A resource for development and comparison of harmonisation methods for multi-modal brain MRI data 
Asante Ntata1, Olivier Mougin2, Matteo Bastiani1, Fidel Alfaro Almagro3, Jon Campbell3, Paul S Morgan2, Mark Jenkinson3,4, and Stamatios N Sotiropoulos1,3
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Physics, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN - FMRIB), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Australian Institute for Machine Learning, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia


A key challenge in robustly extracting quantitative information from MRI data is the dependence of derived features on nuisance factors, such as the scanning protocol, hardware and software, which are different between vendors and vary with site. While there exist several harmonisation approaches, what’s missing is objective ways and datasets to compare them. Here we present a novel multi-modal neuroimaging data resource for evaluating and comparing harmonisation approaches based on a “travelling heads” paradigm. We further demonstrate how such a resource can be used to a) map the need for harmonisation for different imaging-derived features, b) evaluate existing harmonisation approaches.


A key challenge in robustly extracting quantitative information from MRI data is the dependence of derived features on nuisance factors, such as the scanning protocol, hardware and software, which are different between vendors and vary with site[1][2]. This further limits the potential of combining multi-site neuroimaging datasets and allowing studies of larger scale. Even in cases where scans have been acquired with a rigid acquisition protocol or calibrated with phantoms, quantitative measurements can still show variance arising from non-biological causes. Harmonisation approaches [3][4]attempt to remove such non-biological variance while still preserving variance in imaging features associated with variability of interest. Harmonisation algorithms fall into two main categories, depending on whether they harmonise imaging-derived features directly[3][5][6]or the raw MRI signal[4][7][8]. Nevertheless, what is missing are objective ways and datasets to evaluate and compare such approaches. Different studies have relied so far on a range of indirect metrics, from using population distributions as a reference[6]to subject matching by attributes such as age, sex, gender, race and handedness[9]. Here we present a novel multi-modal neuroimaging data resource, matched to the UK Biobank acquisitions, for evaluating and comparing harmonisation approaches. This is based on a “travelling heads” paradigm with subjects scanned repeatedly across different sites and scanners. Our resource is unique in including five brain MRI modalities, acquired in six scanners from all three major vendors. We further demonstrate how such a resource can be used to a) map the need for harmonisation for a large range of multi-modal neuroimaging-derived features, b) evaluate existing harmonisation approaches.


We have acquired brain MRI scans of N=10 healthy subjects (mean age 34±9.4 years), each scanned on six 3T clinical scanners at six different sites. Furthermore, we have acquired scan-rescan datasets (6 repeats of a subject in the same scanner) for M=4 subjects. The scanners cover all 3 major vendors (Siemens/Phillips/GE) and a range of hardware features. Figure 1A shows an overview of all 84, in total, scanning sessions.We acquired data from five neuroimaging modalities: T1w, T2w, diffusion MRI (dMRI), resting-state functional MRI (rfMRI) and susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI). We were guided by the UK Biobank protocols[10]as a guide, aiming to match them as close as possible across scanners, while respecting best practice for each scanner. Figure 1B shows the main acquisition parameters. To ensure consistent data quality across the scans and sites, we performed extensive quality control, using existing frameworks: MRIQC (for T1w and fMRI) [11]and eddyqc (for dMRI) [12]. The data were then processed with a slightly modified version of the UK biobank pipeline[13]which derives multi-modal neuroimaging features, ranging from volumes of brain regions (derived from structural MRI), to microstructural measures in white matter (from dMRI) and functional connectivity metrics (from rfMRI). An overview of the extracted features is shown in Figure 2. Using these derived features, we computed different variability measures reflecting, for each feature and subject, the within-scanner scan-rescan variability and the between-scanner variability. Finally, we used the acquired data to directly compare existing harmonisation approaches, ComBat and Neuroharmony[6]. ComBatuses an empirical Bayes approach to perform corrections on the data to eliminate differences caused by confounding variables, whereas Neuroharmony uses data from 15,000 subjects to train a model that learns a mapping from Image quality metrics to ComBat-prescribed corrections. Both of these approaches can harmonise Freesurfer-derived cortical regional volumes, extracted from T1w images. For each subject, the between-scanner variability of these features, pre- and post-harmonisation, is compared to the same subject’s within-scanner scan-rescan variability values.

Results and Discussion

The QC results, grouped by scanner, are displayed in Figure 3. Specifically, QC metrics obtained for each subject were averaged across the 10 subjects within-scanner, and then z-scored, across the 6 scanners. While there is some variability in quality metrics across scanners, there are no extreme outliers, suggesting consistent image quality.We then assessed bias and variability in imaging-derived features from between-scanner measurements (across 6 scanners) and within-scanner measurements (across 6 repeats) each within the same subjects. For each feature, we calculated bias and relative variability of between-scanner with respect to within-scanner measures (Figure 4) using:
$$ \text{Bias} = \frac{\text{Median}_{between-scanner}-\text{Median}_{within-scanner}}{\text{Median}_{within-scanner}} \times 100 $$

$$ \text{Relative Variability} = \frac{\text{IQR}_{between-scanner}-\text{IQR}_{within-scanner}}{\text{IQR}_{within-scanner}} \times 100 $$

Bias values are typically within 10% (apart from the rfMRI features), but a number of features have the between-scanner variability 5-6 times more than the within-scanner variability (note that rfMRI connectivities exhibited bias in the range 15%-275% and are off-scale in these plots, and therefore omitted). Subsequently, we used the data to evaluate existing harmonisation approaches, using the within-scanner variability as a baseline. Figure 5 shows how variability from Freesurfer-derived cortical regional volumes,harmonised by Neuroharmony and ComBat, compare to unharmonised between-scanner variability and within-scanner repeats for the same subjects. Both harmonisation approaches reduce the initial between-scanner variability (median=0.074) in the considered features, with ComBat (median=0.051) more than Neuroharmony (median=0.073). Even so, they are still considerably higher than within-scanner variability (median=0.027).


We have presented a unique resource, based on a travelling-heads paradigm, aimed at multi-modal neuroimaging data harmonisation. This can map the extent of the between-scanner non-biological variability for various neuroimaging features and assess different harmonisation methods.


A.N. is supported by funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) [ONBI CDT, EP/L016052/1]. S.S. is supported by an ERC Consolidator grant (101000969). Scans were partially funded by the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and WIN (Wellcome Trust Center grant -203139/Z/16/Z). The computations were performed using the University of Nottingham’s Augusta HPC service and the Precision Imaging Beacon Cluster.


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Figure 1: (A) Overview of overall acquisition strategy. Multi-modal neuroimaging data are obtained from healthy participants scanned in 6 different scanners. (B) Summary of main acquisition parameters for five neuroimaging modalities.

Figure 2: Overview of the features extracted from each modality. The data from each modality were processed using a modified version of the UK biobank pipeline to obtain a comprehensive set of imaging features across all scanning sessions.

Figure 3: Heatmap of Image quality metrics (IQM) for each scanner for anatomical/diffusion/functional MRI data. Each IQM has been averaged across the 10 subjects within-scanner, and afterwards z-scored across the 6 scanners. *Single-shell data was acquired on the GE scanner, hence the two empty entries.

Figure 4: Plots showing the relative variability of imaging-derived measures comparing the median (A) and interquartile range (B) of between-scanner measurements for 6 different scanners to the 6 within-scanner measurements. The plots depict the trends averaged over the 4 subjects for which within-scanner repeats were acquired.

Figure 5: The effect of harmonising multi-site data with ComBat and Neuroharmony on variability of ~100 Freesurfer-derived cortical volumes, for a single subject (A) and an average of 4 subjects (B). For each subject and volume, a coefficient of variation(COV) of that volume is computed against 6 repeats (within-scanner or between-scanner), pre-harmonisation. Post-harmonisation, COVs depict the harmonised between-scanner repeats. Violin plots show the distribution of these COVs, for each case.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/1912