Using a comprehensive multimodal quantitative MRI protocol, we study the relationships between different microstructural metrics inside lesional tissue and investigate the heterogeneous pathological processes underlying alterations visible as hyperintense plaques in FLAIR images. Our preliminary results suggest that, although all the metrics can detect differences between lesions and normal appearing white matter, not all are directly associated with clinical status. Moreover, many metrics are intercorrelated and should not be considered as independent information when analyzing clinical outcomes. Understanding the clinical value of these parameters can advance the understanding of complex microstructural processes in neurological diseases and informs MRI protocol designs.
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Figure 1: Acquired images on the left and reconstructed microstructural maps used in our protocol. FLAIR images served for lesions segmentation; MP2RAGE to derive averaged T1 and T1 z-scores maps, dMRIs to fit the NODDI and SMT models; mcGRASE to derive myelin, free water and intra+extra axonal water fraction maps as well as averaged intra+extra axonal T2 using multi-compartment T2 modelling.
Table 1: Results of generalised Linear Model for repeated measures accounting for age, sex and phenotype as confounding factor. Statistically significant results after Bonferroni correction are highlighted in bold.
Table 2: Summary of the regression results to identify associations between the microstructural metrics of different models. For each entry, r is the Pearson’s coefficient and R^2=r2. Values highlighted in bold are those resulted in medium or strong association accounting for Cohen’s effect size and are also shown as scatter plots in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Scatter plots of strong relationships between microstructural metrics highlighted in Table 2. Points are color-coded by phenotype (RR=relapsing-remitting, PP=primary progressive, SP=secondary progressive) and marked differently for each subject involved in our study. Overall regression line is displayed in black with 95% confidence interval in grey.
Table 3: Partial correlations between microstructural metrics and the expanded disability status score (EDSS), accounting for age, sex and phenotype as confounding factors. Statistically significant results are highlighted in bold.