Anna V Naumova1 and William S Kerwin1
1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
A new straight forward approach for rapid and robust
quantification of myocardial circumferential strain has been developed. The key
to this method is placement of the linear tags in 60-degree pattern offsets and
alignment of the tags with the AHA segments for optimized segmental analysis.
The approach has been implemented for the first time for evaluation of the human
cardiomyocyte transplantation benefits in the infarcted pig heart. We have
shown the temporal changes in circumferential strain and strain rate of the infarcted
segments of myocardium and recovery of myocardial strain followed human cardiomyocyte
transplantation in comparison with untreated control group.
Recent studies have shown that intramyocardial
delivery of human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CM) improved
global left ventricle (LV) function and decreased remodeling after myocardial
infarction (MI) of the hearts of non-human primates 1,2. Regional
LV function of the infarcted heart after hESC-CM has not been explored. MR
tagging technique is the non-invasive method for assessment of regional
myocardial deformation. However, orthogonal orientation of tagging lines lack
sensitivity and produce artifacts when the tagging pattern is tangential to the
heart wall. Aim of the study was to develop a new rapid method for assessment
of the regional myocardial deformation from MRI tagging images and to test the
robustness of this technique for evaluation of the cell transplantation
benefits in the large animal model of myocardial infarction.Methods
Animals. 13 castrated young male Yucatan
minipigs weighing between 30-40 kg were included unto the study. Myocardial
infarction (MI) was modeled using percutaneous ischemia/reperfusion 3.
CMRI acquisition. In vivo cardiac MRI studies
were conducted on a 3T Ingenia CX clinical scanner (Philips, Best, Netherlands)
at the different time points: on healthy animals before MI modeling and then at
2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks after MI. During the scan, the animals were sedated
with a combination of Butorphanol, Acepromazine and Ketamine administered
intramuscularly. Animals were then
intubated and mechanically ventilated using Isoflurane and oxygen to maintain a
surgical plane of anesthesia during the scan. CMRI protocol included a balanced
turbo field echo (bTFE) cine sequence for assessment of the heart contractility;
complimentary spatial modulation of magnetization (SCPAMM) sequence was used
for tagging imaging; late gadolinium enhancement scan with phase-sensitive
inversion recovery (PSIR) pulse sequence was used for measuring of the infarct
size. Tagging lines were placed in the short axis of the heart tangential to
the heart wall with 60-degree shift to each other and were aligned with the
standard AHA segments (Figure 1). The parameters of the SCPAMM sequence were
the following: TR 5.8ms; TE 3.5 ms; flip angle 10 degree; field of view 350x350
mm; slice thickness 8 mm; image resolution 1.1x1.1 mm; 3 mm tag separation. All
acquisitions were done with 1 signal average and breath hold.
Tagging analysis. A new
image processing technique for rapid analysis of tagged CMR images uses isolated
spectral peaks in SCPAMM-tagged images, which contain information about cardiac
motion. Frequency is estimated by local Fourier transformation (Figure 2). Custom-written
MATLAB software analyzes circumferential shortening in the zones of
circumferential sensitivity as shown in the figure 2. Measurements were
combined geometrically for areas of overlap between patterns. Global as well as
regional strain and strain rate in six AHA segments of one short-axis slice
were measured.
Analysis. Statistical analyses
were carried out in Excel software for Windows (Microsoft Inc., Redmond, WA,
USA). Results
There was a decrease in circumferential strain (CS) and
increase in CS rate in infarcted segments of the pig heart (Tables 1, 2). Specifically, CS
decreased from 5.2±2.3% to 2.9±2.4% at two weeks after MI (p=0.01) in the
infarct zone localization (AHA segment 2). The compensatory increase in CS was
noticed in the non-infarcted segments 5 and 6 (Figure 3). CS rate increased at
the same segment from 0.35±0.09 s-1 to 0.53±0.42 s-1 (p=0.03). Cell therapy causes increase of the
global and regional CS in all studied time points and decrease in CS rate in
the cell-treated group in comparison with untreated control. Discussion
Three orientations of tags at 60-degrees pattern aligned
with AHA heart segments provide robust assessment of circumferential strain and
strain rate. This new approach is fast and much less noisy than other methods
of tagging analysis, such as HARP that directly use k-space to estimate
“instantaneous” frequency 4. The novel approach was sensitive in
detection of circumferential strain decrease after MI and its recovery after
cell therapy. Statistical significance was not reached in some of the studied time
points because of the small sample size. Conclusion
This study demonstrates a new simple approach for
rapid and robust quantification of myocardial circumferential strain. The key
to this method is placement of the linear tags in 60-degree pattern offsets and
alignment of the tags with the AHA segments for optimized segmental analysis.
This method has been implemented for the first time for evaluation of the human
cardiomyocyte transplantation benefits in the infarcted pig heart. We have
shown the temporal changes in circumferential strain and strain rate of the infarcted
segments of myocardium and recovery of myocardial strain followed human cardiomyocyte
transplantation in comparison with untreated control group. Acknowledgements
We appreciate Lauren E. Neidig, Emily Spaulding and Gary Fye
for pig surgery, help with anesthesia and breath hold technique during CMRI
studies. Dr. Kenta Nakamura for
cell transplantation to the pig heart. Dr. Charles E. Murry for general support and
1. Chong JJ, Wang X, Don CW,
et al. Human embryonic-stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes regenerate non-human
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2. Liu YW, Chen B, Yang X. et
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3. McCall FC, Telukuntla KS,
Karantalis V, et al. Myocardial infarction and intramyocardial injection models
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4. Osman NF, Kerwin WS, McVeigh
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