The soma and neurite density imaging (SANDI) model has been recently introduced to estimate diffusion MRI indices of apparent neurite and soma density noninvasively in the brain. Here, we introduce SANDIAMICO a fast (10 seconds for whole brain images) and robust implementation for estimating SANDI parameters using the Accelerated Microstructure Imaging via Convex Optimization (AMICO) framework. Using numerical simulations and in vivo human data, we show excellent performances of SANDIAMICO in terms of accuracy, precision, robustness to noise and intra-subject reproducibility.
We thank the team of the micro2macro event of Brainhack 2020, who helped enhancing AMICO to fit the SANDI model. MP is supported by UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T020296/1).
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Figure 1: Graphical representation of our pipeline. Starting by a naive dictionary composed by many response functions (atoms) evenly distributed to cover the parameters space, we optimize it minimizing mutual coherence to obtain the exact number of atoms needed to robustly describe each compartment. We then feed the preprocessed dMRIs to SANDIAMICO and recover the SANDI microstructural maps. Diffusivities are reported in μm2/ms, Rsoma in μm.
Figure 2: Plots of mean square error (mse) as function of the parameter lambda obtained in the two simulated dataset with SNR=Inf and SNR=100. Based on the behavior of these lines, we set the value of lambda as the one that minimized the mse for more parameters and we compared SANDIAMICO with and without dictionary optimization and the standard NLLS fitting procedure (Table 1). lambda=5E-4 found to be the best in the case of SNR=100 is the one we also used for in vivo analyses.
Table 1: Comparison between SANDIAMICO with (AMICO optimized) and without (AMICO naive) dictionary optimization and the standard NLLS fitting procedure in simulations. We report Pearson r, Adjusted R2, mean squared error (mse), bias and variance of the estimated model parameters with the ground-truth values of all methods on synthetic data with SNR=Inf (top) and SNR=100 (bottom).
Figure 3: SANDI microstructural maps obtained with the optimized SANDIAMICO on two scans of the first two subjects of the MICRA dataset. On the bottom row, for each subject we also report the normalized distribution plots relative to each metric with the two scans drawn with different colors. For each curve, we clearly distinguish at least two peaks located at the same value for both subjects, that suggest the reasonable different behavior of microstructural parameters in GM and WM. Diffusivities are reported in μm2/ms, Rsoma in μm.
Figure 4: Projections of fsoma on the midpoint cortical surface of the two scans of the two healthy subjects of the MICRA dataset analyzed with SANDIAMICO. On the right we also report the parcellation in Brodmann’s areas to visually compare it with the density of soma.