Application of Graph Theory in the study of functional and structural connectivity in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) disease
Emilio Cipriano1,2, Laura Biagi1, Paolo Bosco1, Giovanni Cioni1, Alessandro Sale3, Nicoletta Berardi3, Michela Matteoli3, Michela Tosetti1, and the Train the Brain Consortium4
1FiRMLAB, IRCCS Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy, 2Department of Physics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 3Institute of Neuroscience of the CNR, Pisa, Italy, 4the Train the Brain Consortium, Pisa, Italy


Graph theory approach was used to analyze structural and functional connectivity networks to identify candidate biomarkers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a prodromal stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), for an early diagnosis and intervention. We proposed a method of brain network analysis to combine structural and functional connectivity networks information. Through graph measures (Segregation, Centrality and Global Efficiency), we evaluated the differences between MCI and healthy control (HC) subjects as well the possible effects of physical/cognitive training, in terms of structural and functional connectivity, in MCI population.


Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is characterized by decline in cognition and memory compared to normal aging and may be considered a transitional state between normal aging and Alzheimer Disease (AD). Many studies suggest that the analysis of functional connectivity may be particularly valuable for detecting early, preclinical signs of AD1,2. Structural connectivity studies also revealed alterations in the white matter of MCI patients compared with AD and healthy aged subjects3,4. However, how functional and structural information could be integrated is still under debate. Here we propose a method of analysis of a brain network and a way to integrate structural and functional connectivity.


We included 159 subjects: 19 healthy control (HC) and 140 MCI subjects, randomly divided into two sub-groups: MCI_training (82 subjects) who underwent cognitive and motor training for 7 months and MCI_no-training (58 subjects) who followed their natural lifestyle for 7 months.
The study protocol involved two identical MRI exams: one at T0 and one after 7 months (T7). The 1.5T MRI acquisition protocol included: a 3D-T1weighted structural sequence (FSPGR, TR=12.5 ms, TE=5.1ms, 1mm isotropic voxel, matrix=256×256, Flip Angle=10°); a Diffusion-Weighted sequence (DWI-EPI, 35 gradient directions, bvalue=3000s/mm2, TR=14s, TE=110ms, 3mm isotropic voxel, matrix=80×80, Flip Angle=90°); a resting-state fMRI acquisition (EPI-GRE, TR=3s, TE=50ms, 3mm isotropic voxel, matrix=64×64, Flip Angle=90°, 124 volumes).
3D-T1weighted images were segmented and parcelled by using the Desikan-Killany atlas5.
The structural and functional connectivity matrices were calculated using the brain areas of the Desikan-Killiany atlas as nodes and, respectively, the number of reconstructed structural tracts and the correlation coefficients of BOLD signal among brain areas as links6.
Measurements of segregation were carried out on HC brain structural and functional networks at T0 to identify the modules in which networks split. These modules were used as reference for the analysis of the structural and functional connectivity of MCI subjects. Measures of centrality were performed to identify the most important nodes within modules while measures of Global Efficiency (GE) were used to quantify the level of information exchanged across the modules7.
Multiple statistical tests were performed to compare the distributions of graph measurements between sub-groups of subjects (HC vs MCI subjects, MCI-training vs MCI no-training) and different time points (T0 vs T7), using a significance threshold equal to p <0.05 and age, sex and brain volume as covariates in the ANCOVA analyses.


Measures of segregation

The measurements of segregation identified five modules for both structural connectivity and functional connectivity networks (Figure 1). For structural connectivity, substantial separation between cortical areas of the right and left hemispheres and subcortical areas was found. For functional connectivity, modules were denominated on the basis of the belonging functional areas, in accordance with literature8.

Measures of Centrality

Significant differences of centrality in structural connectivity were found between HC and MCI at T0 (HC > MCI) in two homologous modules: in the left medial orbito frontal gyrus and posterior cingulate and in the right caudate, lateral and medial orbito frontal gyrus areas.
Regarding functional connectivity, the comparison between the HC and MCI groups at T0 showed significant differences for centrality within the Default Mode Network (DMN) (Figure 2) and in some areas of the sensory-motor module, with higher values in HC, indicating that these modules are sensitive to alterations related to MCI disease.
Moreover, MCI_training subjects showed significantly higher centrality values at T7 compared to T0 in the right supramarginal gyrus and in the left cuneus. Using the same contrast, in the case of MCI_no-training subjects the statistical analysis highlighted differences in the right middle caudal frontal gyrus and bilaterally for the middle temporal gyrus.
Finally, higher centrality values at T0 compared to T7 were observed for MCI_no-training in the right post-central gyrus.

Measures of Global Efficiency

For functional connectivity, statistical analysis has shown that the value of GE in the DMN is significantly higher in HC than in MCI at T0. No significant GE differences for structural connectivity at T0 and for MCI-training/MCI no-training comparison were found.

Integration between structural and functional connectivity

Considering the numerous significant differences within the functional connectivity network between HC and MCI at T0, we made the centrality and GE measurements on the structural connectivity data, using as modules those obtained by using functional connectivity data. Significant alterations were found within the DMN (Figure 3) and cognitive and linguistics areas for centrality values and within the DMN for GE values (HC > MCI at T0).

Discussion and Conclusion

The functional connectivity measures confirmed the presence of detectable alterations between MCI and HC subjects, particularly in the regions of the well-known functional DMN. The obtained results also suggest a positive trend in the effect of physical/cognitive training on MCI subjects. Furthermore, the integration of structural and functional connectivity detects Global Efficiency and centrality values differences within the DMN. These results show that among the functionally altered areas of the DMN there are also differences in structural connectivity between MCI and HC subjects.


This work has been partially supported by the following fundings:

CARIPLO 2015-0594 "A systematic molecular study of neuroimmune dysregulation in aging"

Fondazione Pisa, 2016 “A traslational study on inflammation and aging”


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Representation of structural and functional modules obtained from segregation analysis. For structural connectivity, there is a substantial separation between cortical areas of the right and left hemispheres. For functional connectivity, areas are distributed according to Resting State Networks (RSNs). The homologous areas are contained within the same functional modules.

Functional connectivity within DMN for HC subjects (left) and MCI subjects (right). The nodes with larger size are those with high centrality values. Significant centrality values differences (HC>MCI, p<0.05) were found: bilaterally in the medial orbital frontal gyrus; hippocampus, middle caudal frontal, middle temporal and inferior parietal gyrus in the right hemisphere; left parahippocampal and anterior rostral cingulate gyrus.

Boxplot of the significant centrality structural values within the DMN for the two different groups of subjects at T0 (HC>MCI, p<0.05). Differences were found: bilaterally in the medial orbital frontal gyrus; superior frontal, middle caudal frontal, middle temporal and inferior parietal gyrus in the right hemisphere; left parahippocampal and anterior rostral cingulate gyrus.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2386