2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) is a glucose analog widely used in FDG-PET imaging as a biological tracer of glucose uptake. This study innovatively redirects its application in 2H NMR by using a deuterated version of 2-DG (2-DG-d2) and explores its imaging potential in mapping glucose uptake without ionizing radiation. A workflow is described here regarding multi-band RF pulse design and bSSFP sequence optimization, which enables a rapid 2H imaging with high sensitivity. Both in vitro and in vivo imaging results have validated the pulse sequence’s specificity and sensitivity of detecting 2-DG-d2 with high spatial resolution, inspiring its further implementation in the future.
This work was supported by research grants: R01AG064170, R01NS102156, and R61NS115132. Sincere appreciation to Dr. Tan from Sigma-Aldrich® ISOTEC for assistance in synthesizing the 2-deoxy-d-glucose-2,2-d2 samples.
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(A) Spectrum of 30mM 2-DG-d2 (dissolved in 1xPBS) acquired at 18.8Tesla, showing the two doublets of 2-DG-d2 located ~2.9ppm away from HDO. (B) The metabolic fate of 2-DG, a glucose analog. 2DG is trapped inside cell post phosphorylation and cannot undergo downstream glycolysis. The absence of metabolic products provides a sparse spectral profile for in vivo studies, eliminating the need for high-resolution spectral encoding.
(A) A multi-band spectrally-selective RF pulse for 2-DG-d2 was generated from CVX5. The resolved pulse solution has a duration of 6ms and a peak amplitude of 0.47G. (B) Theoretical spectral response. (C) T1/ T2 of a 1M 2-DG-d2 phantom at 14.1T (HDO=320ms/78ms, 2-DG-d2 = 47ms/47ms). (D) A Bloch simulation of the bSSFP signal response using the spectrally-selective pulse, TR/TE=9ms/4.5ms. An optimal FA=60o secures the highest average signal intensity from 2-DG-d2 bandwidth (>500-fold higher than HDO). Phase is consistent across the 2-DG-d2 bandwidth.
(A) 1H image and 2H 2D-CSI overlay of two phantoms containing 10mM (left) and 100mM (right) 2-DG-d2. (B) 2H spectra from the red box on the left, acquired using a non-selective hard pulse (red) and a spectrally-selective pulse (blue), where only 2-DG-d2 peak was detected (C) bSSFP 3D-GRE with spectrally-selective pulse provides enough sensitivity to detect 2-DG-d2 signal from the 10mM phantom.
(A) 1H image of a healthy mouse brain that did not receive a 2-DG-d2 injection, overlaid with a grid of 2H 2D-CSI (TR/TE=1000ms/4ms, FA=90o, readout=51ms, SW=10kHz, matrix size=8x8, voxel size =2.5x2.5mm3, NEX=20, total scan time = 21m20s). (B) 2H spectra from the red box on the left, acquired using a non-selective hard pulse (red) and a spectrally-selective pulse (blue). HDO peak can only be detected from hard pulse result; HDO signal from selective pulse result is under noise floor, validating the spectral selectivity of the multiband 2-DG-d2 RF pulse in vivo.
(A) 1H image of a healthy mouse brain and (B) the corresponding heatmap acquired 140min after 2-DG-d2 injection using a 2H bSSFP 3D-GRE with spectrally-selective pulse. 4x zero-filling and 10dB Gaussian filtering were applied for post-processing. (C) & (D) Same 1H and 2H scans from a healthy mouse without receiving 2-DG-d2 injection, where 2-DG-d2 signal is below the noise floor. A significant SNR difference in ROIbrain between 2-DG-d2 and control animals confirms the pulse sequence’s specificity to 2-DG-d2 in vivo.