Rakshit Dadarwal1,2, Judith Mylius1, Amir Moussavi1, and Susann Boretius1,2
1Functional Imaging Laboratory, German Primate Center, Göttingen, Germany, 2Georg-August-University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Aging of the brain has
been associated with several structural and functional changes, including
tissue volume loss, white matter integrity loss, and changes in iron
concentration. However, the fundamental mechanism driving these changes and
their significance in the development of age-related neurodegenerative diseases
are still not very well understood. Due to their unequivocal similarity with humans,
non-human primates may be of particular value to further explore these
mechanisms. In this study, we looked at age-related morphological, tissue
microstructural, and iron-concentration changes in the corpus callosum of
macaques and marmosets.
Brain aging is a complex process in which the
brain undergoes several biological changes, including tissue volume loss, white
matter tissue integrity changes, and iron deposition 1–3.
The close similarity of non-human primates (NHPs)
to humans and their - compared to rodents - longer lifespan (macaques 25 – 30
years, marmosets up to 16 years) make them a most valuable model for studying aging
in humans 4–6.
The utilization of multiple MRI contrasts, including
T1-weighted (T1w), magnetization transfer, magnetic susceptibility, and
diffusion MRI may provide us with really new insights into the many facets of
brain aging 7. However, only a few studies have used multiple
MRI contrasts simultaneously to target morphometric and microstructural changes
of the aging brain. In this study, we used the multi-contrast MRI approach to explore
age-related alterations of the corpus callosum (cc) in healthy macaques and
Subjects: 14 healthy female Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and 34 healthy
marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) were
included in the study. The macaques were divided into two groups. Group 1
contains five monkeys at the age of 7-8 years. Group 2 contains nine monkeys at
the age of 15-18 years. The marmosets were divided into 4 groups, comprising
monkeys with an age of 2-3 (N = 8), 4-6 (N = 7), 7-10 (N = 10), and 12 – 15 (N
= 9) years.
Data Acquisition: Macaques: MRI data acquisitions were carried out at 3 T
(MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens). T1w images were obtained using 3D MPRAGE (TE=2.7
ms, TR=2700 ms, FA=8°, spatial resolution=0.5x0.5x0.5 mm3, and total
acquisition time=14.3 min). The magnetization transfer-weighted (MTw) images, proton
density-weighted images, and T1w images were acquired using 3D FLASH (TE =
[3.2, 3.2, 3.2] ms, TR = [30, 25, 10] ms, FA = [5 °, 5 °, 15 °], spatial
resolution = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 mm3, and total acquisition time of 15.3, 6.3, and 5.1
minutes). Acquisition parameters for QSM (multi-echo gradient echo, ME-GE) and diffusion-weighted
images (spin echo) are shown in Figure 1.
Marmosets: Acquisitions were carried out at 9.4 T (Bruker BioSpinTM).
The MTw, PDw, and T1w images were acquired using 3D FLASH (TE = [3.8, 3.8, 3.8]
ms, TR = [16.1, 16.1, 15] ms, FA = [5 °, 5 °, 25 °], spatial resolution = 0.21
x 0.21 x 0.21 mm3, and total acquisition time = [17.3, 17.3, 16.1] minutes).
Data analysis: Using ITK-SNAP, brain
masks were manually created based on T1w (macaques) and MTw images (marmosets).
Single-subject images were affinely registered to the T1w image (macaque) and the MTw (marmoset) of
the same subject. All subjects’ T1w (macaques) and MTw (marmosets) images were
non-linearly aligned to create average brain templates 8. The macaque template was registered to the
DPZCYNO templates 9, and marmoset templates were registered to
the MBM template 10 to extract regions-of-interest (ROIs) within
the cc (Figure 2). For quantitative analysis, all ROIs were transferred into
the subject’s native space. Diffusion ROIs were manually drawn for both macaques
and marmosets in the subject space.
The Jacobian
determinant maps were calculated using the nonlinear warp fields produced during
average template generation and smoothed with a 3D Gaussian kernel (FWHM 0.42
mm). Global linear deformations were eliminated. ME-GRE magnitude and phase images were used
to calculate R2* and QSM maps 11,12. Magnetization transfer saturation
(MTsat) and apparent longitudinal relaxation time (T1app) maps were estimated using the method described by Helms
et al. (https://github.com/RDadarwal/MTsat-MRI) 13. The pipeline provided at https://github.com/RDadarwal/Diffusion-MRI was used to analyze
diffusion MRI data. Statistical analyses comprised two-sided t-tests, Bonferroni-corrected
for multiple comparisons (3 ROIs) were used for
macaques while one-way ANOVA tests for marmosets.Results
With increasing age, both macaques and
marmosets exhibited slightly smaller cortical volumes. In contrast, the cc appeared
to be enlarged with age in both species, although to a different extent.
The most prominent age-related
differences were observed for R2*. Almost all regions of the cc showed higher R2* values
in older monkeys. Interestingly, no significant differences in the magnetic
susceptibility were observed. While the macaques showed no changes in the
diffusion-derived parameters, older marmosets stood out with a reduction in
axial and mean diffusivity. Fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity
revealed, in contrast, no age-related differences. Moreover, older marmosets
showed an increase in magnetization transfer saturation, while no such changes
were observed in macaques.Discussion
contrast to what has been reported in humans and chimpanzees, we did not
observe a reduction in the volume of the cc, neither in macaques nor in
marmosets. This finding is in line with a recent study in baboons and capuchin
monkeys that found no evidence of an age-related decrease in cc volume 14,15. The observed higher values of R2* but unchanged
values of magnetic susceptibility may point to a more heterogeneous
microstructure of the cc with increasing age. The reduced diffusivity and
increased MTsat would be in line with an increased tissue density.
However, further confirmation, including further supporting histological
analyses, may be required to understand the observations fully.Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Kristin Kötz and Kerstin Fuhrmann for their technical assistance.References
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