MRI/CT fusion may enable MRI-guided biopsy without the requirement for dedicated interventional MRI facilities. Assessment and training in MRI/CT-fusion biopsy requires phantoms containing targets that can be seen on MRI but not on CT and can be biopsied. These requirements are not met using commercially available phantoms. We produced a phantom containing targets that can be appreciated on MRI but not CT, which is reproducible, can be biopsied and assessed for core adequacy. We successfully biopsied targets (1-3cm diameter) using a commercially available interventional robot equipped with work-in-progress MRI/CT-fusion software, including targets with steep out-of-plane angulations, within clinically reasonable timeframes.
Funding was obtained from the Royal of College of Radiologists, Pump Priming Grant.
This study represents independent research supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre and the Clinical Research Facilities at The Royal Marsden NHS Trust and the Institute of Cancer Research, London. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, the National Institute for Health Research or the Department of Health.
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Figure 2.
a-c: Main plate (grey) + coloured hemispheres. Defects (asterisks) enable removal, reducing interfacial tension.
d-e: Box.
f: Plate.
g: Flanges (arrow) keep stamp 5cm from base.
h: 1:10 gelatine:water heated to 50°C in water bath.
i: Stamp in place.
j: Wells for targets.
k: Two hemispherical domes form each sphere. 2mm hole in apex accommodates 18G needle (arrow). 6:100 agar mixed with an equal volume of 1:10 gelatine.
l: Red, blue, and black food colouring added to 3, 2 and 1cm targets respectively.
m-o: phantom.
Steps h–o were carried out in a domestic kitchen in less than a day.
Figure 3.
a: Coronal/birds-eye T2-weighted TSE with numbered targets.
b: Phantom on CT table next to robot.
c: Phantom aligned and fixed with adhesive putty.
d: CT/MRI-fusion using fiducial markers, and needle path planning using robot workstation.
e: CT (left), fused MR/CT (middle) and MRI (right).
f: Robot and inserted co-axial.
g: Radiologist performing biopsy.
h: Biopsy core with target (black) and non-target surround (very pale yellow). Total and cancer core lengths measured by ruler.
i: Robot workstation showing planned (left), actual (right) and fused needle paths (middle).
Figure 4.
a: Coronal MR image (tray 2).
b: HU, c: T1 and d: T2 vs. gelatine/agar concentrations. Bland-Altman plots showing differences between two measurements vs. means, e: HU, f: T1, g: T2. Solid lines = mean difference. Dashed lines = 95% LoA. HU and T1 showed small but significant differences between repeated measurements (4.7%, 1.3%); the slight T1 increase may be due to warming during scanning.
Biopsy phantom:
h: axial MRI, i: coronal reformat, j: fused MRI of Phantoms A and B, k: CT, l: DSC.
Figure 5.
Results of the robotic biopsy study.