We propose a novel slice-GRAPPA reconstruction algorithm, termed multi-kernel slice-GRAPPA (mks-GRAPPA), to tackle the challenge of reconstructing high spatial resolution segmented multi-shot EPI data for fMRI. This is particularly relevant for the recently proposed Variable-Flip-Angle “FLEET” pulse sequence. For a segmentation factor, S, by training 2×S slice-GRAPPA kernels, rather than one, we demonstrate significant improvements in image quality metrics under a wide range of protocols. The multitude of kernels account for static signal discontinuities within and across segments in multi-shot EPI. In the SNR starved regime of high-res fMRI, mks-GRAPPA allows us to recover a significant portion of lost tSNR.
This work was supported in part by the CIHR (MFE-164755), the NIH NIBIB (grants P41-EB030006, R01-EB019437, R01-EB016695), by the BRAIN Initiative (NIH NIMH grants R01-MH111419 and R01-MH111438, and NIBIB grant U01-EB025162), and by the MGH/HST Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging; and was made possible by the resources provided by NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants S10-RR023043, S10-RR019371, and S10-OD023637.
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Fig. 1: (a) VFA-FLEET pulse sequence schematic depicting the acquisition of all segments for a given slice group consecutively. (b) The slice-GRAPPA training and image reconstruction pipeline, including tailored slice-specific ghost corrections. (c) Justification of the 2S multi-kernel coverage for multi-shot EPI demonstrated for single-shot, two-shot, and three-shot acquisitions. Shots are represented by different line colours; readout polarities are horizontally offset from each other. A three-line kernel is shown, but this applies to any odd-sized kernel.
Fig. 2: Animated gif of images from single-kernel slice-GRAPPA or mks-GRAPPA (multi-kernel). The mean, standard deviation (SD), and tSNR across 60 repetitions are displayed from left to right in the top section (alternating between single- and multi-kernel). The ratio of the multi-kernel to single-kernel mean, SD, and tSNR are displayed below. Acquisition parameters are displayed above.
Fig. 3: Comparison of whole-brain normalized RMSE (NRMSE) (a), slice leakage (b), and tSNR (c) between single-kernel (x-axes) and multi-kernel (y-axes) slice-GRAPPA reconstructions. Includes six different protocols acquired at 0.8 mm isotropic in two subjects (blue and orange markers). The combinations of S/R/MB were 2/3/2, 3/2/3, 3/2/2. And for each S/R/MB combination, a smaller slice FOV (30–42 slices) and a larger slice FOV (50–78 slices) were acquired. The dashed lines represent lines of unity.
Fig. 4: Animated gif of BOLD activation to a breath-hold challenge alternating between the single- and mks-GRAPPA reconstructions. (left) Uncorrected z-statistic maps (z>2.3) overlayed on the corresponding mean reconstructed images. (right) Unthresholded z-statistic maps. The green arrow in the bottom right shows a region of presumably erroneous, yet coherent, sub-threshold activation in the single-kernel images. This likely arises from unresolved aliasing across slices. The stimulus paradigm consisted of four blocks of 36 s breathing and 15 s breath-hold.
Fig. 5: Animated gif of Ferumoxytol-enhanced Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV)-weighted images from single-kernel slice-GRAPPA or mks-GRAPPA (multi-kernel). The mean, standard deviation (SD), and tSNR across 60 repetitions are displayed from left to right in the top section (alternating between single- and multi-kernel). The ratios of the multi-kernel to single-kernel maps are displayed below. Acquisition parameters are displayed above. Note how the combination of S = 3 and R = 4 (i.e., 12-fold undersampling per shot) was used to achieve a reduced TE of 14 ms, with no partial Fourier.