Samo Lasič1,2, Nathalie Just1, and Henrik Lundell1
1Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre, Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Random Walk Imaging, Lund, Sweden
diffusion encoding can be confounded by time-dependent diffusion (TDD).
Matching sensitivity to TDD or tuning of b-tensors with different
shapes is needed for unbiased microstructure assessment. We present a method
for tuning linear tensor encoding (LTE) to spherical tensor encoding (STE),
which could be optimized for different hardware constraints. Furthermore,
we introduce the spectral principle axes system (SPAS), representing spectral
anisotropy of STE. The SPAS LTEs could provide an alternative to tuning
and enable disentangling effects of microscopic anisotropy and TDD, useful to correlate cell shape and size.
Tensor-valued diffusion encoding employs different
b-tensor shapes to probe microstructure information unconfounded by macroscopic
anisotropy1-9. It can for
example be used to separate isotropic and anisotropic sources of diffusional
variance (kurtosis)4 or quantify
microscopic anisotropy1,2,10. These experiments
can be confounded by time-dependent diffusion (TDD)11,12. Spectral domain
analysis13-16 can be used to account
for TDD also in tensor-valued encoding17,18, where encoding sensitivity to TDD can be gauged in terms of tuning and spectral anisotropy. While tuning affects
signals at low b-values and is given by the spectral trace18-21, spectral anisotropy may add apparent kurtosis due to
anisotropic diffusion and cause spherical tensor encoding (STE) to loose
rotational invariance22,23. Linear tensor encoding (LTE) can be tuned to STE in
special cases simply by using a single gradient channel from STE17. However, a more
general approach is desired, particularly when free waveforms are optimized
with respect to hardware limitations24,25.
We show some principles for tuning LTE to STE with the possibility for rudimentary waveform optimizations. STE projections along
the spectral principal axes system (SPAS)26 offer an
interesting tuning alternative and can simultaneously maximize differences in TDD sensitivities. This approach could be useful to disentangle effects
of cell size and anisotropy.Theory
Apparent diffusivity ($$$D$$$) can be calculated based
on the cross-power spectral densities $$$s_{ij}(\omega)$$$, defined in terms of the Fourier transforms of dephasing waveforms $$$\mathbf{q}(t)$$$18 (see Fig. 1),
$$s_{ij}(\omega) \equiv
The cumulative encoding
power is given by
$$ b_{ij}(\omega) =\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\omega}s_{ij}(\omega’)d\omega’$$ and the b-tensor is given by the total power, $$$b_{ij}(\infty)$$$.
The apparent mean
diffusivity (MD), given by signal attenuation at low b-values for a powdered
sample, is determined by the spectral trace
$$s(\omega) \equiv
\sum_{i=1}^{3} s_{ii}(\omega)$$ as
$$b\,\text{MD} = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}s(\omega)\,\lambda_\text{iso}(\omega)\,d\omega,$$ where the isotropic diffusion spectrum $$$\lambda_\text{iso}(\omega) = \frac{1}{3}\sum_n
\lambda_n(\omega)$$$ is given by the average compartment eigenspectra and the b-value
is given by $$b=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}s(\omega)d\omega.$$
The spectral trace is the
key waveform property that needs to be considered for tuning, since different
b-tensors are required to yield equal MD values. Given a b-tensor, e.g. for
STE, a tuned LTE can be found by considering projections of the power
spectra along unit vectors $$$\bf{u}$$$,
$$s_{\mathbf{u}}(\omega) =
\sum_{i,j} s_{ij}(\omega)u_i u_j.$$
yielding $$$D_{\mathbf{u}}\approx \text{MD}$$$ are
good candidates for extracting tuned LTE waveforms as $$$g_\text{LTE}(t)
= \mathbf{g}_\text{STE}(t)\cdot\mathbf{u}.$$$Methods
STE (Fig.
1) was generated with an open-source numerical optimization of gradient
waveforms (NOW) (,25. 1000 noncolinear projections are used with color weights given
by the encoding power within frequency bands determined by the $$$b(\omega)$$$
reaching 1/3 and 2/3 of total power $$$b$$$ (Fig. 2A). The low-frequency band is used to
obtain the SPAS as eigenvectors of the low-frequency filtered b-tensor26. For tuning, $$b\,D_{\mathbf{u}} =
\,D_\text{sph}(\omega)\,d\omega$$ was used, where $$$ D_\text{sph}(\omega)$$$
was calculated for spheres with $$$D_0^2R^{-4}$$$ of 4938, 167,
2 $$$\text{s}^{-2}$$$. Relative tuning, $$$ D_{\mathbf{u}}/\text{MD}$$$ for the
medium restriction size was used to determine the Tuned and optTuned
LTEs, where the later one was selected from the 10% best tuned projections with
lowest value of $$$|g_\mathbf{u}|_\text{max} \,
|\dot{g}_\mathbf{u}|_\text{max}$$$. For the various waveforms (Fig. 1),
$$$D$$$ were calculated for powders of cylinders and ellipsoids with
varying sizes and 1000 noncolinear rotations to obtain mean and variance
results (Fig. 3). The geoSPAS results represent the geometric average
from the SPAS LTEs. Signals were calculated by averaging mono-exponential attenuations
(Figs. 4,5).
Results and discussion
The suggested tuning could be applied to different TDD
conditions including restricted diffusion and incoherent flow. For restricted
diffusion, the results indicate a robust tuning to STE (see different tuning contours
in Fig. 2A). Different projections along the tuning contours could be selected
for "optimized" waveform properties, such as gradient magnitude and
slew rate27 (Fig. 2B). Contour
lines in Fig. 2A are tinted with cyan for smaller values of the product $$$|g_\mathbf{u}|_\text{max}
\, |\dot{g}_\mathbf{u}|_\text{max}$$$ and with white for ideal tuning with $$$D_{\mathbf{u}}=\text{MD}$$$.
Projections along the SPAS26 reflect spectral
anisotropy of STE18 and maximize the TDD sensitivity range. As indicated by calculations
(Figs. 3 and 4), geometrically averaged SPAS LTE could provide an alternative
to the tuned LTEs. The STE and SPAS LTEs could be used to disentangle effects
of microscopic anisotropy1-8 and TDD (Fig. 5).
exact correspondence between the tuned and GeoSPAS LTEs is not expected at high
b-values, our preliminary calculations indicate that the mismatch is not
expected to be significant. Experimental implementation does however require
further considerations, such as the effects of background and crusher gradients,
and the higher hardware demands of the SPAS encoding.Conclusion
Tuning TDD effects in tensor-valued encoding is desired for unbiased
microstructure assessments. The suggested tuning strategy could provide further
specificity by disentangling effects of anisotropy and TDD. LTE could be optimized
for different hardware constraints on expense of some tuning. When hardware
permits, the SPAS waveforms could substitute tuned LTE and provide additional sensitivity
to TDD. Experimental implementation will be the subject of future work.Acknowledgements
This project was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
(grant agreement No 804746). SL is supported also by Random Walk Imaging.References
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