Mesoscopic fMRI with CBV-sensitive VASO can be a valuable tool for research questions on affected neural processing in patients suffering from neurological diseases. However, its applicability in patient populations remains unclear and is challenged by multiple methodological constraints. Here, we seek to use finger tapping tasks in hand dystonia patients to map affected topographical and laminar fMRI features. Specifically, we described the input-dominated laminar input-output circuits in the primary motor system as well as the ‘scrambled’ finger representations in the somatosensory areas. We built and validated an acquisition and analyses setup for laminar and columnar mapping in patient populations.
Experimental setup: We thank the kind support of the FMRIF core facility, specifically with the friendly help from Sean Marrett and Kenny Chung.
Patients recruitment: we thank Elaine Considine and Vivian Koo for their assistance with patient recruitment.
Funding: Laurentius Huber was funded from the NWO VENI project 016.Veni.198.032. The project was supported by the NINDS Intramural Research Program.
Ethics: We thank Avanti Iyer for help with the IRB protocol
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Figure 1: Selected examples of challenging aspects in the acquisition and processing of sub-millimeter VASO fMRI in FHD patients.
Head motion was mitigated with time consuming manual corrections. Limited finger specific functional CNR was mitigated with anatomically informed signal pooling within layers and columns respectively. Time constant EPI phase interference artifacts were mitigated by means of dynamic division of odd and even time points in SS-SI VASO. Intermittent ghosting could not be accounted for.
Figure 2: Tapping induced activation maps across patients.
Within the 30min functional experiments, enough data are obtained to extract significant VASO signal changes across all patients and hemispheres. The figures represent the signal without spatial smoothing in spatially upsampled in-plane resolution of 0.4mm (nominal resolution 0.75mm).
Figure 3: Cortical flattening of thin MRI slab
The first two columns exemplify how we flattened the cortical surface despite the fact that the thin slab does not fulfil common topology requirements of mesh-based analyses. Here, we imposed a local coordinate system in the distorted EPI data with LN2_MULTILATERATE.a Representative finger responses show somatotopic alignment in the contralateral hemisphere and less so in the affected hemisphere (smoothed across layers only).
a Gulban et al., OHBM, 2021; #1286
Figure 4: layer fMRI profiles in the primary motor cortex for BOLD and VASO in contralateral and affected hemisphere.
All profiles consistently show a larger superficial bias in GE-BOLD compared to VASO, while still showing clear indication of a secondary “bump” in the deeper output layers. Superficial layers in the affected hemispheres seem to be stronger activated compared to their contralateral counterparts. Signal pooling of layers was done from unsmoothed data.