Assessment of white matter changes associated with neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease and early Parkinson’s disease
Maurizio Bergamino1, Sana Aslam2, Holly A Shill 2, and Ashley M Stokes1
1Neuroimaging Division, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States


The objective of this study was to assess white matter integrity in both Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and early Parkinson’s disease (PD) using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics and connectivity analysis. Single-shell DTI data were obtained from open-source databases for AD and PD.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are characterized by distinct clinical and pathological hallmarks, where AD is associated with memory decline and amyloid-beta and tau pathology and PD is associated with motor symptoms, dopaminergic dysfunction, and Lewy body pathology. However, it is increasingly recognized that these neurodegenerative disorders exhibit significant overlap in both clinical and pathological aspects1. For example, Lewy body inclusions have been observed in the amygdala in sporadic AD2. Additionally, cognitive decline occurs in up to 80% of PD patients3, and AD may co-exist with PD4. In this study, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was used to analyze brain differences associated with neurodegeneration using open-access databases for AD and PD. We assessed structural connectivity and white matter (WM) integrity using fractional anisotropy (FA) and axial/radial diffusivities (AxD and RD, respectively) between groups of AD, early-PD, and corresponding healthy controls (HC).


For the AD comparisons, we included 128 HCs and 44 AD subjects from the OASIS-3 database (https://www.oasis-brains.org/). For the PD comparisons, we included 53 HCs and 101 early-PD (all unmedicated) patients from the PPMI database (www.ppmi-info.org/data) (Figure 1). DTI for both acquisitions included 64 diffusion-encoding directions and two b-values: b=0 (one volume) and b=1000 s/mm². For both studies, identical DTI pre-processing was performed using Mrtrix35, FSL6, and ANTs (http://stnava.github.io/ANTs/) for denoising, eddy current, motion, and bias field corrections. FA maps were fit by a weighted-linear fit (dtifit). Tractography was performed with 5 million seeds using the iFOD2 algorithm7 and using the WM/grey-matter border as seed locations. The connectome was generated from the automated anatomical labelling (AAL) atlas8 and was subsequently filtered using the COMMIT algorithm9. Statistical analysis was performed by connectomestats (Mrtrix3) for structural connectivity and randomise (FSL, 5,000 permutations) for voxel-based analysis of DTI-derived metrics using ANCOVA with age and sex as covariates. Significant results are reported at a p-value<0.05 with family-wise error (FWE) rate corrections. The effect-size (Hedges’ g) was calculated using R and R-Studio.


For the AD and corresponding HC cohort, the groups did not differ significantly in age (t=1.420; p=0.158), while significant differences were detected for the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) and CDR scores (W=1269; p<0.001 and W=624; p<0.001). For the PD and corresponding HC cohort, the groups did not differ significantly in age (t=7.06; p=0.481); however, significant differences were detected for the MDS-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) and Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) scores (W=7.5; p<0.001 and W=0; p<0.001) (See Figure 1). For comparisons between AD and HCOASIS groups, voxel-based analysis of DTI-metrics detected large WM differences, with lower FA, higher RD, and higher AxD in AD than HCOASIS. Significant clusters in the anterior thalamic radiation (ATR), cortical spinal tract (CST), internal capsule, and corona radiata showed higher FA and lower AxD values in AD compared to HC (Figure 2). Connectivity analysis also showed a relative loss in WM connectivity in AD compared with HC (Figure 3). Interestingly, voxel-based analysis of DTI-metrics between PD and HCPPMI groups showed higher FA and lower RD in PD subjects (Figure 4). No group-wise differences were observed for AxD. Higher connectivity in PD compared to HCs was detected between left insula and left middle occipital gyrus, which included the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus (L-ILF) and left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (L-IFOF), and between the right paracentral lobule and right caudate, which included the right CST (Figure 5).


In this study, we used consistent methodology to assess WM changes in AD and PD using DTI metrics and connectivity analysis. As expected, AD subjects showed lower FA and higher RD and AxD in several WM areas, mainly in the corpus callosum and fornix, which is the major output tract of the hippocampus and contributes to episodic memory10. Decreased FA and increased RD in the fornix has been consistently found in AD10 and may correlate with cognitive decline11. Additionally, lower connectivity in these patients was observed in several WM tracts. Consistent with the literature, we also detected some WM locations with higher FA and lower AxD in AD than HC, which may be attributable to a loss of crossing fibers12. For PD, higher FA and increased connectivity was observed compared with the control group, mainly in the L-ILF, L-IFOF, and R-CST. Increased FA conflicts with expected trends due to neurodegeneration but has previously been reported using PPMI data13; however, the underlying pathophysiological relevance remains unknown. Additionally, increased structural connectivity has been previously observed14 and may be associated with compensatory mechanisms aimed at preserving function despite progressive levels of neurodegeneration. One limitation of this study is that direct comparisons between AD and PD are hindered by differing disease characteristics. That said, combined investigations of AD and PD brain changes may yield critical insight into similarities and differences between these devastating neurogenerative pathologies.


In this study we demonstrated differences in WM integrity and structural connectivity in both AD and PD subjects. In general, lower FA and connectivity were detected in AD compared to HCs in several WM areas. On the other hand, increased FA and connectivity were found in early-PD compared with HCs.


This work was supported by the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium and the Barrow Neurological Foundation.


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Group Demographic and Cognitive Differences, Given as Mean (SD)

Voxel-based analysis of the DTI-related metrics for the comparison between AD and HCOASIS. In general, lower values of FA and higher values of RD/AxD were observed in the AD group.

Structural connectivity for AD vs. HCOASIS. Top: predominantly lower connectivity was observed in AD relative to HC subjects. Bottom: Connectivity matrices for t and Hedges’ g values.

Voxel-based analysis of DTI metrics for the comparison between PD and HCPPMI. In general, higher values of FA and lower values of RD were found in PD group compared with the HC group.

Structural connectivity for PD versus HCPPMI. Top: Compared with HCs, higher connectivity was observed in PD between the left insula and left middle occipital gyrus and between the right paracentral lobule and right caudate. Bottom: Connectivity matrices for t and Hedges’ g values.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2276