Inference in imaging-based biophysical modelling provides a principled way of estimating model parameters, but also assessing confidence/uncertainty on results, quantifying noise effects and aiding experimental design. Traditional approaches in neuroimaging can either be very computationally expensive (e.g., Bayesian) or suitable to only certain assumptions (e.g., bootstrapping). We present a simulation-based inference approach to estimate diffusion MRI model parameters and their uncertainty. This novel framework trains a neural network to learn a Bayesian model inversion, allowing inference given unseen data. Results show a high level of agreement with conventional Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo estimates, while offering 2-3 orders of magnitude speed-ups and inference amortisation.
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Fig. 2. Simulation-based inference framework - A. Using the priors P(θ), we can produce parameter proposals θi, simulate the correspondent dMRI dataset xi and use it to train the NPE, that contains the Normalizing Flows embedded, to provide an approximated posterior density Qϕ(^θi|xi). B. The learnt posterior density Qϕ(^θi|xi) is amortised, i.e., if it is trained correctly, it can be used to infer the posterior density of parameters for any new observation xinew.
Fig. 3. Hyper-parameters optimisation - % absolute error between SBI estimates and ground-truth (N=1000 simulated datasets): A comparison between A. different density estimators, and B. different diffusivity priors, . C. Examples of posterior probability distributions returned for a single observation. D. Training metrics: time vs training size (red) and log(probability) in the validation set vs training size (green).
Fig. 4. Simulated data results – Comparison of MCMC (orange) and SBI (blue). A. f1 posterior distributions returned by the MCMC and SBI in a single dataset example. B, C. Scatter plot of MCMC and SBI estimates compared to the ground-truth of mean diffusivity d (B) and volume fraction (C) for low and high SNR levels.
Fig. 5. Brain data results – Estimated mean maps using MCMC (left column) and SBI (middle column) for the diffusivity d (A), volume fraction f1 (B) and fibre orientation (C). The right column shows the scatter plot of the MCMC and SBI estimates for d and f1, and a histogram of the fibre orientation difference expressed in angle degrees. D. Probabilistic tractography of white matter tracts (axial and coronal views).