially correlated noise, the Hybrid-PCA
algorithm maintains its denoising performance. The Hybrid-PCA denoising can thus
be a useful procedure for data corrupted by spatially correlated noise, as typically
arises in vendor reconstructed data.
PCA denoising has become the state-of-the-art
procedure to suppress thermal noise in multidimensional MRI acquisitions since it
was shown to provide an optimal compromise between noise suppression and
preservation of structural information1-4. This technique
involves removal of noise PCA components which can be classified by using
empirical thresholds1 or assuming that the eigenvalue of these
components follows specific distributions2-4. For instance, assuming
that noise eigenvalues are characterized by a Marchenko-Pastur distribution5,
Veraart et al. proposed an objective PCA component classification based on a
moment matching algorithm2. While this technique has become one of the most
employed denoising strategies in MRI, its performance is suboptimal for data
corrupted by spatially correlated noise. Here, we evaluate the influence of
spatial correlations on MP-PCA denoising, and then develop the Hybrid-PCA denoising
strategy that combines a-priori noise variance estimation and random matrix
theory, to overcome the shortcomings of contemporary PCA denoising procedures.Theory
denoising: According
to Marchenko and Pastur2,5, Gaussian
noise with variance $$$\sigma$$$ propagated from a $$$M\times N$$$ matrix to the PCA eigenvalues $$$\lambda$$$ has the following probability distribution:$$p(\lambda)=\left\{\begin{matrix}\frac{\sqrt{(\lambda_+-\lambda)(\lambda-\lambda_-)}}{2\pi\vartheta\lambda\sigma^2}& & if & \lambda_-<\lambda<\lambda_+ \\ 0 & & &otherwise\end{matrix}\right.\;\;\;\;\;\;(Eq. 1)$$with $$$\lambda_\pm=\sigma^2(1\pm\sqrt{\vartheta})^2$$$ and $$$\vartheta=N/M$$$. In the original MP-PCA algorithm, noise-related eigenvalues are
classified as the maximum number of smallest eigenvalues that best fits the
above probability distribution. This can be achieved by iteratively removing
the larger eigenvalues until the following inequality is satisfied2:$$\widehat{\omega}\leq 4\overline{\lambda_c}\sqrt{\frac{C}{M}}\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(Eq. 2)$$where $$$\widehat{\omega}$$$ is the estimated distribution bandwidth, $$$\overline{\lambda_c}$$$ is the mean of selected eigenvalues, and $$$C$$$ the number of selected eigenvalues.
Hybrid-PCA denoising: According to random matrix
theory, the mean of noise components $$$\overline{\lambda}$$$ is equal to $$$\sigma^2$$$ Thus, an alternative to the MP-PCA procedure
is to classify noise components by selecting the larger number of components that
satisfies the following inequality:$$\overline{\lambda_c}\leq\widehat{\sigma}^2\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(Eq. 3)$$This latter strategy is here referred to as Hybrid-PCA since it combines
random matrix concepts with a noise variance estimate $$$\widehat{\sigma}^2$$$. Here $$$\widehat{\sigma}^2$$$ is calculated
from the MRI data repetitions acquired with no diffusion sensitization. Note that this procedure is more general
than MP-PCA denoising since it does not rely on a specific propability distribution. Methods
Diffusion-weighted signals of synthetic phantom with 12×12 “voxels” were generated for 45 gradient directions for b-values 1 and 2 ms/μm2, 20 b-value=0 instances and assuming a two-compartmental
model (compartments with axial diffusivities of 1.8 μm2/ms and 1.5 μm2/ms and radial
diffusivities of 0 and 0.5 μm2/ms).
The phantom were divided in nine portions and signals for each portion were generated for its own compartments' main direction and volume fractions. Phantoms
are corrupted by Rician noise with SNR(b0)=50. Spatial correlated noise was
generated by smoothing the noisy phantoms (2D kernel with standard deviation of 0.6).
MRI experiments: All animal experiments were preapproved by the institutional
and national authorities and carried out according to European Directive
2010/63. MRI experiments of an ex vivo mouse brain (C57BL/6J) were performed on a 16.4 T
Bruker Aeon scanner. Two different datasets were acquired using Bruker’s
standard “DTI EPI” sequence:
1) acquisitions with
parameters optimized to minimize noise spatial correlations - no acquisition
during EPI’s gradient ramp (i.e. ramp compensated) and no partial Fourier factor);
2) acquisition with parameters optimized for acceleration - acquisition starting at the beginning of gradient ramps (default Bruker’s procedure for
acquisition speed) and with partial Fourier factor = 1.4.
Both datasets were acquired along 30 diffusion gradient directions for b-values 1,
2 and 3 ms/μm2 (Δ=15 ms, δ=1.5 ms) and for 20 b-value=0
repetitions. The performance of the denoising algorithms is assessed directly on diffusion-weighted data,
and we also analyze their impact on DKI reconstruction6,7.Results
Noise effects are visualized on mean kurtosis maps for phantoms corrupted with spatially uncorrelated
and correlated noise in Fig. 1A-D and Fig. 2A-D respectively. For spatially uncorrelated
noise, MP-PCA denoising stopping criterion ($$$\widehat{\omega}\leq 4\overline{\lambda_c}\sqrt{C/M}$$$) is satisfied when the nine ground
truth signal components are not classified as noise components (Fig. 1E);
however, it fails to converge for spatially correlated noise (Fig. 2E). On the
other hand, the Hybrid-PCA denoising successfully classifies the nine signal
components for both phantoms (Fig. 1E, Fig. 2E).
MRI experiments: The denoising performance of Hybrid-PCA is similar to MP-PCA for
data acquired with parameters optimized to minimize noise spatial correlations (Fig.3).
However, the MP-PCA procedure fails to denoise the data acquired with no EPI
ramp compensation and partial Fourier of 1.4 (Fig.4). DKI maps before and after
denoising for both datasets are shown in Fig. 5.DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION
While MP-PCA procedure is robust to some
degree of spatially correlated noise (e.g effects of EPI gridding for dataset 1, Fig. 3), it fails to
denoise data highly corrupted with spatially correlated noise (case of dataset 2 which was acquired with a high partial Fourier factor and was not ramp compensated, Fig. 4). Here,
we show that PCA denoising strategies with better robustness to spatially
correlated noise can be obtained by modifying the PCA component classification
(Fig. 2). Particularly, by incorporating prior information of noise variance,
our novel Hybrid-PCA approach maintains its denoising performance even on data strongly
corrupted with spatially correlated noise (Figs. 4-5). These results are promising for enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of MRI data on futures studies.Acknowledgements
This study was funded
by the European Research Council (ERC) (agreement No. 679058). We acknowledge
the vivarium of the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, a facility of CONGENTO
financed by Lisboa Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa 202), project
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