Shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies at UHF contribute to complicated electric field distributions and higher power absorption in the human head leading to potential safety concerns. Scattering parameters, local and global SAR, and B1+ fields are calculated in an 8-channel surface loop Tx array simulated over 70 head-and-shoulder models of 10 tissue compartments. RF shimming methods and pulse sequences are analyzed over each model to demonstrate local and global SAR variation in a population. Patient proximity, coil loading and design, patient composition, and RF shim weights contribute to the variations in SAR and B1+ experienced by each subject.
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Figure 1: Each coil was simulated individually assuming perfectly decoupled neighboring coils. S11 was tracked to measure the response of each channel to variations in the loading of the head model. The coil was tuned and matched (T&M) to the median-sized head in the database with respect to volume and the S-parameters. The capable range of the S11 values from each subject demonstrates subject to subject variability purely based on the impedance of the load of the subject.
Figure 2: Three RF shimming methods were applied to the parallel Tx array’s field maps across all 70 head models. The field of excitation consisted of a 4mm axial slice in the center of the RF coil. The non-linear GS algorithm outperformed each CP shim condition in field homogeneity, the algorithm was run without regard for SAR limits. Local SAR10g increased for 16 of the 70 models when GS shims were applied versus the conventional circularly polarized weights.
Figure 3: Three specific subjects local SAR10g spatial distributions are plotted with respect to the 10 W kg-1 IEC limit. The T&M case is the head model with ideal frequency and circuit matching (< -25 dB) for every coil. The Duke model is the most anatomically accurate model with 51 tissue compartments. The Worst-Case local SAR10g subject has a localized region on the shoulder that is exposed to over 10 times the IEC limit for each shim condition.
Figure 4: For each shim condition, most of the peak points occur in a skin tissue compartment. It is therefore important in model segmentation to include accurate skin data representation as these tissues are more likely to experience higher local SAR values.
Figure 5: Under Local SAR constraints, heads will reach the IEC average SAR limit at different points given some pulse sequence with N pulses within the 6-minute average window. As the resolution of a scan performed within 6-minutes increases, so does the difference in Average SAR experienced by individual patients.