Luisa Raimondo1, Nikos Priovoulos1, Jurjen Heij1, Tomas Knapen1,2, Serge O Dumoulin1, Jeroen JW Siero1,3, and Wietske van der Zwaag1
1Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Radiology, University Medical Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands
implemented prospective motion-correction (PMC) for line-scanning fMRI. In
line-scanning, online motion correction is needed since 1-dimensional data do
not allow motion detection in every dimension and the limited coverage makes this approach sensitive to spin-history
artifacts or scanning outside the area of interest, in the presence of motion.
We compared three versions of PMC and three ways of managing the T1-driven
return to equilibrium (T1-transient) introduced by the navigators,
in the functional data analysis. We opted for a water-excitation navigator as
the best alternative, and showed that the T1-transient can be successfully
overcome in the functional analysis.
Gradient-echo line-scanning (GELINE) fMRI is a recent
technique1,2 able to achieve extremely high spatio-temporal resolution
in one direction (250 μm and 105 ms, in humans), at the cost of volume coverage.
Subject movement leads to image artifacts
but this is even more problematic at high resolution MRI, where smaller
movements also have an impact. In the case of line-scanning, the 1-dimensional nature
of the data only allows motion detection in the line direction. Moreover, the very limited coverage renders this approach sensitive
to spin-history artifacts or scanning outside the area of interest if motion
occurs during a scan. These effects cannot be corrected by posthoc motion
correction; prospective motion correction is required. Therefore, we investigated
navigator-based prospective motion correction (PMC) based on 3
for line-scanning fMRI acquisitions and analysis. The required time gap in the
acquisition of the line-scanning data, while acquiring and coregistering every
navigator, introduces signal instabilities in the timecourses, characterized by
a T1-driven return to steady-state (T1-transient). We tested
three image-based navigators and, for each, we evaluated the performance of
three ways of managing the subsequent T1-transient in the line-scanning
data acquisition during functional experiments.Methods
We acquired data from 4 participants
at 7T MRI system (Philips, Netherlands) equipped with a 2 channel transmit, and
32 channel receive surface coils4.
Line-scanning data acquisition used a modified 5 echoes gradient-echo sequence1
where the phase-encoding in the direction perpendicular to the line was turned
off: line resolution=250μm, TR=105ms, TE1=6ms, ∆TE=8ms, readout bandwidth=131.4
Hz/pixel, fa=16°, array size=720, line thickness=2.5mm, in-plane line
width=4mm, fat suppression using SPIR. Two saturation pulses (7.76 ms pulse
duration) suppressed the signal outside the line of interest. The line was
positioned as perpendicular to the cortex as possible.
For every scan we performed PMC, achieved
by an interleaved scanning architecture (MISS, Philips) at every dynamic (i.e.
every 440 timepoints = ~46s) (Figure 1). During the functional scan, the last
acquired navigator volume was registered to the previous one in the series (wait=1s),
and translation and rotation parameters of both the navigator and target
sequence were updated in real time3. Three possible navigators were investigated (Figure 2): a
highly-accelerated surface-coil-receive fat-navigator only covering the back of
the head, a slower whole-head, transmit-coil-receive fat-navigator and a water-excitation
navigator, aimed at reducing the amplitude of the T1-transient.
We acquired one run of functional
data (6min 20s) with each scan, using a block design visual task consisting of
a 20 Hz flickering checkerboard, presented for 10s ON/OFF, starting and ending
with 10s baseline.
We investigated 3 ways of managing
the presence of gaps and T1-transient:
Regressing out the T1-transient
during the general linear model (GLM) analysis (regressed)
Interpolating the points
corresponding to the T1-transient by substituting them with the
average of the points before and after the T1-transient (interpolated)
Applying a T2* fit
reconstruction to avoid T1 effects (T2* fit)
The timepoints of the visual task
model corresponding to the time during which the navigators were acquired, were
removed from the GLM.
We evaluated the beta values and
temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR) along the line, to find the best acquisition
and analysis strategy.Results & Discussion
Figure 3 shows a single voxel timecourse for the three acquisitions
(a, b and c), for raw data, regressed,
interpolated and T2*fit. BOLD responses were visible in all timecourses,
despite the T1-transient. Notice that the shorter, more
undersampled, navigators (acq 1 and 3) resulted in lower T1-transient
height. The utilization of water excitation for the navigators reduced the T1-transient
height further. For all acquisitions, the T1-transient was much
reduced after GLM-based signal regression and completely disappeared in T2* fit data.
In Figure 4, the tSNR for the interpolated data was superior
to the regressed and T2*fit data. This trend was
consistent over participants (Figure 4d). The tSNR of the regressed data was
reduced by remaining T1-related instabilities, which we were not able to remove
with a single-exponential regressor. The T2* fit from our current
data proved too noisy, which further reduced tSNR.
Figure 5 shows the beta values for the three acquisitions
(a, b and c) of a representative participant for raw data and for the three
strategies of handling the presence of gap in the acquisitions and the T1-transient.
Interpolated and regressed data show similar beta values to raw data. Notice that
beta values were higher in the raw data due to the presence of high signal
intensities caused by the T1-transient that corresponded with task ON blocks,
while the estimation of betas is less, or not, biased when interpolated or regressed
data are used. The T2*fit data
appear to suffer from increased noise, and instabilities (as apparent from the
lower tSNR) which reduces the fit results.Conclusion
We implemented prospective motion correction for line-scanning
in order to prevent motion-related signal changes during line-scanning
acquisitions. Overall, among the three navigators tested, the navigators acquired
with water excitation and surface coils (acq 1) presented the lowest amplitude
of the T1-transient signal.
The T1-transient introduced by the navigators can
be best dealt with by interpolating the affected time points. This leads to
higher temporal stability (tSNR) than fitting the T1-transient or T2* fit-based
This study was supported by the
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Research Fund 2018 (KNAW
BDO/3489), the NWO TTW VIDI grant (VI.Vidi.198.016) and the Visiting
Professors Program 2017 (KNAW WF/RB/3781) granted to the Spinoza Centre for
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