Multi-contrast Multi-scale vision Transformers (MMT) for MRI Contrast Synthesis
Jiang Liu1, Srivathsa Pasumarthi Venkata2, and Keshav Datta2
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2R&D, Subtle Medical Inc, Menlo Park, CA, United States


Complementary information from multi-modal MRI is widely used in clinical practice for disease diagnosis. Due to scan time limitations, image corruptions, and different acquisition protocols, one or more contrasts may be missing or unusable. Recently developed CNN models for contrast synthesis are unable to capture the intricate dependencies between input contrasts and are not dynamic to the varying number of inputs. This work proposes a novel Multi-contrast and Multi-scale vision Transformer (MMT) that can take any number and combination of input sequences and synthesize the missing contrasts.


Complementary information from multiple MRI contrasts (T1, T2, FLAIR, PD etc.) is widely used in clinical practice. However, due to scan time limitations, image corruptions due to motion and artifacts, and different acquisition protocols, one or more contrasts may be missing or unusable. CNN models designed for contrast synthesis work only with a fixed number of inputs and do not capture the long-range dependencies between different contrasts. This work proposes a novel Multi-contrast and Multi-scale vision Transformer (MMT) that can take any number and combination of input sequences and synthesize the missing contrasts.


MMT architecture
The architecture overview of MMT is shown in Fig1. The input image(s) were first processed through a series of small CNN encoders (5 layers) to increase the receptive field. The feature map was then partitioned into small patches (4x4) to make the computation tractable, as transformer models require a lot of memory. These small patches were then combined with the contrast encodings and input to the MMT-encoder. MMT-encoder generated feature maps at different scales which the MMT-decoder consumed to output patches of feature maps. The MMT-decoder was also trained to take a “contrast query” as an input so that it can generate the feature maps of the required contrast images. These feature maps were upsampled by the “Patch-Expanding” blocks followed by a series of small CNN decoders to synthesize the corresponding image(s).

The detailed architecture of the MMT-encoder is shown in Fig2a. The encoder was designed similar to a U-Net architecture in order to generate multi-scale representations of the input images. The encoder performed joint encoding of multi-contrast input to capture inter- and intra-contrast dependencies. The downsampling part of the encoder consisted of a series of multi-contrast (M-Swin) transformer encoder blocks[1]. Two successive encoder blocks were followed by a patch merging layer[2]. Fig2b shows the detailed representation of the paired encoder block setup.

Fig3a shows the detailed representation of a MMT-decoder. The MMT-decoder generates target output based on a contrast query. The decoder blocks progressively decode the encoder outputs at different scales and generates the desired output(s). Similar to the encoder, the MMT-decoder was designed with a paired setup of M-Swin Transformer Decoder blocks followed by a patch-expanding (upsampling) layer. The detailed representation of the paired setup of the decoder blocks is shown in Fig 3b.

Hybrid model
In order to combine the best of both worlds, we use a transformer+CNN hybrid model in the form of small CNN networks before and after the MMT-encoder and decoder. We use separate encoding/decoding pathways for each contrast. Figs2c,3c show the CNN encoder and decoder.

Adversarial training
In order to further improve the perceptual quality of the synthesized missing contrasts, we use adversarial training in the form of a least-squared GAN[3].

Loss Functions
Let $$$x^i$$$ be the i-th input contrast, $$$\hat{x}^i$$$ be the i-th reconstructed input contrast, $$$y^i$$$ be the j-th target contrast and $$$\hat{y}^j$$$ be the j-th output contrast (i=1, ..., M; j=1, ..., N). The loss function for the model training has three components:

(1) Synthesis Loss:
$$\mathcal{L}_s = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N} \Vert y^j - \hat{y}^j \Vert_1$$

(2) Self-reconstruction Loss:
$$\mathcal{L}_r = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M} \Vert x^i - \hat{x}^i \Vert_1$$

(3) Adversarial Loss:
$$\mathcal{L}_{adv} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{j=1}^{N} \{ (D_j(\hat{y}^j) - Label_f)^2 + (D_j(y^j) - Label_r)^2 \}$$

(4) Total Loss:
$$\mathcal{L}_G = \lambda_r \mathcal{L}_r + \lambda_s \mathcal{L}_s + \lambda_{adv} \mathcal{L}_{adv}$$
where $$$\lambda_r = 5$$$, $$$\lambda_s = 20$$$ and $$$\lambda_{adv} = 0.1$$$.

We used the publicly available BRATS 2021 dataset [4-6] which consisted of 1251 cases with T1, T1Gd (post contrast), T2 and FLAIR images. The brain images were skull-stripped and pre-registered to an anatomical template. We use a train/validation/test split of 1123/63/63 cases.

We trained the MMT-random model which is a model trained with random missing inputs (M=1,2 or 3) which we compare against a CNN baseline[7]. We also trained the MMT-zerogad which is a specific case of synthesizing T1Gd images with T1, T2 and FLAIR as inputs.


Fig4 shows the quantitative performance of MMT-random when compared with the CNN baseline model. Fig 5a shows the qualitative performance of the MMT-random model and Fig 5b shows the performance of the zero-gad model.


Based on the quantitative and qualitative results we have shown that vision transformer models can be effectively used for contrast synthesis. The MMT-model can support any combination of inputs and outputs which simplifies and improves the efficiency of model deployment in real-world clinical settings. When compared to a CNN-baseline[7], the proposed model outperforms in almost all cases. The proposed model has the ability to replace bad quality contrasts without the need for rescanning. The model can also be used as a Zero-Gad algorithm for contrast synthesis without use of any contrast agent.


A novel Multi-contrast Multi-scale vision Transformer (MMT) is presented that can take any number and combination of input sequences and synthesize missing contrasts. The proposed model has the ability to synthesize complementary contrasts thus reducing the overall scan time.


We would like to acknowledge the grant support of NIH R44EB027560.


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Figure 1: Overall architecture of the proposed Multi-contrast Multi-scale vision Transformer (MMT)

Figure 2: a) U-Net like MMT encoder which has a paired set up of M-Swin transformer encoder blocks with Patch Merging in the downsample portion and Patch Expanding in the upsample portion. b) Two consecutive M-Swin Transformer encoder blocks; LN - LayerNorm, W-MHA - Window multi-head attention; MLP - multilayer perceptron. c) CNN image encoder.

Figure 3: a) MMT decoder b) Two consecutive M-Swin Transformer decoder blocks; LN - LayerNorm, W-MHA - window multi-head attention, SW-MHA - shifted-window multi-head attention, MLP - multilayer perceptron. c) CNN image decoder.

Figure 4: Superior quantitative metrics (PSNR and SSIM) of the proposed model (blue) in comparison to a CNN baseline (orange). M is the number of missing contrasts that is synthesized by the MMT model.

Figure 5: a) Qualitative results of MMT-random model with each row showing the model output with M (=1, 2, 3) missing contrasts. The inputs are determined by the first M available inputs in the list [T1, T1Gd, T2, FLAIR]. E.g.: Row 2 column 1 is the output T1 image of MMT-random with [T1Gd, T2] as input; Row 2 column 2 is the output T1Gd image of MMT-random with [T1, T2] as input. The reference ground truth (GT) images are found in the last row. b) Qualitative performance of MMT-zerogad model.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2434