Adam Berrington1 and I. Betina Ip2
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Functional MRS (fMRS)
is a powerful technique to measure metabolite responses over time. However, noise
and spectral contamination limit the ability to study
individual metabolite time-courses. In this work, we propose to model fMRS spectra as a
superposition of low-rank (L) and sparse components (S). L+S decomposition resulted
in separation of temporally-correlated signal from noise in simulation. In vivo, L+S spectra
had higher SNR compared to original data (P=0.007) and the mean glutamate
time-course, using L+S spectra, was more strongly correlated to stimulus. L+S
decomposition is a promising data-driven method to enhance sensitivity to
dynamic changes in fMRS.
Functional MRS (fMRS) can detect task-induced changes in metabolite
concentrations, such as glutamate (Glu), lactate and GABA1–3. However, spectra are
noise-limited and vary shot-to-shot, thus temporal responses are often analysed
at group-level or over many averages. Low rank plus sparse (L+S) decomposition can
extract variation from corrupted data by decomposing them into slow-varying, temporally-correlated
(low-rank) plus uncorrelated (sparse) components4 and has been applied in
MR, e.g. in cardiac motion5,6 and dynamic
reconstruction7. In this work, we propose
using an L+S approach to improve sensitivity to underlying signal changes in
fMRS. We optimise the approach in simulation and then apply it in a real in
vivo fMRS dataset.Theory
Spectral vectors of length $$$[N_p \times 1]$$$ from $$$N_t$$$ transients are concatenated into
a $$$[N_p \times N_t]$$$ complex data matrix $$$M$$$, which is decomposed into a superposition of low-rank
($$$L$$$) plus sparse ($$$S$$$) components, such that $$$M = L+S$$$. Suitable $$$L$$$, $$$S$$$ matrices are found
by solving4,
$$ \min_{L,S} ||L||_{*} + \lambda ||S||_{1} \quad \textrm{s.t.} \quad M = L + S $$
where $$$||L||_{*}$$$ is the sum of singular values and $$$||S||_{1}$$$ is the $$$\ell^{1}$$$-norm. The regularization
parameter, $$$\lambda$$$, controls the relative contribution
of $$$S$$$ in the $$$L+S$$$ solution. We use an algorithmic solution to the above minimisation based on
principle-component pursuit4, such that,
$$ \min_{L,S} \frac{1}{2} ||L+S-M||^{2}_{2} + \lambda ||S||_{1} \quad \textrm{s.t.} \quad \textrm{rank}(L)=k $$
where the first term ensures data consistency6. To solve, singular-value-decomposition
(SVD) is applied to obtain rank-$$$k$$$ estimates for $$$L$$$ and then $$$S$$$ is updated using sparse
thresholding4. In this work, the
combined solution ($$$L+S$$$) is desired to capture any static or temporally-correlated low-rank signals ($$$L$$$) plus any novel shot-to-shot metabolite variation ($$$S$$$).Methods
The algorithm was implemented in Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, MA) and was adapted from
available code6,8. At each iteration, $$$k$$$, was
increased until the contribution of the final singular vector fell below a
threshold, $$$\epsilon$$$= 0.001. The algorithm was
initialized with $$$k=1$$$ and ran until convergence or for a maximum of 100
Performance was assessed using a simulated block-design paradigm (OFF-ON)
x 2 (Fig. 1A). The
experiment comprised of 256 identical spectra, simulated using a density-matrix
approach (STEAM, 7 T, TE = 14ms, $$$N_p$$$ = 2048) with measured macromolecular baseline
signal and scaled using literature values9. The concentration of glutamate
was increased 5% during ON periods. 6 fMRS experiments were simulated with random
Gaussian noise (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64) dB added to each transient. The effect of
regularization parameter, $$$\lambda$$$, on the accuracy of the
reconstructed $$$L+S$$$ spectra was measured using the RMSE from ground truth ($$$G$$$)
‘noiseless’ case over $$$\lambda$$$ = 10$$$^{-5}$$$ to 1.
In vivo
The L+S algorithm was applied to an existing fMRS dataset10 of 13 healthy volunteers
who underwent visual stimulation with a repeated block design (OFF-ON, block
duration = 64s) x 4. MRS data were acquired using semi-LASER ($$$N_t$$$ = 128, TE/TR =
36ms/4s, 7 T). Spectra were firstly aligned and phase corrected.
For each subject, individual transients of $$$M$$$ and $$$L+S$$$ were fit with LCModel11. A moving average (window
= 8) was applied to measured Glu concentrations (% change) to
generate time-series, which were cross-correlated to the stimulus paradigm. No linewidth corrections were applied. Significance threshold was set to
The reconstruction of $$$L$$$, $$$S$$$ and $$$L+S$$$ spectra from simulated data are shown in Fig 1B. $$$L$$$ was observed to contain correlated background
signal, whereas noise dominated the sparse component ($$$S$$$) for small values of $$$\lambda$$$. A
cut-off value of $$$\lambda_{\textrm{opt}}$$$ ≥ 0.2 was found to minimise the RMSE of the combined $$$L+S$$$ solution from ground-truth ($$$G$$$) across all noise values in simulations (Fig. 2).
When applying the algorithm to in
vivo fMRS data (Fig. 3A),
mean spectral SNR was significantly higher for $$$L+S$$$ spectra than for the original
data (40±12 vs 29±5, P=0.007, Fig. 3B). The rank of $$$L$$$ was 64±16 on average and $$$S$$$ was zero for $$$\lambda_{\textrm{opt}}$$$ = 0.2 (Fig. 3).
Fig 4A shows the glutamate concentration
after fitting each transient and applying the sliding window
analysis in one subject (P01). Several datasets resulted in periodic Glu time-courses
using $$$M$$$ and $$$L+S$$$ data. The mean Glu time-course over 13 subjects correlated
more strongly to the stimulus using $$$L+S$$$ (ρ=0.73) compared
to $$$M$$$ (ρ=0.64), although
both were highly significant (P<10$$$^{-15}$$$). A Glu increase in the first
stimulation period was visible using $$$L+S$$$ and was not present using the original
data (Fig. 4B).Discussion & Conclusion
The proposed L+S approach resulted in higher SNR spectra by removing
noise contribution, and led to a stronger correlation between the mean
glutamate time-course and stimulus in vivo. The use of L+S may capture temporally
correlated background- and novel signal in each shot (Fig. 1). However, optimisation
in simulations (Fig. 2) led to L+S solutions with negligible sparse components (Fig.
3A), thus changes in L+S spectra were purely driven by low-rank approximation.
Future work will consider fitting $$$L$$$ and $$$S$$$ components separately and improving
sparse representations of dynamic signal changes compared to noise. L+S represents a powerful data-driven approach to explore signal
dynamics over the course of an fMRS experiment.Acknowledgements
AB would like to acknowledge support of a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship. IBI is funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship (DHF\R1\201141).References
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