CNN denoising of FGATIR MRI improves direct visualization of subcortical anatomy
Benjamin Ades-Aron1,2, Mohammed Elsayed1, Michael Hoch3, Gregory Lemberskiy1, Yao Wang2, Dmitry S. Novikov1, Els Fieremans1, and Timothy M. Shepherd1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York University, school of medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Electrical and computer engineering, New York University, Tandon school of engineering, Brooklyn, NY, United States, 3Radiology, University of Pennsylviania, Philadelphia, PA, United States


The basal ganglia, thalamus and brainstem are affected by movement disorders and contain key targets for functional neurosurgery. Targeting however is based on indirect coordinates originally derived from pneumoencephalograms! 3D Fast Gray Matter Acquisition T1 Inversion Recovery (FGATIR) can directly visualize potential targeted structures (e.g. dentatorubrothalamic tract), but is signal-starved in clinically-feasible acquisitions. We developed a convolutional neural network to improve FGATIR quality. Expert rater assessment suggested this CNN improved contrast resolution of individual structures and overall clinical image quality of 1-average data to the level of 4-averages. This could further enable investigations of functional neurosurgery for movement disorders.


Specific subcortical structures are affected by common neurological diseases and can be targeted by functional neurosurgery. Diffusion or susceptibility-weighted MRI improve visualization of these structures, but are too noisy at the resolutions required, degraded by skull base artifacts, and contrast is lost with disease or treatment. 3D Fast Gray Matter Acquisition T1 Inversion Recovery (FGATIR) provides direct visualization of subcortical anatomy1,2, but requires long acquisitions. We improved FGATIR image quality using modified CNN architecture based on DnCNN3 and FFDnet4 with a loss function that regularizes the power spectrum of residuals (“PS-CNN”). We used quantitative analysis and expert assessment to compare model performance to other denoising methods and pure signal averaging.

Materials and Methods

In this IRB-approved study, we created a training dataset from 12 healthy adult subjects (6 female, age 29+/-4.2 years) scanned over two 1-hr sessions with 8 individual averages of an 0.8-mm isotropic resolution FGATIR sequence (TR/TE/TI = 3000/2.11/410ms, nonselective 180-degree inversion pulse, FA = 6°, time ~12 min per average). Individual magnitude images were co-registered and averaged as previously described2.
Network training
The CNN architecture used a 20-layer feed-forward residual learning model to predict the optimal noise field $$$\epsilon=\epsilon (x)$$$, where 3D 50x50x50 patches of 8-average FGATIR images provided noise-free ground-truth, to which uncorrelated Gaussian noise $$$\epsilon\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)$$$ was added. Training was performed over a total of $$$N=235,200$$$ training samples after data augmentation. Within each layer, we computed 64 filters (size $$$3\times3\times3$$$) using 3Dconv, batchnorm and ReLU. We computed the mean-squared error loss
$$ L(\theta) = \frac{1}{2N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} ||R(y_i,\sigma_i;\theta)-\epsilon_i||^2 + \lambda|\Gamma(R_i,\sigma_i)-1| $$
where the first term minimizes the distance between an estimated residual $$$R(y_i,\sigma_i;\theta)=noisy-denoised$$$ and the added noise $$$\epsilon (x)$$$. The second term enforces a penalty for spatially-correlated residuals, requiring the residual’s power spectrum
$$ \Gamma(R_i, \sigma_i) = \frac{1}{A} Fourier \left\{\frac{R(y_i,\sigma_i;\theta)}{\sigma_i}\right\}^2 $$
to be constant for all spatial frequencies for image scross sectional area $$$A$$$.
We trained two models, one using a single input channel consisting of the noisy sample (PS-CNN-1c), and another using two input channels consisting of both noisy input and tunable noise level map $$$\sigma$$$, to make the denoising model more flexible to varying noise levels (PS-CNN-2c). Both models were optimized using ADAM5. The network was trained for 20 total epochs, learning rate was set to 10-3, and decayed to 10-4 after 10 epochs, and minibatch size=64 training examples. All models were trained using pytorch on a NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. Training time per model was 10 hours.
Model evaluation
We evaluated the performance of the network on FGATIR MRI data by adding either white Gaussian noise or Rician noise6 at SNR 5, 10, 20, and 50. The single channel network was trained with and without regularization to compare the effect of the power spectrum term, along with training at single noise levels and with blind noise. We report the pSNR improvement relative to ground truth 8 average data. We also compared the network performance to a state-of-the-art model-based denoising approach, bm4d7.
Rater study
For each subject, two board-certified neuroradiologists blindly and independently evaluated axial FGATIR images of the midbrain parallel to the commissural plane through the red nucleus (Figure 1). Images were derived with 1, 2, 4 & 8 averages, the same 4-average image with superimposed simulated Rician bias, and 3 randomly selected single average images each processed with PS-CNN-1c, PS-CNN-2c and bm4d. This resulted in 14 images per subject or 168 images total. Raters assessed a) contrast resolution (sharpness of transitions between specific adjacent structures), b) Signal quality (voxel-to-voxel signal variation within individual structures), c) artificiality (perceived deviations from normal MRI images or “fakeness”) on ordinal scale 1-3. Raters assessed overall quality for clinical decision-making on ordinal scale 1-4. Higher scores reflected better quality for each scale.


We first evaluated the performance of our method on synthetic noise at varying SNR. Table 1 shows PSNR results for each trained model: At low SNR, PS-CNN-2c outperformed other methods with an increase in PSNR in all noise regimes for simulated Gaussian noise. For PS-CNN-2c, PSNR increased by 2.5% at SNR 5, 9.12% at SNR 10, 7.57% at SNR 20, and 1.05% at SNR 50.

Table 2 shows that increasing averages increased rater assessments for all scales. Raters preferred 8-average data, but this required 2 hours of scanning. PS-CNN-2c was rated modestly better than PS-CNN-1c for signal and overall quality. PS-CNN-2c and bm4d appeared relatively equivalent – both improved single average data to ratings near equivalent to true 4 average data. Both raters consistently recognized artificial data. Raters agreed most when the data quality was low (ICC=0.91) and tended to disagree more when rating artificiality (Table 3).

Discussion and Conclusion

CNN denoising made a 1-average FGATIR image look like 4-averages in both model simulations and expert neuroradiologist evaluations. The PS-CNN-2c (with tunable noise map) performed slightly better and may be more externally valid for clinical situations. The PS-CNN-2c appeared equivalent to bm4d, but processes data faster – a future study could look at combining them. This PS-CNN-2c also may be effective using undersampled data (e.g. compressed sensing). Effective denoising should increase the value of FGATIR for future clinical investigations of pathology and functional neurosurgery targeting in subcortical structures.


Research was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the NIH under awards R01 NS088040 and R21 NS081230, by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging under award R01 EB027075, by the Hirschl foundation, and was performed at the Center of Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R, www.cai2r.net), a Biomedical Technology Resource Center supported by NIBIB with the award P41 EB017183


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Table 1. All PSNR results for simulated additive Gaussian noise and Rician noise. Single channel network was evaluated with and without regularization. S50CNN – PS-cnn-1c network trained on single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.02,\lambda=0$$$, S25CNN network trained on -single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.04,\lambda=0$$$, S10CNN - network trained on single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.1, \lambda=0$$$, PS-cnn-1c - blind with noise in $$$\sigma \in [0,0.2],\lambda=1$$$, PS-cnn-2c - blind $$$\sigma \in[0,0.2],\lambda=1$$$. Highest PSNR for each row is highlighted in bold.

Table 2. Means and standard deviations on a scale of 1-3 for contrast, signal, and artificality, and 1-4 for overall quality. For each rating, a high score indicates “better rating” (i.e quality=4 is high quality, artificality=3 is less artificial). N=12

Table 3. Intraclass correlation coefficients between the two raters over each metric. Values closer to 1 indicate a strong agreement between raters and zero indicate poor agreement. It is notable that raters were more likely to agree that images were poor quality than high quality.

Example images from a single subject (30-year-old female) used in the rater study. Subject is included in the validation dataset used for network training.

Example FGATIR test dataset with additive Gaussian noise, true MR noise. Single channel network was evaluated with and without regularization and with both single noise level and blind noise training. S50CNN – PS-cnn-1c network trained on single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.02,\lambda=0$$$, S25CNN network trained on -single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.04,\lambda=0$$$, S10CNN - network trained on single noise level with $$$\sigma=0.1, \lambda=0$$$, PS-cnn-1c - blind with noise in $$$\sigma \in [0,0.2],\lambda=1$$$, PS-cnn-2c - blind $$$\sigma \in[0,0.2],\lambda=1$$$

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/1913