Bomin Kim1, Geun Young Lee2, and Sung-Hong Park1
1Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Deparment of Radiology, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Diagnosing stages of osteonecrosis of the
femoral head (ONFH) based on MR images can reduce additional cost and radiation
exposure caused by CT scan. We propose a deep learning network that enables
4-way classification of ONFH stages, utilizing the information from MR images
with different contrasts and planes. Given the limited number of available
data, we enhanced the network performance by using self-supervised learning
based on MR-to-CT translation task, which increased AUC significantly. We also
investigated the diagnostic results from different MR protocols, and obtained more
precise and robust results by combining them.
Osteonecrosis of the femoral
head (ONFH) is a disabling pathology that is the most important cause of total
hip anthroplasty1. MRI is
the first diagnostic imaging modality for ONFH due to its high sensitivity in
early diagnosis. CT shows superiority in more advanced stages, but needs
additional cost and radiation exposure. An automated MR-only ONFH diagnosing
system using deep learning can alleviate those problems. However, deep learning
methods require a large amount of data, which is hard to obtain in medical
domain. In this work, we suggest to mitigate this issue by using
self-supervised learning based on MR-to-CT translation task. We claim that
deep-learning based MR-only ONFH staging with only a small number of data can
be done via self-supervised learning, which is our major contribution. In addition,
we introduce an effective way to extract femoral head (FH) regions from pelvic MR
images and explore the use of MR images with different contrasts and planes,
which has not been explored yet.Method
Data Preparation and Preprocessing
images with 4 different protocols (T1COR TSE, T2DixonWCOR TSE, T1AXI TSE, T2SAG
TSE) and CT images were obtained from 48 patients and categorized to 4 levels
based on ARCO staging
Every MR and CT image was first aligned
with each other using SimpleITK library and then cropped to two 16×80×80 shaped
patches containing FH region. Left FH images were horizontally flipped. This
process minimized the manual selection process of region-of-interest. Some data
such as those with misalignment or total hip anthroplasty were excluded, thus the
number of hips in each protocol varied from 78 to 87. All of them were used for
self-supervised learning and about half of them (39 hips) were used for staging
(Figure 1).
Overall Process
The overall process is composed of three steps:
1) self-supervised learning, 2) staging (Figure 2) and 3) combining (Figure 3). Due to
the lack of annotated data, it was difficult to train the network for staging
from the scratch. Self-supervised learning aims to learn the feature
representations without manually annotated data. We built an encoder-decoder
network that performed MR-to-CT translation. Since paired MR-CT images are
relatively easy to collect, we can utilize more amount of data that require no
manual annotations. We used U-net3 as a backbone network, and the encoder part
followed the VGG-114 architecture.
After training the translation network, the
encoder part was extracted and used as a feature embedding network for staging.
A convolutional neural network took the feature embedding of each input image that
came from the encoder and performed a 4-way classification. The output was the
probability distribution for each stage. The number of training data in this
step was much smaller than the previous step.
Both steps were performed for each MR
protocol. In other words, 4 different networks were trained separately and
output 4 different staging results. These outputs were than combined via
soft-voting, which simply took the average of the predicted distributions, similar
to ensemble learning that combines the predictions from different networks.
each imaging protocol, we trained two types of classifiers: 1) Scratch: model trained
from scratch (fully train the classifier) and 2) Self-supervised: model with
self-supervised learning (adapt weights learned from translation network). In
addition, we trained two more models that used all data for training
classifiers – namely, Scratch_all and Self-supervised_all - to see the effect
of representation learning of self-supervised learning. In this case, the
number of data used in training classifier was the same as that used in
self-supervised learning.
Training and Evaluation
For every task, the dataset was divided
into train, validation and test sets without overlapping. We used leave-one-out
validation due to the lack of data. Area under the curve (AUC) was reported for
evaluation of classification models.Result & Discussion
4 shows the result for the four different models. Self-supervised learning
significantly improved performance when more data was available (Scratch and Self-supervised – red colored), and even when the number of data
was same (Scratch_all and Self-supervised_all – blue colored).
implies translation-based self-supervised learning can mitigate the data
deficiency issue and/or improve model performance when the number of data is sufficient.
The final staging result was obtained by combining all four probability distributions from each protocol, resulting in AUC of 0.81, which was better than AUCs of all individual models. This might come from the different class-wise sensitivity of each protocol. As shown in Figure 5, the AUC for each stage varied among the input protocols. Therefore more precise and robust results can be obtained by combining the outputs obtained from various protocols. While simple soft voting was used for the combination, the results may be further improved by more complex methods such as linear classifiers.Conclusion
Our results show that translation-based self-supervised learning can provide a powerful way to learn representations for MR-only ONFH diagnosis when number of labeled data is not enough. The performance of the networks varied across different contrasts and planes. The networks can be combined together for better performance for predicting the ARCO stage of ONFH (0.81 AUC). The proposed approaches may be generalized in diagnosing other diseases as well. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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