Few studies identified brain morphometric changes associated with peer-victimization (“being bullied”), and no study examined how these changes can mediate the relationship between bullying and cognition. Using T1-weighted MRI scans and cognitive test scores from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development longitudinal dataset, we found that bullying is associated with reduced cognitive performance over time. Bullied children had smaller putamen volumes and right insula surface areas, thinner left precentral and banks of superior temporal sulcus cortices, but larger left entorhinal and right pars orbitalis surface areas. Importantly, these altered brain measures partially mediated the relationship between bullying and cognitive scores.
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Table 1 Legend. Bullied children with MRI data from Year 1 (Baseline, Y1) and Year 3 (2nd follow-up, Y3) visits were matched with non-bullied children for sex, age, race, education, and income.
Figure 1 Legend. A-B display the main effects of bullying (A) and interactive effects of bullying and visit (B) on cognitive scores, calculated using emmeans and linear mixed effects models (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; adjusted for multiple comparisons). C plots individual and mean Picture Sequence Memory scores by age; with a sex difference in the non-bullied group only. Picture Vocabulary (P=0.024), Pattern Comparison Processing Speed (P=0.003), and Picture Sequence Memory (P=0.007; not shown) had significant sex differences overall.
Figure 2 Legend. A-B display the main effects of bullying (A) and interactive effects of bullying and visit (B) on subcortical putamen volumes, calculated using emmeans and linear mixed effects models (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; adjusted for multiple comparisons). C plots individual and mean putamen volumes by age. Although left (P<0.001) and right (P<0.001) putamen volumes showed sex-differences, no sex-specific effects are observed (left: interaction-P=0.26; right: interaction-P=0.57).
Figure 3 Legend. A-C display the effects of bullying (A-B) and interactive effects of bullying and visit (C) on cortical areas, calculated using emmeans and linear mixed effects models (LMEM). (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; adjusted for multiple comparisons). While girls have smaller areas in all regions except the pericalcarine (P=<0.001-0.003), there are no interactions between sex and bullying (P=0.08-0.95). D displays LMEM p-values to show the relationship between bullying and cognition, and how cortical area acts as a partial mediator.
Figure 4 Legend. A-C display the effects of bullying (A-B) and interactive effects of bullying and visit (C) on cortical thickness, calculated using emmeans and linear mixed effects models (LMEM). (*P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001; adjusted for multiple comparisons). Girls have smaller precentral (P<0.001) and banks of STS (P<0.001) cortices than boys but there are no interactions between sex and bullying (P=0.46-0.82). D displays LMEM p-values to show the relationship of bullying and cognition, and how cortical thickness acts as a partial mediator.