Thalamic volume and lateralization on Parkinson Disease associated with cognitive and motor deficits
Vicente Jose Ferrer-Gallardo1, Teresa Esteban-Peñalba2, César Caballero-Gaudes1, and Pedro M Paz-Alonso2
1Signal processing in neuroimaging, Basque Center on Cognition Brain and language, San Sebastian, Spain, 2Language and memory control, Basque Center on Cognition Brain and language, San Sebastian, Spain


This study sheds light on the relationship between the thalamic nuclei volume and their lateralization with cognitive and motor scores in PD. Two partial least squares analyses were performed between the volume or laterality indexes of all nuclei and clinical and cognitive scores. Cognitive deficits in semantic fluency and symbols and digits tests in PD are related to ventral, central and medial thalamic nuclei rather than to specific nuclei differences, except for the right-AV. Motor deterioration seems to be reflected in specific lateralization of the medial and pulvinar areas.


Parkinson disease (PD) originates from the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The thalamus has vast dopamine neuromodulation with uneven distribution, calling for nuclei-specific information1. The classical model of the basal ganglia-cortical motor circuit in PD indicates that activity is relayed directly to the motor thalamus and then onto the cortex, assuming no significant thalamic modulation2. However, evidence on motor thalamic neurons dynamically altering information sent to cortical regions and the intralaminar parafascicular complex attention-related regulation to the whole striatum clearly supports an active role of the thalamus in PD3. This study sheds light on the relationship between the thalamic nuclei volume and their lateralization with cognitive and motor scores in PD.


Participants were screened from the Parkinson Progressive Markers initiative4 based on the availability of a T1-weighted image obtained in a Siemens-Trio 3T MRI. PD patients with dementia or from specific genetic groups were disregarded. The initial study sample included 82 healthy controls (HC), 150 PD cognitively normal patients (PD-CN) and 34 PD patients with MCI (PD-MCI). T1-weighted images were segmented using FreeSurfer5. Two independent raters graded each subject’s segmentation and disagreement on ratings was discussed for each case. If necessary, images were manually corrected to minimize segmentation imperfections. Subjects with extreme motion, abnormal intracranial structures or signal dropout images were removed. 82 HC, 136 PD-CN and 29 PD-MCI subjects remained. Thalamic nuclei volumes were obtained using a probabilistic atlas of the human thalamus6 (20 nuclei per hemisphere) (Figure 1). The laterality index was computed as:
In Figure 2, Two partial least squares (PLS) analyses were performed between the volume (Volume-PLS) or laterality indexes (LI-PLS) of all nuclei and the following clinical and cognitive scores: disease duration, semantic fluency7, letters-numbers sequencing8, digit and symbols modalities (SDMT)9, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) and Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)-III motor tests. Age, total gray matter (TGM) and total intracranial volume (TIV) were regressed out from the scores prior to PLS10. In brief, PLS involves the singular value decomposition of the covariance matrix between the behavioral variables and the thalamic nuclei, resulting in latent components (LC). Each LC has a set of behavior and brain saliences, indicating how strongly each variable contributes to the brain-behavior covariance. Significance of each LC was determined by permutation testing (50000 iterations). Stability of saliences was obtained using bootstrapping (50000 iterations), selecting as stable those saliences whose 95% confidence interval did not include 0. Additionally, the relationship between each statistically-significant nuclei or LI and behavioural scores was interrogated via regression analysis considering age, TGM, TIV, and disease duration as nuisance covariates (p<0.05).

Results and discussion

Both PLS analyses yielded one significant LC (Volume-PLS p-value: 0.008, LI-PLS p-value: 0.01). As shown in Figure 2, the Volume-PLS LC was driven by disease duration, semantic fluency, SDMT and MOCA test and by the left hemisphere central lateral (CL), mediodorsal medial magnocellular (MDm), ventral anterior magnocellular (VAmc), ventral lateral anterior (VLa) and posterior (VLp) nuclei and by the right hemisphere anteroventral (AV), central medial (CeM), Mdm, ventral anterior (VA), ventral lateral anterior (VLa) and posterior (VLp). Figure 3 shows that the LI-PLS LC was driven by disease duration, letters-numbers, SDMT, MOCA and UPDRS-motor behavioral variables and by the LI of the MDm, pulvinar anterior (PuA), pulvinar medial (PuM) and VLa. The individual regression analyses (Figure 4) revealed that only the MOCA test significantly contributed to the right-AV nucleus volume. As for the LI, the UPDRS-III motor test significantly explained the variance of the MDm, PuA and PuM nuclei, whereas the letters-numbers test explained the variance of the VLa nucleus. In sum, the Volume-PLS analysis underscored the multivariate nature of the covariance with multiple cognitive tests explaining a relatively low portion of the variance of the significant thalamic nuclei considering volume individually. In contrast, the LI-PLS analysis tended to show the significant contribution of either the letters-number test and, especially, of the UPDRS-motor test in explaining the variance of most of the laterality differences in thalamic nuclei volumes. The right-AV and MOCA relationship is supported by neuropathological studies indicating that the primary site of PD degeneration in the thalamus is the anterodorsal nucleus, included in the AV nucleus11. These anterior thalamic nuclei, which show severe neuronal loss and tangle formation in MCI, are densely and directly connected to medial temporal lobe structures important for memory12. Our findings showing the relations between MDm/PuA/PuM laterality and the UPDRS-motor test point out to: I) the potential atrophy in MDm, which typically alters connectivity with the substantia nigra13; II) the somatosensorial nature of the PuA, which projects to hand representation cortex areas14,15; III) the involvement of the PuM in visual motor planning regarding spatial choices when decision and action are temporarily close, via its projections to the frontal and parietal eye fields16,17. Finally, the VLa nucleus laterality, which can be strongly related to psychomotor functions, was associated with the letters-numbers test18.


Cognitive deficits in semantic fluency and SDMT tests in PD are related to a set of nuclei volume changes (CL/CeM/MDm/VA/VAmc/VLa/VLp) rather than to specific nuclei differences, except for the right-AV. Motor deterioration seems to be reflected in specific lateralization of the MDm and pulvinar areas.


This research was possible thanks to the support of the Basque Government predoctoral fellowship PRE_2019_1_0085, grant PGC2018-093408-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, neuroscience research projects grant from the Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, the BERC 2018-2021 program of the Basque Government, and the Ramon y Cajal Fellowship RYC-2017-21845 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness


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Figure 1: Grey matter and white matter surfaces were extracted from using FreeSurfer recon-all. After rating each image based on motion, skull stripping and segmentation, images were further corrected by modifying the skullstripping, the WM watershed or adding control points and re-segmented or submitted to the next step. Thalamic nuclei volumes and laterality indexes were obtained based on a probabilistic atlas of the human thalamus6.

Figure 2: After Thalamic segmentation, two partial least squares (PLS) analyses were performed between the volume or laterality indexes of all nuclei and motor and cognitive scores, Additionally, the relationship between each statistically-significant nuclei or LI and behavioural scores was interrogated via variance regression analysis considering age, TGM, TIV and disease duration as nuisance covariates.

Figure 3: Volume-PLS 1st latent component saliences showing the contribution to covariance between (A) behavioral variables and (B) Thalamic nuclei volumes. Saliences marked in red are considered stable, significantly contributing to the covariance.

Figure 4: Laterality-PLS 1st latent component saliences showing the contribution to covariance between (A) behavioral variables and (B) Laterality Indexes on thalamic nuclei volumes. Saliences marked in red are considered stable, significantly contributing to the covariance.

Figure 5: Thalamic nuclei volumes (E) or laterality indexes (A-C) showing statistically significant F-values contrasting a baseline model of the covariates of non-interest (i.e., age, total grey matter, total intracranial volume and disease duration) with a model adding one cognitive test in order to evaluate the marginal explained variance. The blue line represents the threshold for statistical significance (p < 0.05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2269